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Everything posted by vdubmastertech

  1. All of the above have been added. Hope to see you all online soon. :)
  2. DENIED Sorry but you have too many bans on your record (I do check these things people!): From MCBans [0] => mc.pleduc.nl .:. spambot [1] => .:. fly mod [2] => .:. fly hacking [3] => mc.mycreeper.net .:. to many bans [4] => smp.mintyfreshcreepers.net .:. spamming [5] => ddd.no-ip.info:25565 .:. Griefing [6] => .:. Greif I also see that you run your own server, I don't think you'll be too upset at me turning you down :|
  3. Added, welcome to DubTekkit. Can't wait to see what you'll build on the server!
  4. Both added, welcome to DubTekkit. Looking forward to having both of you on the server!
  5. Added, welcome to DubTekkit. I hope you'll enjoy the server :)
  6. TaerAtrin I completely missed this, sorry. :| 1) Yes they are completely unavailable, if you aren't supposed to have them at your rank, you won't be able to craft/place/break/use them at all. 2) I can just add them. I know you got on earlier today, but if you come back on and you want to add friends, you can just give me their names and I'll add them. No need for the whitelist app in that case. Not sure how you felt about the server, but hope to see you back on!
  7. All of the above added. Welcome to DubTekkit, hope you enjoy the server as much as I enjoy running it. :)
  8. The #1 thing to remember about modifyworld is you NEED to have modifyworld.* AFTER everything else. I always put it at the bottom of my permissions. If you don't have modifyworld.* it is essentially blocking you from placing anything that you don't have specific permission for. Also remember the way permissionex does permissions checks. It is always from top to bottom. Meaning it checks the permission at the top of the list first and then so on down the line. That is why you put modifyworld.* at the bottom of all of your other modifyworld permission nodes. I should also note that contrary to my previous post, you no longer have to put an "x" in front of your item numbers. They removed that requirement several versions ago and just recently removed it from their wiki page.
  9. I haven't personally tried to install it on my server but I was considering it and stumbled across this the other day. Maybe it will help! http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/index.php?topic=1140.0
  10. I'm assuming you are talking about the [Trade] signs. After you attempt to break them and they turn blank, this is only a visual client side thing. Anyone else should still be able to see the signs that hasn't tried to break them. They are actually still there server side. How to fix it? Simple, just relog and the words will reappear on the sign.
  11. Thank you for the kind words Sabro, I'm very happy to hear that you're enjoying it. Yes it is true that with the little amount of players we have now there is little to no lag. As we gain players and bigger and better server specs are needed, I am committed to upgrading the server with our host. I absolutely hate lag (who doesn't ) and will do everything I can to combat it.
  12. Added, welcome to DubTekkit. Nothing against the younger people but I like to see players in their 20's join up. I'm in my late 20's and so are most of the admins. Anyways, hope you enjoy it.
  13. Added, welcome to DubTekkit! I'll be off and on for the next several hours as I'm still tweaking and adding some things to the server and website. There aren't many people on right now so I hope you don't mind that. We just opened up to the public and are trying to grow our community. Hope to see you on soon!
  14. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lwc-adding-mod-items-95-complete.18703/#post-173015 Have a look at that. I use LWC and it works for me.
  15. Server has been shut down. Some recent life events have given me absolutely no time or want to continue with the server. Hope you all understand and thank you for the support you showed while the server was active.
  16. You need to create a program called "startup" on the computer. Type this into the terminal of the computercraft computer you are running the program on. As in the computer you are using to "write" to the monitor: Type: edit startup (hit enter) Type: shell.run("NameOfYourProgramYouWantToRunAtStartupGoesHere") (i.e. - shell.run("rules") - if you want to run the program called "rules" at startup) Then save the program and exit, and reboot the computer. It should automatically run the program you want everytime the computer starts up. Like when the server restarts. Hope that makes sense, it's hard to type out commands for computercraft on a forum.
  17. use-material-names: true Needs to be: use-material-names: false You are using ID #s so you need material names to false. Change that and it should work.
  18. If you want to block ONLY 214:2 then just use (214:2). That will only stop the block of steel and not anything else with a 214 id. As well, if you use just (214) that will block only the world anchor and nothing else with 214 id. Sorry I should have explained the < .?* > The < .?* > is good to use if there is only 1 item/block that has that ID OR you want to block every item and every possible metadata with that ID. Example time! Your example above with the catalytic lense -- If you wanted to make sure you blocked every possible metadata of 27556 then you use 27556.?* Nothing will sneak by that has weird metadata or changing metadata such as uncharged catalytic lense vs. charged catalytic lense. It's probably explained better here: https://github.com/PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx/wiki/Modifyworld#wiki-metadata_notes
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