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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. I have no clue. I have a passing interest in Advanced Power Systems, and an even lesser interest in planes, and absolutely zero interest in rocket science. These are just the things people keep whining about in the suggestion board.
  2. Ones that come to mind are Rocket science addon for IC2, Advanced Power Systems for Buildcraft, and flans plane mod.
  3. If there's no new content for you to be posting, then you shouldn't be moving your thread up in the first place. If you have updates, logs, possible solutions, fine, post them, but popping into your thread and just bumping it up is rude to people who have actually active posts in higher profile territory up at the top. Every time someone bumps a stagnant topic, a less stagnant one gets pushed to page two, where it runs a risk of becoming stagnant itself. Bumping is a disease that ruins boards one thread at a time.
  4. I... what? I don't even know how to answer you. What? You can't possibly- What? *fizzle**pop* EXTERMINATE
  5. Listen up ya slack jawed malcontent. This is not the place for that. If you have a legitimate request, send to the actual server operator, not some open thread on the general board. Bottom line, cut it out.
  6. only the partially trained ones. Who knows why they let them out of the education centers without completing their degrees, but it happens sometimes
  7. No worries. Drop me a PM when they're up, and i'll take a look and schedule the purge.
  8. Send your friend here. You claim that he isnt good at forums, but he seriously could not possibly be worse them than you, unless your "friend" a partially trained baboon.
  9. Neither are you clearly. the bug report format is on a sticky in the bug boards, where you're supposed to report your bugs
  10. go to options, select build manually, use the 6.1.1 dev build, and change options with wedge. Then fuck off so i don't have to deal with you begging for someone to custom make an entire world for you.
  11. Re: Finite Water Discussion + Fix For 7.0.1 SSP Dev Build I will report any errors i find. Also, those hearts are actually damn ugly. I was hoping they would be better.
  12. Re: Adding DNS tech pack into lancher Snrk. We should keep a threadfull of these images in the whalebox.
  13. Re: Finite Water Discussion + Fix For 7.0.1 SSP Dev Build ♥_♥ In one hour i will be home, and booting up my machine to play this, instability be damned.
  14. Ugh. i would give up so fast.
  15. Re: Adding DNS tech pack into lancher HA!
  16. I always liked Zero, but i'm godawful at megaman games. I think i beat Dr. Wily's revenge for the Gameboy, and i beat Megaman 8(i think. It was for the PS2.) Other than that, i rarely get past the first few bosses.
  17. we had one once. It didn't stick. Also, you missed the FORUM suggestion thread.
  18. That's understandable. Since you're doing a 3.5 game though, feel free to toss any ideas for feats at me after you get through the 8 page doc i've got already, since the feats are still pretty sparse.
  19. The way the system works, that would be really easy. Your bending score can only be 1/2 your Martial score, but that doesn't mean that your martial score has to be double your bending score. You could conceivably get to 3rd level earthbending to take advantage of the buff, and then put all your points into Martial categories after that. There are some things that won't be available to benders though. Most notably Chi blocking can only be done by non-benders.
  20. Please, next time you come back, tell us how long it takes you to register a new email, forum account, and then post. In return, we'll ban you again and tell you how long that took.
  21. No signing your name. Even if the body of your post is in german, your name is still an inch to the left. Keine Unterzeichnung Ihren Namen ein. Auch wenn der Körper Ihres Beitrags ist in Deutsch, ist Ihr Name noch ein paar Zentimeter nach links. Google translate, AHEAD!
  22. In addition to the regular chaff from MCforums, there appears to be some kind of sub-reddit linking here now.
  23. The warning was the board rules that you didn't read. Thanks for letting us know that you're the ban-evading type though. Enjoy being perma-bent.
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