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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. The ars magica chalk will create a big circle covering a 3x3 area when used.

    That magic circle will light up and start spinning when it is collecting energy.


    Easiest thing is the light nexus, which is white chalk, nether quarts blocks for the pillars with the pillar caps either glass (each pillar should be 3 tall, 2 quartz blocks and 1 glass/gold block on the top, 4 total pillars), gold blocks, or moonstone blocks. As long as you do it during the day you will see it start working pretty much instantly when done. If it doesn't start up right away you know something is wrong and you should check the compendium,

  2. The number one server in that list is currently showing a 1699/3600 user count.

    I don't think it's physically possible to have a server house enough ram to run big dig with that many people.


    Also I see one server advertising both big dig and AotBT on the same server, which is completely impossible.




    Do not trust those ranking sites. You either end up with lazy server OPs not updating the listing when they change the server, or they lie about what the server offers in order to draw players.

  3. Technic is this website. If you're having a problem with an official pack or the launcher itself then it needs to go in the tracker. If not then it doesn't belong here at all.


    Unless you're using a woefully outdated launcher to get the single player pack that was dropped ages ago. In that case definitely no, there is no place to ask for help because none is there to be given.

  4. This is infact the wrong forum, not just sub-forum. We cannot provide support for the hundreds of thousands of custom modpacks on platform.

    If you don't like the situation with the custom pack's official site then tough. We hate having thousands of daily threads spewed all over the forums here because of a modpack we didn't create and have no control over whatsoever.

  5. Use the Discussion tab of the pack to contact the pack creator. We do not and frankly cannot provide tech support for the hundreds of thousands of packs on Platform.

    But chances are they're using a buggy copy of IC2 and will need to update the pack to fix anything.

  6. Platform accounts (technicpack.net) are in no way related to minecraft accounts. They are not linked and having a minecraft account does not give you a guarantee of the same account name on the technic platform.


    If someone else registered an account with your name then too bad. Accounts are first come first serve.


    If you registered the account and do not remember the password then use the forgot password link on the login page. If you gave it a bogus email to sign up with then too bad, you did that to yourself.

  7. Just to be clear, that mod is a horrible idea for any public pack/server. The ability to cause arbitrary page load on any connected player's client is just asking for trouble.


    Anything from rickrolling on repeat to forcing google searches for things guaranteed to get the household added to a government watch list (or in some countries, arrest and execution).

  8. Company?

    I'm sure as heck not getting paid. Are you getting paid Munaus?

    I wonder if I should be claiming my time here on my taxes. Maybe it works as a charity thing?



    Pro-tip kiddo, the only people who go completely butthurt about being treated like children are children. Your desperate fight to be treated like a mature adult just highlights your immaturity.

    Now try behaving like an adult Which includes learning and following the laws of the land.

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