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Everything posted by TehTub

  1. While we appreciate the fact that you're a minor and wish to keep your location confidential, that doesn't excuse not putting effort into the rest of the application...
  2. NEWS: The server is back up. As I said in my previous post the backup was from roughly 2 hours before the crash, so if you're missing anything major that you cant replace easily let myself or one of the other staff know via PM or /mail. Thanks for your patience during our downtime.
  3. Status Update: Okay, this is essentially the problem. While investigating a previous crash we discovered that the logging system we use was logging world edit changes. Since World Edit is only available to Op's this was unnecessary and caused a lot of entries into our database that were unneeded and just cluttered the system. While purging the old entries, the logging system encountered an issue with available disk space and crashed the server. The issue is this has corrupted a file ChickenChunks uses to maintain a listing for force loaded chunks, and subsequently crashes when trying to load the world. Now don't worry, we have a backup from just before the problem (about 2 hours and 45 minutes before the crash) so any rollbacks or losses will be minor. The main problem is I personally don't have much experience with this backup system. So I'm waiting on confirmation on the process of reverting from Ks. I can't give you a time frame as to when it will be back up, but we're working on it. Thanks for being patient.
  4. NEWS: Yes the server is currently experiencing unexpected issues and offline. We're working to get it back up as I type.
  5. Dont sign your posts, the technic mods don't like it (idk why but its not my place to question) and if she hasn't gotten around to it by tonight I'll have some free time tomorrow I think and should be able to get you set up.
  6. It shouldn't require me to be on, their chunk loaders are owned by the server, not me. As for re creating the blaze rod/lava gen system, the issue isn't a server setting, its the fact that BC crafting tables have completely changed, requiring time to work and not taking objects from adjacent inventories. It may be possible to use AE to do the automated crafting, but the control system and specifically equal distribution of the rods would have to be worked out. Its relatively simple to make if you follow the flow of: Blaze rod | Pulverizer | Craft Blaze Rod(X2) | ----------------- | | (X1) (X1) to to Magma Rod Pool Crucible For next set. How it's done doesn't matter provided its equally distributed. So if any of y'all want to try to remake the system go ahead. As it stands I'll check the nether systems as soon as I can but that wont be for a bit most likely, so any mod's or staff should just pop into creative and //fix the lava manually till I can figure out whats up.
  7. All excellent suggestions. We are currently doing most of those atm though. Mystcraft age generation is limited to Op's. Chunkloading is already limited to 72-ish chunks per person and as far as i know Quarries unload their own chunks when not receiving power. Another thing to keep in mind is: we have to know what specific block/mod is causing the issue to disable their crafting recipe. Big Dig for example we had issues with Mekinisim and Natura, with Mekinisim the issue was the power generation block, so en entire subset of power creation would have had to be removed. As for Nature, we still don't know exactly what was causing that. On the subject of Dim Doors, I really don't see the need for them. I enjoy a good dungeon as much as the next guy but aside from random loot there are no up sides or real uses for the pocket dimensions aside from quick travel to the moon/end/other dimensions and honestly, that should be tough, the end is the end game of vanilla and the moon is, well the freaking moon. *end rant*
  8. I wonder what peoples opinions would be to using our own pack. Knowing what we do about the issues involved we can eliminate the extraneous and problem causing mods (Dim doors, multiple forms of chunk-loading ect) while adding the ones we know will work (AE, Thermal Expansion, Build craft, Myst craft ect) and the various small mods that will help avoid future issues (Extra Utilitys ect). The downsides would be that we'll have to distribute it ourselves and I'm not sure where/if we could have listings for the server to become public. The upsides would be we'd have only the mods that people use, and are stable, rather then a hodgepodge of various mods, most of which do a lot of the same things (Does anyone actually use logistics pipes?) Its an idea. For the moment I'm a tad busy with work and life, so I have no direct opinion. I'll play on whatever anything except vanilla. Oh and: The average Time I was seeing before the nether stations were recently modified was around 26-29 hours of run time before the lag got very bad*. I'd suggest around 16-18 hours run time before the plugin restarts, 12 hours is a tad frequent. *The definition of very bad lag for me is when at least 4 blocks break, reappear, break half way again and I get ghost blocks making it impossible to move without logging out and back in. Or to better explain it, a lag time of upwards of 5 seconds between right clicking an interface and it actually opening.
  9. If you have actual, you know proof, of any of those allegations I suggest you take the issue up with the forums staff. It resolves nothing to come to another thread and spam it (thanks for the free bumps though). Otherwise, unless you're applying (which would be denied immediately now) please refrain from cluttering our thread.
  10. Aww, get well soon I suppose.. We shall miss you during your absence. (Pardon the weird phrasing, I really never know what to say to things like that.)
