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Everything posted by Richs_Yard

  1. Okay. My post said nothing about pipes.
  2. I believe quarries are powered by steam engines or combustion.
  3. How am I being a jerk for congradulating you? I hardly see how im being a jerk.
  4. 1. Good job for posting in wrong section 2. Good job for not following the bug report guide lines 3. Have fun. 4. Profit. It turned into steps for the last two...
  5. Good job posting in wrong forum.
  6. 1. What in the what now? 2. I think your textures are getting mixed up due to a file in one of the mods that's acting strangely 3. I love your glasses.
  7. Thats a result of the Helen Keller you must of gotten at one point.

  8. I believe this is in the wrong section. Could be wrong though. Good luck with the map.
  9. I can see why you are a Helen Keller. Please read the above post by devu.
  10. Try using steam engines powered by coal.
  11. Ah my bad. Still. You can definitely do better.
  12. Accidental double post, disregard
  13. Ned you are just as critical as I am... I love it. Oh and you cant close it yourself
  14. Try putting coal in the engine.
  15. You have a nasty habit of double posting, why hasnt a mod picked up on this yet?
  16. Thank you for not listing what help you needed. Oh and posting this under the wrong section. <3.
  17. Last time I checked steam engines required steam/smoke not energy.
  18. Is my avatar a bit too demanding?

    1. Torezu


      I would respond, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like my tone of voice.

    2. Richs_Yard


      Possibly. I'm not to easily angered though.

  19. Or a simple case of ignorance. But I highly doubt that.
  20. Steps to get help: 1: Post in the right section 2: Check FAQ Before posting 3: Dont triple post 4: If you fail the first 3 steps, hopefully a moderator will be merciful.
  21. Thank you, was that too hard?
  22. Thanks for describing every aspect of what happened.
  23. Why thank you for being so kind... Even though I do not need it, I will still thank you
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