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Everything posted by vdubmastertech

  1. I'm denying all of these soley based on YOUR ban history potato_chipz. Also, seeing as how bad yours is, your friends are guilty by association, especially since they didn't make their own applications. [0] => imdeity.com .:. spambot [1] => .:. Griefing (8.11) [2] => .:. griefing lb proof [3] => mc.redskyunited.com .:. Imported local ban [4] => mcs.tuminecraft.com .:. addy [5] => mcs.tuminecraft.com .:. advert&spam [6] => whiskeycraft.net .:. bye [7] => blockaholics.org .:. excessive ban history [8] => .:. hacking, ddos, unbanning himself. [9] => .:. threatening admins. [10] => .:. flying, hacked client. [11] => mc.xhcraft.net .:. hacked client [12] => mc.kohicraft.net .:. glitched honeypot
  2. What version of PEX are you using? Also, explain a little better as to what you mean by "not working"
  3. Can you post your permissions.yml file for what you have so far so I can look at the entire thing? Suspecting it might have something to do with your inheritance tree and where you've placed modifyworld.*
  4. You're good . Added, welcome to DubTekkit. Hope you enjoy the server and talk to you soon!
  5. Added, welcome to DubTekkit! Hope this server fits what you were looking for and you enjoy it.
  6. Since you chose to post this here also, I will just go ahead and quote what I told you on my forums: You were not glitching out, you were not hitting the ground. You were flying forward around the map at the equivalent of speed 10 on CJB for a good 5 minutes, without landing. I would not have banned you if I wasn't 100% sure of what I saw. I don't ban people because I think it's fun. I hate banning people. I wish you could have followed the rules and become part of this community, but unfortunately you didn't. Good luck on your next server. http://dubtekkit.com/forum/post/last/m/7132314/viewthread/4191437-last-few-words#last
  7. If so: Block everything you want blocked from Rank1 using negative nodes in the way that I've already showed you. Next rank, Rank2, add the permissions to use only the items you want unlocked at Rank2. The remaining things you have already blocked in Rank1 will still be blocked for Rank2 via inheritance. So on down the line. Also I would suggest separating your Moderator and Admin groups from the rest and have them on their own inheritance tree. If you still want user to be Moderator or Admin and be apart of your other groups, just add a sub-group to that specific users permissions. Using inheritance like you are is very prone to problems when you mix in Admin and Moderator groups with the rest. It's mainly a problem because it is so confusing and overly complicated when you can just separate those groups into their own inheritance tree.
  8. Actually I just took a closer look at your pastebin again. I'm guess you are "unlocking" things as people rank up?
  9. Starting to really consider starting a "ModifyWorld Help" thread :P
  10. Version 1 try this: - -modifyworld.blocks.(place|interact|destroy).(125-99999.?*) - -modifyworld.items.(craft|have|pickup).(125-256.?*) - -modifyworld.items.(craft|have|pickup).(385-99999.?*) Version 2 try this: If you are wanting them to have interaction with ONLY those things then you don't need the nodes that you have negated with "-". Since you aren't using modifyworld.* at the end of that group like you stated, you don't need to take anything away from that group. Without modifyworld.*, anything you don't have explicitly listed for that group will be blocked. Similar to the version 1 fix, add ".?*" after the last item number in your sequence and get rid of the first 7 nodes that are negated, they aren't needed as stated above. - modifyworld.blocks.(place|interact|destroy).(1-124.?*) - modifyworld.items.(craft|have|pickup|drop|enchant|throw).(1-124.?*) - modifyworld.items.(craft|have|pickup|drop|enchant|throw).(257-384.?*)
  11. For anyone interested I got it working. I had to use item ID "166". For some reason all of the buildcraft pipes use a different ID number with LWC and LogBlock (probably other plugins too) than what shows in my NEI menu. I'm not entirely sure why this is or if one of my plugins is changing this, but honestly I don't really care at this point. It is working using 166 as the item id in the LWC core.yml. Still having issues with teleport pipes though, other users are able to click on locked TP pipes and change the owner to themselves in the GUI of the pipe. I'm sure I'll figure something out, just glad I got them to lock at all.
  12. Both added, welcome to DubTekkit. Hope you enjoy the server!
  13. ALL of the above have been added, welcome all of you to DubTekkit! Also, my apologies for taking so long on some of these. I was stuck at work without a laptop for the last 9 or so hours. I usually like to get to them much quicker.
  14. Thanks for the reply! Still not locking pipes though I've tried with and without an "x" everything else seems to be locking fine, just not the pipes. I have a feeling I'm missing something noobish and embarrassing. :| Here is my config: http://pastebin.com/5ZMJ2p51
  15. I cannot for the life of me get teleport/distribution/diamond pipes to autoregister. I have the exact same config as above and have autoRegister to "private". Even trying to /lock and right click them doesn't work and just breaks the pipe. Any suggestions? ps. using build 737 if that helps http://ci.griefcraft.com/job/LWC/737/
  16. Both have been added. Welcome to DubTekkit, hope you enjoy the server!
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