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Everything posted by TehTub

  1. First, are you using optifine? block id's (and entity id's) didint change between 1.3.9 and 1.3.13 aside from the things added and those were replaced when the server updated. I know when I used optifine a good amount of the textures in NEI and my inventory were messed up.
  2. I would recommend Magmatic engines due to the size to output ratio or MFR Bio reactor if you have the materials to sustain a diverse fuel base.
  3. SERVER LAG UPDATE: After tracking down more causes of lag for the server we ask that any currently built Fission or Fusion reactors be dismantled until further notice, and any future Fission/Fusion reactors not be built. The staff will gladly replace your power generations systems with something more stable if you wish. Like wise we ask you to limit the use of UE cables until we can work out a solution for the client-side lag caused by their animations. We thank you for your patience while we try to find all the causes of the lag.
  4. I'm not sure how your host handles starting/stopping servers so I cant really help much. I can say "launch.bat" and "launch.sh" and Batch and Shell scripts respectively used to launch the server. Essentially they run the BigDig.jar file with certain command line arguments (Min and Max memory usage, no-gui) so they shouldn't really be needed. I'd assume after uploading the files (everything EXCEPT the launch files is needed as far as I know.) there should be some way of telling your host which .jar to run for the server. You'd want to select BigDig.jar. Of course you don't have to use every mod listed in the mod's/coremod's folder, however your members would have to remove those mods from their clients as well and you'd be in a whole new realm of complications.
  5. 1.3.9 shipped with a wonky cfg. After opening the modpack folder go to config/forestry/gamemodes and open the OP.conf file, there's a line in there that says "farms.fertilizer.value=-1" (minus the quotes) change that to "farms.fertilizer.value=2000" (again minus the quotes) and that should fix it.. If you're playing on a server the server owner needs to change the same file the same way on the server for it to work. Or just update to 1.3.13.
  6. It wasn't you directly. It was an issue with its way of checking if you're using a wrench. Servers up again
  7. Hey everyone, My computer has decided to BSOD me every time I try to boot into Windows 7. So I'll be on my XP partition while I backup my files and wipe my hard drives. I'll be on a for a bit today but mostly I'll be AFK while trying to find important files in the 2.5tb of crap I have. It's gonna take a day or two to get my system up and running again so it may take longer then usual for me to get around to restarting the server should it crash.
  8. A mekinism Solar Panel at (-249,65,-209) in your world is broken. Use a program like MCEdit to remove it. Or use the forge.cfg removetickingentities entry to remove it, that's really buggy tho (as the CFG says) and I don't recommend it.
  9. ICBM Uses the Universal Energy API. So you can use energy cubes, Red Stone energy cells or makeshift energy cells if you're playing 1.3.13. To power directly you can use basically any power generation block (magmatic engines, wind turbines, combustion engines, ect.)
  10. UPDATE ABOUT THE UPDATE! The Move to 1.3.13 was successful. however a slight problem with the Backup system caused player inventories to be rolled back to before the most recent map change. If you're missing power armour or gear let staff know in game and we'll replace it. Likewise we have tracked down most of the root causes of Lag by trial and error. Most have been taken care of however if you currently use Mekinisim wind turbines for power generation please break them and use another source of energy. The wind turbine things cause a bad amount of lag for the server. A good mostly maintenance free solution is magmatic engines. Thank You for being patient during the move and the resulting problems after.
  11. Server Update COMPLETE! We may have to bring it down a couple times to change a cfg or something but I think I got everything. Server is back up. REMEMBER TO UPDATE TO 1.3.13 BEFORE LOGGING IN.
  12. GOOD NEWS, WE'RE MOVING TO 1.3.13! The server will be goinng down today at 8PM EST to transfer the world over to 1.3.13. No sense waiting for a recommended build when we've been having such trouble. Server Move FAQ: Will the world be reset? No, the transfer will only require the deletion of the Mining age. So pull your quarries out until after the move. Will we lose our items? No, player data will not have to be erased. How long will it take? Depending on download speeds and unforeseen problems it could take upwards of 3 hours. However I expect it to take no more then one. Will ForgeEssentails still work? Yes. Will this fix the crashes/problems with certain mods? Possibly. It will fix the Chocobo spawning bug. as far as the other problems we've had (MultiBlock Farms, the Moon, ect.) we can only wait and see. INFO Again Server Move starts at 8PM EST today. The server will be down and any time its up will most likely be for testing. Please refrain from joining until I have posted back here saying the server is back up. Thanks for being patient with the crashes and I hope to see a much more stable server after this.
  13. Please explain further. I am neither online nor do I have a project table.. Also I just restarted the server so I highly doubt its lag.
  14. The server is back up. Again, please do not go to the moon or create a space station untill we have moved to a newer version of Big Dig.
  15. We don't really have a whitelist anymore so i'm assuming you mean you labeled as a guest. I'll fix it in just a sec.
  16. The old mining age books. I doubt there are any any more but if there are when you hold them or right click them they'll say "Mining Age" instead of "Mining age 2" don't use those use only ones that say "Mining Age 2"
  17. No, the specific mod was Natura, the specific error (both times) involved it calling getGrowthRate() on a null object. I'm asking to stay off the moon to limit the variables in tracking down problems. Each dimension is separate and when an error is thrown without exact details I have to search each one by hand. That takes a long time in one world let alone the 3 active ones we have already (Overworld, Nether, Mining age 2). Sidenote I've deleted the old Mining age as I said I would 2 days ago. If you havn't already get a new book from spawn and destroy your old ones. If you use one going to Mining age and not Mining Age 2 you'll crash and I'll have to reset your player file. Also The server is back up.
  18. I've already gotten clone back to spawn (Even saved his inventory) so ill get you next. The server will be up in about an hour, I still need to check a few more things. And no. Clone isn't directly responsible for the crash. No one is. It was an error in a mod that crashed it, nothing anyone could have known or intended.
  19. The server is down for a few minutes while I fix things. If you were on the moon I need to know so I can get you off before I start it up again. Likewise. Till we update to the next recommended build please refrain from space exploration.
  20. Server is up. I'll check the logs when I get back from the store to see what happened.
  21. He can purge your "bug" all he wish's. If I actually believed you have the technical ability to plant a RAT in another members (even ex members) computer I'd ban you right now simply because 1. Its illegal, 2. We do not condone such things and finally 3. its a crappy thing to do to anyone. I am not worried about a "dos" attack, or any thing else and I'm quite sure Ks isn't either. Now drop it. Server is up again, for now.. 1.3.9 is really fracking buggy and I'll be praising the lords of Minecraftia when they release a new recommended build.
  22. Due to a problem with the first Mystcraft age that was generated for Mining, I've generated another. Please remove any quarries currently located in the first world and relocate to the new one. New linking books can be retrieved from Spawn portal room. Like wise the portal has been updated to reflect this change. Please destroy any Linking books going to the first Mining age you have. The old Mining age will be deleted in 2 days. So you have till then to remove your builds. Thanks.
  23. HOLY HELL.. Ok people reading lesson. First page, First Post. Notice the bold bit? Means cool your jets.. We DO read the forums and IF you haven't received a private message here (what Technic Forums calls "Conversations") You haven't been white listed and probably wont be. BUT wait 24 hours before you spam our thread over and over and over again. Also.. Ban Appeals go in Private messages, not our thread. Thank you.
  24. Cant call ya Moon cause my old clan leaders name was Moon, and Shamma-lamma-ding-dong-Tar takes too long to type... Ill stick with Tab.. =P
  25. Server is up and good. Some of the staff will be poking around spawn cleaning up some things but other then that we're golden.
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