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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Be sure to warn your users that we here at the technic forums are very strict about rules and quality posting, so while the reddites may be used to posting "this" "+1" "Like" and whatnot, it probably won't get them very far here.
  2. Updated with the basic combat system, which i have not tested at all, whatsoever. Also the first run of the experience system is included. So uh... With some pretty heavy GM involvement, it SHOULD be playable up to level 5. If anyone has friends who like to experiment, and have time, I'd be super appreciative if you'd give it a run and see how it handles.
  3. Maybe the main game was too repetitious, but Robot Revolution was great, and beating moxxies was one of my favorite solo challenges in the last 5 years of gaming.
  4. I want that 32gb stick of ram. It is sexy and i will have its children.
  5. I don't understand why people keep saying that, Borderlands is a fanatastic game, even on its own. We have no reason to say that Borderlands 2 wont be as well.
  6. Don't forget about their Cyberbullying, either, I mean, they couldn't possibly understand how much stress their causing to Verizon CEOs who might lose one of their summer homes! Clearly somethign needs to be done to stop them.
  7. You need to tell the .jar to open with java. And no, 7zip does not come preinstalled on most machines. Most manufacturers have a deal with Microsoft, and as such, they want people to buy Winrar licenses. Preloading a superior AND free equivalent would be against their best interests.
  8. I wouldn't participate, but only because i can never resist antagonizing the elves. Step one, build moat/drawbridge Step two, Cover the forest in hardwood flooring. Step three, prepare for war.
  9. Jay?

    aether II

    It is, in theory, possible. I just don't see the likelihood as being very high though.
  10. This would be much cooler if they would finish the tool to turn DF maps into MC worlds. That way we could explore the worlds each year.
  11. Well, i am pretty butch. Noone could blame you.
  12. Jay?

    aether II

    That's not what's holding them back. Even when he was doing small mods, kingbdogz would be on hiatus more often then he was active. As for Aether2 being in technic, I really doubt it a lot. Aether just doesn't mesh with most mods. That and the technic crew have mentioned that they just didn't think it was very fun.
  13. That depends on why you stopped liking it so much. The new Titan capships change the balance a bit so that starbases aren't "lol infinite defence" and there are corvettes now, that can be very useful tactically.
  14. As long as he reads the stickies and the rules, he'll be fine.
  15. Okay, there's two things that need to happen here. The first is that your friend needs to stop having you submit his bug reports. That never ends well. The second is that we need to know what OS he has and what version of Java he actually has
  16. Re: Finite Water Discussion You actually can create fountains, it just involves more work. You'd need to use Djoslins pipe/grate system, and it would have to work more like a real fountain.
  17. Re: Wont Open Pride fills my heart, lungs, and esophagus and spills sloppily out of my mouth.
  18. Nope, I bought Starcraft 2, and the thing i liked most about it was that it was more like a graphical update to starcraft than a new game altogether. I'll be preordering heart of the swarm, too. But after having a few minutes of hands on time with the D3 beta, i can honestly say that i will not willfully spend any money on it, ever. If somebody buys it for me, i may go so far as to do a complete playthrough one time. I'm way more excited about Torchlight 2, Borderlands 2, and SoaSE:Rebellion.
  19. OP, don't listen to these suckers, they'll lead you wrong every time. They'll probably de-mod me for this or whatever, but that's okay, i just really need to help you with this, since nobody else will. You've got a duck in your computer, and it's taking data to use for its nest. You need to remove it, but that can be tricky. I suggest you call the IT department of your computers manufacturer, and they can help you with removing the duck. Here's a tip from a friend though, don't let it see you're afraid.
  20. Try beastnode. They seem to hae gotten pretty good marks from the community at large here.
  21. No. This goes in the suggestion sticky in the technic SSP board.
  22. You can't possibly be surprised about that. MLP has a significant amount of popularity with 20-30 year old males, particularly Chan-goers.
  23. I can't tell if you're just trolling, or if you're engaging in attention seeking behavior.
  24. I snipped his tag because we don't post memes here. They discourage creative thought.
  25. I didn't probate him, i permabent him. Ban evasion is always a permbend.
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