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Everything posted by TehTub

  1. 9 pages!? And I thought I was weird with my notebook full of statistical possibility of ore's per Y coordinate level and total resource cost spreadsheets...
  2. From the sounds. Its both.. Since Germany was only Germany before VE Day, afterwards it was delineated East and West Germany. However by the time Japan was bombed it was already split/in the process of being split, with the American, Russian and British zones. So its like an alternate history. Where WWII never ended, but turned Cold. (History class was the only class I paid any attention to..)
  3. Great to hear you're not dead. I was honestly starting to get worried. Take your time. I'm sure we've all found something to occupy ourselves by now so more waiting isn't going to hurt anyone. Take care of yourself.
  4. Just remember that my prototype frame quarry is west of my base as well. Hopefully it'll still be there. Also for some weird reason tekkit lite doesn't like RP timers.. I crash trying to set the interval. That's a game breaker.. So now I'm mucking around with FTB with Direwolf's pack. Hopefully MP will fix it and Ill join you when mil works out the temp server.
  5. Probably need to Port Forward the ports. Also remember to restart your computer after doing so..
  6. Ive been playing TekkitLite SSP until things straighten out. I have to say I've been enjoying it. Aside from getting lost in pocket dimensions its been really fun.
  7. Like we said earlier, the Tekkit server is down.. The volt's server seem's to still be online (or was earlier today) however I'm not sure what version its running so I'm unable to connect atm. If you're trying to connect to the tekkit server its not you. It is down.
  8. Thanks for the offer milworkz, we all figured something important was happening. Hopefully everything is OK (or at least manageable) and Ks can shed some light on whats up. Either way its really nice of you to offer a place. I finally got my router to port forward and I could probably host a very small (5-10) slot server if need be. Did you know you can buy old 4 CPU 32gb ram Dell blade-center's on ebay for less than $100? I didn't... I have 3 now... The 5-10 slot limit is because my cable company doesn't like residential connections to use as much bandwidth as a 20+ slot server would take...
  9. I played on a (vanilla) server that tried to copy-paste important structures from old maps to new maps when the terrain generation code changed. It did not work well. Everything needed to be gone over by hand to make sure redstone worked properly and blocks were positioned properly. Coming from someone with one of the larger more complex builds on the server, if/when we eventually reset. I'd rather go whole hog and reset everything and everyone, Than try to copy-paste because with how hard it was in vanilla. I can only imagine how hard it would be with all the new stuff added by tekkit.
  10. We discussed this way back when they split the packs to Tekkit Lite and Tekkit classic. KS said that nothing was changing anytime soon. I'm waiting patiently, getting caught up on my youtube video backlog. On a side note, while the forums were down earlier it scared the hell out of me.. It took a few seconds to realize the "This account has been suspended" message was forums wide, and not only me..
  11. So I'm not sure what happened... Last night before I left there was a bit of lag, but nothing like cloneco was experiencing. The server seem's to be down. Though the Volt'z server seem's to still be working, however I can't get in it due to weird mod mis-match thingy...
  12. You should still be white-listed. Generally that doesn't change. Like Vinci said, Check the IP, make sure your firewall isn't blocking anything and such. Hope to see you on soon.
  13. I have learned a lot on the trip of mine. But the most interesting thing is that there is very little of a white tail deer left when its hit by a 32,000 lb semi going 65 miles an hour... Not my truck luckily but still.. Anyway, I have another week and a half on the road at least.. Have fun.. Try not to start World War 3 in minecraft...
  14. Never a good thing to hear from an admin =P Also.. Its cold in New York...
  15. An insane capacity for ram... Unless it came bundled with ram how much it has depends on what you buy. It supports up to 32gb of 1.5v DDR3 in 4 slots.. Anyway, I'll be taking a trip with my father and I'll be unable to log in for a while... Not sure how long I'll be out. Dad needs a companion for a Long Haul (he's a Semi driver).. Hopefully It wont be more than 2 weeks or so..
  16. After driving pretty much non-stop in shifts with my mom I'm back in town.. I got on earlier and switched my shop over to the new currency/economy thing. After i get some more sleep I'll be back to playing regularly. See you soon.
  17. Arrived in Arizona well and safe.. I'll be heading home soon. Hope to see everyone and such when I get back...
  18. I'll be taking a short break, 3-4 days tops.. I'll be taking a road trip to take my Uncles cat back to him in Arizona... Provided nothing goes wrong along the way I'll be back in 4 days or so. I'll have my laptop but be restricted to rest stop Wifi until I get back to Ohio.. Hope to see y'all soon again.
  19. Without another plugin that designates condensed items ID to something other than the original products ID. And is still backwards compatible with current recipes. I don't see of a way to completely stop condensed material from being traded for currency. I know that some of our players have chosen to ignore/don't read the signs at the bank as it is and are trading condensed material anyway. I have no idea if there is such a plugin or if it would even be possible to implement something like that. I've expressed my views to garret, but I'm wondering If a formal shop/market system is even feasible in Tekkit. The servers I used to play on in Vanilla had economy systems based on statistical availability of resources in the world. With EE and all the other things (mining lasers, and renewable tools/armor) That throws that kind of system out the window... That's my take on the situation.. I'm at a loss as to how to fix it though.
  20. So no worries about switching as it wont be anytime soon.
  21. @zephspacer This is NOT to say you have been whitelisted. Just wanted to clear some things up. The IGN part of the application stands for In Game Name.. When you buy Minecraft tonight you'll be asked to create an account, the Username will be what is displayed when you chat in-game and is what we'll need to Whitelist you. I do hope you do buy Minecraft. Its well worth the money. Again this is NOT to say you have been white listed. Not my decision.
  22. All mods are allowed. Only a few specific items are banned( e.g. Nukes, World anchors-use teleport tethers instead, Watch of flowing time) otherwise all mods and items are allowed... Basically if you can craft it you can use it.
  23. I have been stricken with the Flu... Got to love nephews and public schools.. Anyway I'm gonna be resting for the next few days.. In between the vomiting and all that... I'll see y'all as soon as I can remain separated from my bathroom for extended periods... Ugh..
  24. So far so good. Although there's a good amount of lag during back ups and we were experiencing some around 7PM EST.. I had to go to make dinner so couldn't follow up with it. I'll check it again when I log in again in a bit. Aside from that I think the upgrade went well and is performing well. EDIT: Yeah the lag is still there, 2-3 second intermittent lag when interacting with anything I think it just needs to be restarted..
  25. FTB sounds interesting.. I'd have to look at the Mod lists again but if i remember correctly its roughly equivalent to Tekkit.. I've played Vanilla and I don't think i could go back to it now lol.. In the end its up to you and available resources...
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