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Everything posted by joxer

  1. Alright i see where this is going, your right pikachu i got no idea what english is, im a troll pretending to be pseudo intellectual -- bingo pikachu, are you mature enough to comprehend this?
  2. i thought your supposed to use the LV transformer when feeding regular machines from an MFE ontopic you better make this topic into a trolling duplicate of a typical bug report and hope you don't get probated for posting something this stupid in the BUG REPORT section
  3. mate please read this before you make any more treads in the bug report section ontopic, make sure your using 64bit java
  4. or you could do it the lazy way, you do have EE installed so pump some lava out of it and feed it into some geothermal generators ( else you could make an infinite water source, use deployers with buckets to grab some each time and sync several water mill ) this is best accomplished with pneumatic tubes and is quite laggy if you don't calculate it right or simply, brutally overload it edit damn you freekill --respect
  5. there's no right and wrong debating me, in no way did anything i've intended to say questioned the act i only questioned the particular reason. Jakj going down is something i never imagined happening, with all due respect i stared with my mouth wide open after i read the tread. i felt towards that issue to be as taboo towards the forum as i feel now towards the posts i made in this tread, its a valid point of view in the end, only question about it is whether or not it should be discussed openly or not. offtopic # its like a kick in my balls when people get my name wrong, i've been called joker before.. but never with a capital latter!! # was just going through your comics after checking out power crystal's tread on MCF
  6. place that .bat file inside of the tekkit folder make a link to it if you want to launch tekkit from your desktop or whatever and btw, do you have java installed? your comp may not be finding it ( if you do have it installed and the .bat file is inside of the tekkit folder )
  7. Re: Anyone Got Any Pro-tips? mr obvious asking about pro tips? i guess i've got none got to level 20 in two hours simply by assuming its not minecraft >_> travel all the time, kill and raid everything you see, get bored fast... play as warrior, stack up health and damage, try not to take damage if your playing alone, if you dont do your mate's a favour and keep the mobs away from, charge them, push them away & get back so others could dps you really dont need any special strategy at this point anyone who calls themselves pro's at hack/ - i facepalm at you
  8. about when i started using mine, a variation of it atleast. serves as a meme, all that matters is the intention. been playing gothic since the first one came out.. its funny how precise you are, most probably cried in a corner as quietly as they could when they saw your name. for they remember.
  9. @OP Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/mod_IC2AdvancedMachines : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 can only suggest you are not launching the technic launcher using java 7 + 1 for xardas for beating me to suggesting it + 1 for xardas for being a fellow mascot of an epic being. altho Gothic 4 is a piece of garbage
  10. joxer

    Stupid Veirfy

    awww what a shame.. a baby smart enough to type is already swearing ask your parents to buy minecraft for you
  11. apparently i have missed that part, what can ya say about new guys eh.. ran a search and got a stupefying amount of results. i do hate when it happens. still 6-12 decent posts by two guys don't seem like that big of a deal, am bit sad for em.. but im done arguing here, i take the fault Jay
  12. your not saying nothing you haven't already said in previous posts, but i guess replaying to what i said would cause us going offtopic eh? only thing i can say ontopic is that probating them for that debate, deleting it and ignoring that POV seems to me the only way that it can seem. and silence...
  13. that happens to 90% of the treads.. and it doesn't ever prevent anyone from going back on topic. lets be honest, the absolute most of the people that open the tread, read the OP and try the pack with the intention to report back- wont replay to any of the posts. they'll replay to the OP not often are "Nuh-uh" and "uh-huh" used represent a worthy debate on the internet the debate they had was no more offtopic than the warning you gave to OP but apparently OP decided to ignore that subject completely. accepting the fact that most treads are hijacked, i find the issue that Jakj and Naturam were debating on is one of the most ignored issues on this forum not like i blame anyone for probating Jakj and Naturam as i see it today ideologically debating copyrights is something that's better done in the shadows and the 'dark parts' of the internet.
  14. with all due respect mate, i do believe what your trying to say is " THIS is not the place for that debate. " and that ^ is the reason Jakj is probated.
  15. actually spent the little time there was reading the tread before it was removed. i approve of the debate, its a shame politics had to interfere... "only puny secrets need protection. big discoveries are protected by public incredulity." - Marshall McLuhan ^ a tip for Jakj
  16. joxer

