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Everything posted by saintnicster

  1. Whoops for phrasing on that sentance. i speeek englush gud.
  2. I was going to say that was the cause. Digging through the IC2 wiki has revealed a bigger detail. http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Mining_Laser I usually only notice the effect on low power, but that's probably because you only targeting one block at a time, and if you're lucky, the laser normally only destroys the cobble.
  3. Why does (seemingly) no one know that you can get 2 extra cables by substituting Silver for Redstone @_@ http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Glass_Fibre There are far less uses for Silver ingots than there are uses for redstone -.-
  4. What setting is the laser on?
  5. Always use tin cable when dealing with Solar Panels, IC Wind Mills, and Water Mills. Solar Panels only generate 1 EU/t, and the .2 EU/t energy loss deals with individual energy packets, not your combined energy generation.
  6. There are threads in the launcher section that had examples of scripts that you could run to force the launcher to use 1.6. Happy Hunting!
  7. You are still running Java 7 on Mac. Stop that!
  8. No. Teach a man to fish, blah blah blah. Use your brain and think about it for two seconds to a minute. Notice the major divisions with the boards. What areas can you rule out as not being applicable. Think "Hmm, would this be covered in the LP section? Random art? Server advertisments? Or is this a more specific issue? Is it an issue with Tekkit itself, or could it be an issue with the launcher?" You also need to look at _all_ the messages being produced, not just those in the log itself. Not everyone knows to look there. Deductive reasoning skills are your friend and will help you from being just another fucking leach on these forums. EDIT - added unseen quote
  9. The average user >.> Sorry!
  10. Iron Chests doesn't require anything besides Forge. FML is the Forge Mod Loader. It is a replacement for ModLoader, and has a bit of backwards compatibility. You don't need both.
  11. This isn't related at all. Also, there are about 5 other topics with the same error message on it that you could have leached onto.
  12. The Technic/Tekkit user's mantra.
  13. Thermopiles have a very low yield. I really only use them to augment the output of Blutricity Solar Panels. Also, be sure that you're outputting the power into a Battery Box, and then to your devices. The devices themselves have a smaller power storage, so you won't maximize the power generation over time.
  14. 1. Uninstall Java 7 2. Reboot 3. Try running Technic (or any other Java-based app bundle). At this point, OS X should probably say "Hey! You don't have Java downloaded. We'll download it from System Update for you".
  15. https://github.com/TechnicPack/Spoutcraft-Launcher/commits/master EDIT - Heh, totally unexpected timing If you hit "reply" on different posts, it will append each of the quote blocks to the new post
  16. The downside to MultiMC in relation to Technic is that you still have to manually download and update the mods in the pack. MultiMC only allows you to easily export your config options and the mod list.
  17. Grab a new version of the exe from minecraft.net. Also, if you're running your own mod installs, you should probably be using a custom (better?) launcher/organizer like MultiMC. A lot easier to manage things, and it will by default, not update minecraft unless you tell it to.
  18. And like that, 1.4.1 has been pre-released with some last minute bug fixes. http://www.mojang.com/2012/10/minecraft-1-4-1-pre-release/ They've also gone ahead and bumped the release date to Thursday. No worries for the modders out there, Searge is already on the case!
  19. Thanks. I seem to remember it requiring that before. The whole domain was at least down for me, for a while.
  20. Pay closer attention to the Stack Trace. The issue is in your railcraft config, not IC2. Tekkit_Server_3.1.2/config/railcraft/railcraft.cfg When I look at that file, block.elevator=212, not 207. Have you updated anything recently? I would recommend pulling a new version of the config files and making sure that they're all right.
  21. Fix what? This isn't your thread, so I have no fucking clue what you are trying to do.
  22. EDIT - Wrong post, I'm an idiot
  23. Except that the flat out say that it is "intended to prepare server admins and mod makers. Searge of the Minecraft Coder Pack has already been informed, as usual." I would directly link the blog post, but now Mojang's site appears to have broken the permalinks. It is the first post on the main blog, here --> http://www.mojang.com/ Github is here https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge Jenkins (build system) is here, whenever their system comes back up http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net/job/forge/ EDIT - Fixed address
  24. MCP and Forge are already updated for 1.4, though it looks like Forge's jenkins system may be down right now
  25. is not a valid answer if you want help from us.
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