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Everything posted by frostblooded

  1. I think you got banned cuz it was unfair, YOU have to find the base on your own.
  2. and there are alot of problems with spawn killing and also spamming rage
  3. Umm ya I have been on ALL day playing with my brother beauch i even say u online your stijnhero i beleive im allied with _Walrus too so ya I have played for a few days
  4. ummmmmmmm I play on your server all the time first of all and we all play on other servers man.
  5. yo have you looked at my app? i never got a reply
  6. yo im kinda still waiting for rely to mod app :/ there are people after me who got replies and its been a week still working on it?
  7. Yo ok so I was in the regular world when I hit /spawn to go see what the new spawn was like and so it tps me and I fall out of the world instead! Wtf and no one does anything abt it. I'm not raging but I'm a little upset after spending a long time getting my stuff and then losing it by going to spawn I mean come on unfair. All I got as a response was zombie clown saying its lag deal with it nothing he can do. I thought staff were supposed to be helpful :/ this is what I wanted to do is there anyone who can help me? It may seem like I don't have much but the stuff I had is annoying to get back.
  8. and yall this is a great server so you can go post somewhere else please
  9. yo wireless I have been on server alot and u never got back to me abt my app btw i forgot to mention in it I have been admin and mod before if that helps
  10. aww i like clans LOL and hey wireless would u consider me to help u with as in be a mod and stuff? i can help u build a awesome spawn i got in this server once for elite builders and learned so much that made me be an admin on another tekkit server.
  11. (1. IGN:frostblooded (2. Age:17 (3. First time joined the server:1-9-13 at 7: 25 P.M. EST (4. Why do you want to be a mod:Because I believe I can help this server out in becoming the best it can be! (5. What do you think that makes you a good moderator:Well I have been admin on several tekkit servers since I have played the mod since it came out. When i heard about voltz I wanted to jump right in! I have grown more knowledgeable about the mod every second! I can help out n anyway you need.
  12. and sorry for asking vanilla, but what is that picture of? XD
  13. Name:Garrett Beach Username:Frostblooded Time Zone:EST Country:USA Age:17 E-MAIL:[email protected] Why We Should Pick You:I love minecraft and tekkit. I have played it since the mod came out and the game longer. I always cooperate with anyone. Also I have learned quite a bit about Voltz and was so excited to see a new game. Please consider me as you will see me on the server very soon because I will at least want to play.
  14. hey I WOULD LOVE TO JOIN i have been looking for a fun roleplay server to be on :D
  15. ey i messaged you but havent goten a reply whats up?
  16. Dude I have played tekkit since it came out and recently got into roleplay, if this server is still relatively new and you want new people, I would love to join. I have all com programs and am cooperative. Lemme know ill msg u on skype or add you or whatever you need me to do. IGN: frostblooded
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