    "Quake speed"?

    you would be a parkourist... irl? wish that was the case for me mate but you know, if it would become so.. just a little while later we may be offtopic.. its really sad openarena runs with 125fps 1920x1080 & max settings smoothly and i can barely get 30fps in mc and it freezes for a couple ms every now and then
  17. joxer

    "Quake speed"?

    the source code has been public for a while now, but now that i think about it it would be rather impossible to replicate it only looking on the code and not having tried playing the game and trying the "exploit" luckily there's an open source game built off the same engine open arena ( their wiki ) - works on windows and linux. perhaps other operating systems aswell ( back at the day i figure, at start the programmers probably thought the issue to be so small it would never affect the gameplay ) - altho i may be misinterpreting rumors
  18. joxer

    "Quake speed"?

    not sure if this is too off topic but here it goes. its not the first time someone brings it up, i've googled it up and it has been suggested on the minecraft forums a long time back, altho it didn't receive any attention unfortunately.. in short, a mod that mimics quake's movement system acceleration, jump hight, velocity.. strafing. and so on a little video on the subject of strafing in quake i am aware of the rumor that " originally it was a glitch in the code that never got patched.. in time " but you get the jest, the effect may be simulated without replicating the glitch. the smart moving mod is pretty much what put the two things together in my mind this tread is more for discussion than a plain request, joxer doesn't do request. ~ hope someone here's amused by the idea aswell :)
  19. Oh i think i understand what your saying i've ran the "linux version" on windows aka the .jar file not the .exe ( i guess technic requries a .jar version somewhere, and if its not on your desktop it would end up in there, amiright? )
  20. im low depth all around fan tbh, from binary to c... got to mess around with perl in the process of trolling myself once or twice and tbh i got two machines here, windows7 and ubuntu. i've checked the %appdata%\.techiniclauncher on windows it doesn't have technic-launcher.jar in there for some reason ( altho it hasn't been updated since tekkit for mc 1.1 came out )
  21. yeah, forestry beekeping is way past thaumcraft2 research, perheps even past BTW progress flow & Lol, Slowpoke just said Elloram is direwolf's wife and flora is their daughter sick sick lad he is side note: i really love one of their builds a huge direwolf ( aka steve ) animated using frames, fucking a sheep edit2: they just rick'rolled us for 10~20 minutes... just pause the recording, put on that song and there you go 200+/- people rickrolled down to 140 and yeah 90hijacked is me ( twitch / youtube account ) feel free to check out my favs on youtube aswell sweet music awaits
  22. say mate, am i missing something... cause i never realized technic-launcher.jar is located in %appdata%\.techniclauncher offtopic im pretty sure you could write ( copy pasta in a single line ) cd %appdata%\.techniclauncher & java -jar technic-launcher.jar as long as the paths are correct >_>
  23. thx for letting me know their streaming mate could you quote what she said tho?
  24. your on the right direction i believe but it would be impossible for the level of the islands of an ocean to all be scaled and relative towards eachother cause the way world-gen works when you "discover" ( generate ) one island other islands might not exist yet so if what you say is true than if you travel in a boat to one end of an extremely large ocean in a straight line take a 500block turn and head back while generating new areas, assuming you encounter a new island- it would have to be higher level than the current ones no matter of its location in the ocean ( starting shore < - > ending shore ) to conclude what i suggested earlier would you agree the particular level of the area is dependent on your coords? ( while only fluctuating once per biome )
  25. i feel the same way + started using LUA several years ago then again i imagine if i pm Eloraam about that, she would challenge me to write a LUA interpreter in Forth xP so i just keep my mouth shut hoping such a thing will come around... >_>
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