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Everything posted by TehTub

  1. Most of forestry is fine, just dont use Multifarms, handy replacement with MFR farms. As for spawn, its fine.. That's why its taking a bit to get the new world file up and running.
  2. Ok friends, for the last 3-4 days we've been trying to fix the issues with the server, we've been able to do small fix's that apparently only help the symptoms and not the root cause. So we're being forced to restart the world. We'll have the new world up and going shortly. But please, until we can update to the next recommended build of Big Dig keep in mind that 1.3.9 is a Dev build and buggier then windows vista at launch. So keep your builds simple. The mopdpack gives you billions of things to do but you don't need to do them all with one machine. I'm getting the new worldfile ready as I type so we should be up within an hour.
  3. Dont use Unifiers.. They're broke as all hell.. Cant even stick something in its inventory w/o my client crashing.
  4. Yeah and that Tub guy is the worst of them all.. With all his horrible puns and childish humor.. Man I hate that guy...
  5. Make sure you install it into the modpack.jar not the minecraft.jar.
  6. They have no SOULS!... Lol.. And yeah plenty of people have found bugs with this version so don't feel bad... I consider it a rite of passage to find a bug and crash the server.
  7. Now that I'm home from my dads Fathers Day party I'll take a look again and see if there's anything I can do. If not, Ks, provided he's still working the same scheduled gets home around 10PM EST. I've already messaged him about it so hopefully he's not too busy when he's home to figure out whats up with it.
  8. OK I'm not sure what's up with the server. The Big Dig server itself is running fine. But it looks like the Box its on is having trouble keeping connections. That seems like a problem with a router or something on Ks' side that I cant fix from here. It's gonna have to wait until Ks' gets home to take a look at it.
  9. Server is back up.. Not sure what happened.. Something to do with forestry... Looks fine now though.
  10. Interesting small bug I've found (unless I'm mistaken and this is controlled in a config) is if you but a bucket of water in a dispenser and apply a RS signal it outputs water like it should but another pulse spits the bucket out instead of collecting the water like it does in vanilla. As far as I can tell this goes all the way back to 1.3.9. Also, if anyone can point me to a block in one of these mods that does that (eject water and collect again) I'd be grateful.
  11. Hey everyone, I'm going to bring the server down for a few minutes. It needs a restart anyway but I need to make a copy of the world file to start testing for updating to the next recommended version of Bid Dig and I cant do that while the server is up. I'll update with estimated down time. It shouldn't be long. Update: 8 Minutes looks to be the time frame. I'll post when the server is back up.
  12. Try connecting to the server via loopback address ( If you can connect that way its a problem with firewall/port forwarding. I have no experience with himachi so I cant offer any help with that.
  13. Yeah, I recently experienced this in a server I play on. Though what caused it there was an Advanced Solar Panel. Installed Optifine, removed the block and all was fine.
  14. I wont be able to get on until around 7PM EST so I'll talk to ya about it then.
  15. In those five day's Ks has whitelisted multiple people. If you didn't get a message. Your application was denied.
  16. Gonna take a look at the logs and see what happened.. Random deaths like that aren't cool. Meantime I'd delete where you signed the post (I really don't understand that rule) and I'll be online in a few minutes to replace your gear. Edit* Right, so it looks like you overheated. Anyway I cleaned up the server leaks and am online now if you want to get on so i can replace your stuff.
  17. Yeah I saw.. Bringing her back up again lol.
  18. Taking a look now.. Edit* Should be back up... Looks like an error when trying to send items through LP's in unloaded chunks. Least thats what the stacktrace says..
  19. The Dynmap isn't part of FE and it probably wont be installed.. On the last run of big dig it was enabled but was eating far more resources on the server then we'd like. Ofcourse that may have been because of the sheer amount of worlds it was indexing and displaying (Every age, including the aborted ones were veiwable) but In the long unless that's fixed I dont see it being installed. As for the Trade Booth mod.. I'll have to take a look at how the mod works after I get back home tonight before deciding if we'll use those. Or if we'll use Trade stations from Forestry. It'll also be up to Ks on whether I spawn in blocks for people... I'm not liking the fact there is no recipe for it.
  20. Nothing for you to apologize for. You weren't aware of the bug so you're not responsible. Also I'd delete where you signed the post.. Technic fourms doesn't like people signing their posts..
  21. Hey everyone, due to a bug with ChocoboCraft in 1.3.9 please refrain from using chocobo's. We've had two situations where the bug has presented itself and spawned thousands of chocobo's causing lag and excessive memory usage on the server. We have no information on the exact cause of this bug so cannot say for certain what will set it off again which we ask you refrain from breeding, taming and storing chocobo's. Thank you.
  22. Optifine does work, I've actually had to install it due to a bug with minecrafts' render code.. use "OptiFine 1.5.2 HD U D3" version and make sure you install it into the modpack.jar file instead of the minecraft.jar... Links to Optifine's download page http://optifine.net/downloads.php
  23. Oh christ.. I was worried about that.. Apparently that's a big issue atm... I'll go see if I can slay them.
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