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Everything posted by nedned2k

  1. For future reference, if you have a problem with the launcher, you should post a bug report in the Launcher Bugs section.
  2. You probably need to update java as well. Go to java.com and click "Do I Have Java?" below the big red button to see what version of java you have and if you should update it. As a sidenote for future reference, Saying you have 4 RAM is like saying you have 4 sand, you need a measurement there. Most computers these days have RAM in GigaBytes, so I can infer that you meant to say you have 4GB of RAM.
  3. Blueredstoneguy, you can find the ip on the TBR forums. I forget where, but trust me, it exists.
  4. A wild Thread-Jacker Appears! I use "Suggest making a bug report"
  5. Sorry if I was unclear. It's transforming one packet a tick, and four 32-eu packets are going out, totalling 128 eu/t, and then, the copper wire is making each of the four packets lose eu, thus you getting 120eu/t.
  6. Lol, sorry for the meme, coudn't help it. I'll stop talking now.
  7. The cake is a lie. That is all.
  8. Industrial Miner, I suppose I was a little wrong there. I've looked at the wiki some more, and have come up with an alternate statement. From what I understand, the transformers still do split the packets, but not as I thought. The MV transformer takes each packet per tick, splitting it in four and sending it on it's way, but then the LV transformer is bombarded with packets, (4/t) and is only able to do one a tick, and thus outputs four 32eu-packets, which then loses energy. The rest of the power "backs up", I suppose. I don't know where it goes, I'll have to do more testing for that, but I'm sure it doesn't vanish into thin air. It makes a lot more sense that you are losing 8 eu/t from cable loss than 3/4 of the entire power.
  9. Ok, people seem to be confused, so I'll try to explain IC2 power. Everything that outputs energy, outputs it in what will be referred to as packets. A packet is sent out every tick (~20 ticks/sec) with a certain value of electricity, or EU. Let's say we have this scenario above, where a 512-eu packet is sent out on HV cable every tick. It goes into the MV transformer, and splits each 512-eu packet into four 128-eu packets. At this point, there's still 512eu/t, but it's not all one packet, but four 128-eu packets. Then, the LV transformer splits it further into 16 32-eu packets per tick. So, in a perfect system, you should have 512et/t safely going across the copper cable into the batbox in the form of 16 32-eu packets per tick. However, copper cable loses one eu for every three or four (to lazy to confirm on IC2 wiki) blocks of cable, and each of the 16 packets are affected, causing a total loss of 16 eu per three or four blocks. So basically, you have this system set up perfectly, and it's working as it should, except that you are actually losing 3/4 of your power. I would suggest placing the transformers closer to the batbox (so that only one packet is affected by loss) or using Glass Fibre Cable, which is very expensive but has a loss of one eu per ~20 or so blocks. Edit: for the record, the person above me posted while I was typing this. Move along.
  10. Well, I'll give you credit for attempting to use google. But really, the first post told you how to make a server. I'll even quote the important bits for you. Then, you need to forward your port, which I'm sorry to say that we can't help you with that. Basically, you'll need to figure out how/if you can access your network settings and look for things that say "port forwarding".
  11. Can you open any other world?
  12. Hmmm, then it *should* theoretically let you get mob spawners.... Try looking for some option in the NEI menu, maybe? I honestly don't know.
  13. ^this Although, without hamachi, it won't work unless you forward the port.
  14. A tekkit server is only a modded bukkit server. I'm sure if you google "How to make a tekkit server", you'll find a million things that tell you exactly what you need to do.
  15. It's possible something corrupted the world, can you remember the last thing you did on the world before this started happening?
  16. The solar panels will also only put out electricity if you have something for the machine to do. Also, solar panels give very little eu, so if it is working, it might not be noticeable with a quick glance.
  17. technicbattlesredux.forumshome.com ^Apply Here^
  18. nedned2k


    Pie-flavored Pie!
  19. Challenge Accepted. By the way, I'll probably be livestreaming tonight. I don't want to put the link in case I get yelled at, by my twitch is the same as my forum name.
  20. Why don't you just not go afk. Find something to do while you wait.
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