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Everything posted by frostblooded

  1. hey i submitted my app through the app email thingy when will it be reveiwed? i sent it a long time ago still waiting :/
  2. In-Game Name: Frostblooded my brother's name is Beauch (pronounced beach) Age: I am 17 and my brother is 12, dont worry he doesnt say much and isnt annoying. He just follows me Experience with Tekkit: I have played since tekkit came out I know pretty much everything. As i said my brother just does what i say lol. I can help out in anyway with tekkit since i know quite alot about it. Did you read the rules?: yes I did personal whitelist:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/12e47d7ed5c121c412451d275f0b1827bcb040d8 Frostblooded MCBans 1 bans MCBouncer No bans found Glizer No bans found Minebans No bans Beauch MCBans No bans found MCBouncer No bans found Glizer No bans found Minebans No bans And yes it says frostblooded has 1 ban. This is becuase this is not my account, it's my freinds who quit playing after he raged and got banned. It was very silly but thankfully he gave me his account . so now i want to let my brother use my account which has no bans and ill use my freind's account he gave me. BTW i was a moderator on the server my freind got banned from XD it was very funny now that i think about it. I alsohave been a admin on a different server i last played on. This is my replacement server :D
  3. AGE:-16 (brother is 11 IGN:-Frostblooded (brother is beauch) Minecraft/Tekkit experience:-I have played this mod since it came out i know practically everything adn if you guys are new to tekkit i can help you out tremendously. My bro is cool and just does what i say this app is for him as well. Hope you acccept us i think i might be able to help u guys out alot Extra information is always appreciated: Im a guy who LOVES girls and tekkit lol. I tend to be cool most of the time but get very mad when someone trolls me its just not cool. Im looking for a server to play on since my old one i hav played on for a very long time has been put down . I am a moderator on a regular minecraft server and a admin on the old tekkit server.
  4. lol morgana op man lol and im on NA of course whats ur ign? mine is cloud417
  5. In game name:Frostblooded ( Cathy_nor is my girlfrend she wants to play too) Age: Both 16 Time playing Tekkit: I have played since tekkit came out and she does her thing Have you been banned: (dont lie we will find out) Nope never banned, only kicked for reasons that were later solved. Why would you like to play on this server: To build amazing stuff be freindly and have nooo greiffingggg XD
  6. IGN:Frostblooded ( and Cathy_nor is my girlfreind she wants to play too) Age:Both 16 Experience: I have played tekkit since it came out and well she.....gets by Kind of thing you are wanting to build: A industry tht is freaking amazing! Daily amount of time you expect to spend on server: whenever we can during the week or on weekends. How long will you expect to play on the server (days,weeks,months?):as long as its up
  7. anyone know the forum name? i applied btw thoruhg the email thingy
  8. i did but i didnt seee that it wa a request to go to him i thought he was tping to me
  9. Sry guys i quit becuase OF FAGGGOTS LIKE MIKEBRINE OR SOME SHIT NEED TO SAY HTEY WANT TO TRADE WITH PEOPLE THEN THEY KILL THEM!!!!!!! FK U MIKE! sorry deadly ill miss u and file u too. OTHER ADMIN THT WAS ONLINE MUTED ME CUZ I WAS SAYIN TO GIVE MY STuFF BACK! like wtf i said he wanted to trade then he kills me and the admin does NOTHING! that is dumb and if tht is how you run a server this is not a server i want to be part of with people like this.
  10. 1: IGN? Frostblooded 2: Reason For Joining? Bored of people with no lives who troll on open servers 3: Would You Ever Consider Donating? Probably not sorry 4: Have You Voted At http://minestatus.net/50325-legittekkit ? Yes Age: 16
  11. Ok are people allowed to TP you to thier base to show u it when ur allies then enem u and kill u ? I mean really thts not cool this guys xXshu something from DiamondCo factions did it to me and I lost everything I ever worked for so now i pretty much quit unless someone wants to help me out :(
  12. Hey is there no rule to blowing up people entire lil house area in the faction while they arent online? I mean cmon the map just started i just joined my kinda known by some people and by Deadly and Someone really feels the need to blow up everything i just got???? cmon people I mean at least fight me when im online man. SOrry Deadly your sign u put in my house is blown up with evrything else to :(
  13. ya bro whats up? u gone or somtin?

  14. Title: Dark Matter Pick Bug Version: 3.1.1 OS: Windows Java Version: Latest Description of Problem: When you right click while flying with Swift Wolf Rnding Gale RIng. It just makes the ores disapear and you get nothing. Is this a problem? Error Messages: Error Log:
  15. Played Tekkit Since it came out :) <3

    1. frostblooded


      funny how i just got into this site though lol

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