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About leninparty

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. Build #389 is the latest that matches the Forge version of Tekkit 1.0.6, if you wanna play it safe.
  2. Here is a list of all the mods in my setup. Server is running MCPC+. I think bee breeding with extra bees/forestry may not be working right. Cogs in the Machine works, but seems to require a new world.
  3. Use the MCPC+ version with an MCPC+ server, universal on the client.
  4. For the server, you will need to get a fresh copy of the minecraft server. According to the Forge docs: "Place the universal zip into the same folder where your minecraft_server.jar is, then change the extension of the forge zip to a .jar. " Or you can do it the old fashioned way: Rename the server to minecraft_server.zip, open it and copy the files for Forge into it, then rename it back to minecraft_server.jar (Don't install Optifine on the server)
  5. You will need to clear the cache after adding the custom zip url as well, otherwise the launcher assumes it is good to go.
  6. I have gotten them working together, so more details would be useful.
  7. Check to see if the resources folder exists, check if there are any files in it. That error basically means that s3.amazonaws.com refused the connection with a 503 "Service unavailable" error code. If the website works in your browser, try clearing the cache and redownloading the mod.
  8. The modpack.jar file is forge and nothing else. Worst case just extract the file containing Forge to a new folder, copy the files from Optifine over top, overwriting existing files. Then select all the files and (assuming windows) right click and choose Send To->Compressed (zipped) folder. Rename this new zip "modpack.jar"
  9. [sEVERE] java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftResources/ Looks like it may have failed to download the resources folder for minecraft. Try connecting to the URL in a browser, there could be a connection problem between you and the amazon servers.
  10. Forge: http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Optifine: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-147-optifine-hd-c3-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af-and-much-more/ If there is a server involved, you should also update Forge on it as well.
  11. This version of Tekkit Lite includes both Immibis' Advanced Repulsion Systems as well as MFFS. Just stating because someone on that forum did not know. Having both installed however, leads to whichever loads last overwriting the recipe for the blank MFFS Card from the other mod. Either a recipe managing mod/plugin needs to be used to to add a new recipe to allow them to be craftable or, an op will have to spawn the cards for the players.
  12. Waypoints are saved in the %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\tekkitlite\mods\rei_minimap folder on the client. If you upgraded Tekkit Lite, they should be saved in the newest backup zip the launcher made prior to the upgrade under %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\tekkitlite\backups (locations are going to be different if you don't use Windows)
  13. He has stated already that he does not have a router between his pc and his modem. Now, there are a few possibilities here which are most likely: 1) His modem is a simple bridge device and does nothing aside from bridge the connection between his ISP and his PC. In this case his PC has a public address and his port availability is determined by his firewall settings on the PC. 2) His modem is also a router with its own subnet (often 192.168.100.x) and is configured to create a network bridge (Fun fact; many modems are this). Same as scenario 1, essentially. 3) His modem is also a router with its own subnet (often 192.168.100.x) and is configured as a gateway device. In this case, his PC is assigned a private IP address (192.168.x.x) and his port availability is determined by the firewall on his modem as well as his PC. This scenario is becoming more common as ISPs issue modems with WiFi capability built-in. I am guessing his situation is scenario #3, in which case he needs to access the router aspect of his modem to configure the port forwarding. As he has stated that attempting to connect to the address of the default gateway device was not successful, he should instead attempt to connect to the address as this is usually the address where many modems host their web services. The ISP may have changed the default login credentials on the device however and may need to be contacted to discover them.
  14. I have been able to successfully add/integrate the following mods and plugins to Tekkit Lite 0.5.7 using MCPC+ for the server; not to say they are all working correctly, but no exceptions have been thrown on the server and no crashes yet: Jar mods: Forge LiteLoader Optifine Mods/Coremods: Advanced Solar Panels DiamondMeter Enchanting+ ExtrabiomesXL - Colored Wood for ExtrabiomesXL - Red Rock and Cobblestone for ExtrabiomesXL Forestry -PluginsforForestry Immibis' ComputerCraft Peripherals IntegratedSoundPacks Lanterns Liquid-XP Gravitation Suite Misc Peripherals Mo'Creatures Modular Force Field System More Pipes Open ComputerCraft Sensors Painter's Flower Pot Pam's Clay Spawn Pam's HarvestCraft Pam's Weee! Flowers PetroGen Railcraft Soul Shards Thaumcraft - Thaumic Bees - Thaumcraft Custom Aspects Addon Tinkers' Construct Traincraft Twilight Forest VoxelMenu VoxelPlayer Plugins: BleedingMobs DeathTpPlus Dynmap Dynmap-Essentials Dynmap-GriefPrevention Dynmap-WorldGuard Essentials EssentialsAntiBuild EssentialsProtect EssentialsSpawn PermissionsEx PickupArrows Rotate Seasons Seasons++ WorldEdit WorldGuard Edit: I lied, slightly; Enchanting+ and Modular Force Fields both throw an exception when they fail to perform their latest version checks during startup, but it is inconsequential.
  15. There is an incompatibility with Forge, this is fixed with Optifine 1.4.6 C3 and Forge Unfortunately, Tekkit Lite 0.5.7 uses Forge version 517.
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