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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Re: Wont Open Please Help. I keep telling the users to use the report format, but they just post bad and do nothing. Please help, I'm tired of reading these.
  2. It's the simple things in life that give me joy.
  3. Re: Notch has an..................interesting sense of humor Yes well, now you know how i feel when they misuse words and create new words by misusing roots. If i ever hear a real-live person use "terraquad" as a measurement of digital data, i may actually strangle them.
  4. Re: Notch has an..................interesting sense of humor I hope you're referring to my obviously-fake-star-trek-math jargon. Because that was supposed to be awful fake jargon. I don't math. The English is accurate though.
  5. From what i've seen diablo 3 isn't even like diablo 2 at all. It's like they took out all the fun to make room for graphics.
  6. Since we are not going to have this thread again, This is now a thread about disney songs. Poor unfortunate souls was the only reason to watch "the little mermaid".
  7. Just updated with some secondary bending powers. I suspect that the lightning skill may get nerfed after the first playtest though.
  8. Stop bumping your thread, the edit feature is there for a reason.
  9. Re: Notch has an..................interesting sense of humor That's something different, albeit slightly. the aposiopesis is used when there isn't necessarily text that was omitted, but rather was intentionally not completed. The Elipsis is for text that was already defined, but not expressed. (in professional writing, anyways) For instance: "If one more person suggests BTW for the technic pack, why I'll-" Is an aposiopesis. The actual text doesn't exist, just the impression is given. "...And the square root of the coefficient as defined by the axial subjunctive denominator must be factored to the third power of..." indicates elipses, where it is implied that the actual text exists, but is either unimportant or unintelligible. (or sometimes in cases or journalism, protected information) Also, intellectual talk all up in here.
  10. i thought so too, but there are Titans in the newest expansion, and they balance against starbases really well. (proud SoaSE Rebellion beta player)
  11. my favorite RTS nowadays is Sins of a Solar Empire. Fucking huge 10 player games that last for weeks.
  12. Re: Notch has an..................interesting sense of humor Almost correct. An elipsis is a symbol consisting of three dots, that is used to let the reader know that text has been intentionally omitted, but can also represent an unfinished thought. It's not necessarily at the end of a sentence, it's just wherever information is unfinished or omitted.
  13. Hey bro, if you're going to do a multipart LP, put them in the same thread.
  14. Re: Notch has an..................interesting sense of humor If he has an acute post, he should go to the doctor and get it taken care of.
  15. Relax. I'm sure kakermix is responsible enough to stop hosting if the financial drain becomes dangerous.
  16. Allowing for cracked minecraft would make more work for the technic crew. Your options are to: A) buy minecraft 2) learn how to put the mods together yourself *) figure out some kind of sneaky underhanded way to get the data without logging in.
  17. Seriously, you posted this twice and neither time was in the suggestion sticky? KELLERIZING ENGINES, ACTIVATE!
  18. Wait, so you had to ACTUALLY update a dependency yourself? Oh the huge manatee! Surely your plight is so great as to move the hearts and souls of gods themselves!
  19. Are you insinuating that there's something wrong with Anal MLP porn?
  20. of course it's a big deal! Do you know what you can DO with five blocks? The possibilities are STAGGERING.
  21. Hey buddy, next time just edit your original LP post to not suck, instead of making a new one.
  22. Re: Tera gold You heard it here first folks, purchase gold for gamemeasurement beta here.
  23. Man, soulgriever, why you always gotta ruin the fun?
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