In-Game Name: Frostblooded my brother's name is Beauch (pronounced beach)
Age: I am 17 and my brother is 12, dont worry he doesnt say much and isnt annoying. He just follows me
Experience with Tekkit: I have played since tekkit came out I know pretty much everything. As i said my brother just does what i say lol. I can help out in anyway with tekkit since i know quite alot about it.
Did you read the rules?: yes I did
personal whitelist:
1 bans
No bans found
No bans found
No bans
No bans found
No bans found
No bans found
No bans
And yes it says frostblooded has 1 ban. This is becuase this is not my account, it's my freinds who quit playing after he raged and got banned. It was very silly but thankfully he gave me his account . so now i want to let my brother use my account which has no bans and ill use my freind's account he gave me. BTW i was a moderator on the server my freind got banned from XD it was very funny now that i think about it. I alsohave been a admin on a different server i last played on. This is my replacement server :D