  11. NOTICE: The server will be down for 10-20 minutes while I sort out a few of the config's to match what we had before the update. Nothing will be deleted or changed and you guys probably wont even notice a difference. Anyway, I'll post again when I bring the server back up. EDIT: And we're back.
  12. Some? Most likely all. My nether stations cant fix that, so I'm not surprised lol. Figured there was something else aside from pumps, since I have essentially all of their locations noted and only a couple are outside of current stations reach. My pump is still there but it can remain there, as I cant get on to remove it. My systems are fine running out of power. Nothing is running aside from my trees, and once the power runs out it simply wont cut any more down.
  13. Probably not. Either they messed up the change log for 1.1.8 or they didn't change much. Either way there's really no reason to update, AFAIK nothing major has been added to the existing mods and nothing mod wise has been switched. Looks like it would just be more hassle to convert the worlds. (Yes I know 1.1.8 resolves the issue with radioactive material not generating naturally. However this can be easily fixed by changing our current cfg for Atomic Science and re making the mining age, which should be happening relatively soon due to the giant holes =P) So if we do update, It most likely wont be extremely soon, or it will be whenever Ks has free time and decides to do it. As nothing major has changed there's not really a push to do so.
  14. I have no nether pumps listed in that location. Is it one of yours? As for getting a station set up and such probably not. I wont be able to get on any time soon.
  15. There is no white-list, that's what Grey-listing means. You may join, look about, talk with others online at the time, but until the parties responsible for accepting new members (Ks7 - the owner and Garreteagle1 - our website admin) agree to promote you to the members rank that is ALL you can do. Some friendly tips for you, and anyone else confused by our application process. -24 hours is relative, our staff have other responsibility, if you do not receive a message (via private conversation through these forums) wait a bit. It may take up to a week for our lives to calm down before we can respond. - You WILL NOT receive a message if you're denied. If for whatever reason we decide that you should not be added to our members (be it previous bans, false information in the application ect.) you will simply not receive a response from us. If a week elapses and you have no word from us assume you've been denied and move on (if you already haven't, far too many members have completely forgotten they have build status here already and take up space on our lists) - Be courteous, berating our staff to hurry up on the forums, our dynamic map or worse even, in-game is a great way to guarantee that we'll ignore you. Have an excellent day.
  16. Hey every one, We've implemented an automated system for fixing the lava in the nether. You may notice messages from the server saying something along the lines of "Nether Station X Lava Fix in 15 seconds." That's the system giving you a warning that a portion of the nether's lava is about to be regenerated. Only the lava is affected. So all structures will be left the same. There are currently 3 stations that will be doing this process. It will happen 5 minutes after the server first starts, then every 12 hours after that. If you notice the lava near your pump is not being regenerated, you'll have to give me the coordinates of your pump so I can make adjustments to the system to include your area. We'll be making adjustments to this over time, increasing the range or time between regeneration, depending on how the server reacts to this. But hopefully this should eliminate some of the past issues we've had with moving liquids and lag.. If you have any questions or suggestions you may PM me here. or /mail me in game.. Thanks.
  17. Well nothings been fixed, but nothing is wrong either (server wise at least). We've moved over to Tekkit Main. The Tekkit pack with the creeper on the moon, version 1.1.5. So there's a new map and such. We're also running an off shoot of Bukkit now instead of Forge Essentials.. So its basically like the old Tekkit Classic Server plugin wise.. Try logging in and seeing if whatever issues you had have been resolved.. Look forward to seeing you in game again.
  18. Hey everybody, I'd like to ask all of you who have/plan to have a pump in the nether to either PM, /mail or post the Coordinates for them for me.. The recent lag was caused by a couple nether pumps I didn't have on my list. Nether pumps are fine. But the staff needs to know their locations so we can come through and use world edit to fix the lava. Other wise we get that mystery lag we've been dealing with. Like I said you can PM me here, or use the /mail send TehTub <message> command in game.. Or if you don't mind people knowing the location of your pump you can post it below.. Thanks
  19. Indeed. Its a lot easier to fix things when you know whats broken.
  20. If the issue continues I will look into the solution that I know of. Let me know If you continue to have the issue today/later.
  21. I have no idea. The only suggestion I can give would be to go mining for a hour and see if you find some.. If not then use Magmatics or another energy source. If its a config issue (and has the option for retro-generation) I'll take a look and fix it the next time the server needs a restart/crashes. Likewise if you find something that you think should work and doesnt, either /mail me in game or PM me here with it and I'll add it to the list of cfg tweaks.
  22. I'll do it as soon as I can get on.. Which will be about 10PM EST.. If someone else hasn't done so by then I'll need your in-game name, I don't quite remember it off hand.
  23. Since you're not a part of our community, and will never be a part again, and you state you don't wish to fight or cause trouble. Why are you posting on the thread?
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