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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Or you could look at it the logical way: How do you test whether a server works if there are no clients that can connect to it?
  2. Uh, client release before server release because you need a client to access the server in the first place? It's in developement. There is no other information. stop asking. seriously.
  3. well, the question was answered. the thread could either float away into obscurity, or it could be used for something.
  4. You know there's a little white box at the top right next to a button that says "search". Have you ever wondered what that button does?
  5. It's not so bad, as long as you're careful to make sure your dwarves don't make floors over the stairs. I usually develop a corridor with floodgates for cielings, and grates for floors, walled with a lava pump system that can be activated remotely. Invaders get to take lava showers. Things only start getting dorfy when i get a rogue noble running around pulling levers. I've had my share of dorfs roasted that way.
  6. Wait, so you want a job with the technic team, but you didn't even take the time to read the forum rules? Kakers millions will never go to the likes of you!
  7. I hated those days. May favorite DF activity is elf-antagonizing. (give the entire wilderness a nice solid hardwood floor. Gaurunteed elfsiege in one season.)
  8. It will be ready when it's ready, it will be available on the tekkit page of the main site. also, Don't ask for ETA's, it's in the rules. You should read them.
  9. Joss Whedon did Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the series, not the movie), Angel, Dollhouse, Firefly, and a horror movie i havent watched yet.
  10. I haven't played since just before bees were added. All i remember is how to dig, channel, stockpile, make a drawbridge, and flood the first cavern with lava. i love volcano maps, they are absolutely my favorite.
  11. I would die of joy, i might actually have to watch the movie while on life support, because i would probably bust a lung laughing in the first 15 minutes or so.
  12. I learn the new stuff on my own, but starting fresh was simply too much submenu for my feeble little mind to process.
  13. It isn't THAT easy. You have to pump the hole out while your masons go in and smooth the walls off. Most of what i know i learned from Captain Duck.
  14. Re: just wanted to show this to you And now just to troll you back I'm probating you?
  15. Aquifers aren't actually that hard to deal with. You can (at least you could a couple versions ago, i havent played recently) make pumps and pipes out of wood, and if you smooth aquifer walls, they stop producing water.
  16. One might counter that finding a location without aquifers (or preparing to deal with them properly) is an important part of the game, and using an external program to do that is silly. Dwarf therapist doesn't save you from managing your dwarves, it just gives you a GUI to do it in.
  17. I doubt you're in the badlands, show us pictures.
  18. Just to be clear, have you tried the Obvious Solutions ? reinstall the launcher, delete technicssp folder etc. etc.
  19. For that one, we'd need to see your launcher logs.
  20. It's not. We give the advice we give because it's backed by experience.
  21. did you disable it or uninstall it?
  22. Wait what? you think that lazy newb pack is fine and dorfy, but dwarf therapist isn't? disabling economy, liquid depth, aquifers, and various other challenges is fine, but a tool that lets you organize your dwarves is lazy?
  23. Dude. If you aren't going to take our advice, don't ask for it. It doesn't always happen, just very, very, very often.
  24. It's theoretically possible, but switching to avast! or MSE will fix this problem as well as give you better virus protection. Also, AVG is a ramhog.
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