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Everything posted by thevortex

  1. you cannot get the content without clicking the link, hence holding it hostage behind the adf.ly, hence charging for the download, so sorry, your argument is invalid, they are selling the mods using adf.ly as a payment processor
  2. well said dude, and thank you for providing a valuable service to the community, even if you are being hated on for it.
  3. to be honest, tekkit has name recognition(thanks largely to yogscast) i don't feel that they need to close up shop because another small group of ppl came out with another pack, FTB is not nearly as well known(yet) but i don't personally think they are any threat to the technic pack at this time
  4. rofl, this whole permission thing gets trotted out constantly. a little overused since i believe all that was sorted? Sorta off-topic, but has mojang sanctioned the mod-makers making money off notch's creation? essentially they are selling their mods by hiding them behind adf.ly links, i am grateful for these packs which bypass that. It totally turns me off from donating to any of these guys since they don't leave you the option.
  5. the MCPC build is a big first step, but all the mods still need to be updated for 1.4.2 and then ported to be compatible with bukkit, i would say we are still a ways away from seeing a finished package
  6. no, the mods from tekkit do not support 1.4.2 (yet)
  7. yes, current version of tekkit supports minecraft 1.2.5
  8. were you running spout on the 'vanilla' server? if you had any spout plugins which added additional blocks, the block IDs could be getting mixed up with some from the tekkit pack. sadly if you dont have a backup, and a list of the IDs affected, i am not sure there is much you can do.
  9. its not the craftbukkit source that is the issue, its the mappings that relate from this jar to minecraft_server.jar , that takes the time to figure out,the 40-60 hours, (and even more based on what i saw cpw say on irc, it can take up to 100 hrs to get all the functions mapped properly) if the guys at bukkit shared this information, it would make cpw's work a lot easier, instead of having to start over each and every time.
  10. there are a few aspects he is still working on(or was last night anyways, they may have been finalized by now) but overall this holds good promise for a future without bukkits xD
  11. it has the plugin system, replace the word plugin with the word mod, you can create mods which are server side only and require no client side component, the issue here is an easy to use API, and that is what Forge will hopefully be bringing us soon, you could create your 'plugins' for forge now, it just requires a lot of extra work. See Dries007 github here https://github.com/dries007/
  12. indeed, and there is already work towards bukkit-like replacements, for example Dries007 is working on SimpleCore, which provides basic locking, region creation/protection, and other usefull commands(/home , /warp , /tpa etc) so really, if bukkit is unwilling to work together with forge, there are other options, it just may take us some time to get there 100%
  13. should i take my tomato plants in? this sounds serious...
  14. damn i have to agree, this is epic
  15. For minecraft mods, seeing any amount of time spent on childish DRM schemes(rather than fixing their dodgy coding) that only punish the end user makes me realize the mentality in the modders heads, its all about the adf.ly, the rest of you be damned... irritates me to no end, time should be put towards interoperability, not the opposite
  16. imho it was more eyecandy than anything else notice how the dragon warrior / dragon quest has never changed their style, thats the way FF should have stayed, but it became a money pit and an interactive movie, more than an RPG style game(again, just my opinion)
  17. Final Fantasy 1(NES) best game, sadly the franchise has gone nowhere but downhill since FF IV :(
  18. i don't believe you will be able to connect using your own external IP, you will need to use the internal IP to connect, and have other ppl test your external IP for connectivity
  19. mac 10.5 i dont believe support the necessary version of java for technic/tekkit, pretty sure that java 7 runtimes wont work with 10.5
  20. please keep these coming! great read
  21. I've found this guy to be helpful with cleaning up any duck infestations you may get
  22. yeah i can't believe that tekkit is the problem here, if your pc is full of doritos and waterfowl then tekkit should be the least of your worries. I hear seagulls really like doritos, if you wait on this too long you could have a full blown infestation
  23. that video was awesome, liked and shared
  24. if you guys wanna conduct your series on my server, its up 24/7 low lag, small player base , only a few of the more destructive items have been disabled, pm me if you are interested and I will give you the addy (if you give a shout-out for the server either in the vid or in the description it would be appreciated) cheers
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