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I'm trying to install a newer version of forge to tekkit in order to somehow get extreme biomes xl working. I keep getting crashes when I install 3.3.7 though.


38 mods loaded

Optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_AA_A7

Minecraft Forge

FML v2.2.48.135

Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5

    mod_MinecraftForge : Pre-initialized (modpack.jar)

    mod_CodeChickenCore : Pre-initialized (modpack.jar)

    mod_NotEnoughItems : Pre-initialized (modpack.jar)

    mod_ReiMinimap : Pre-initialized ([1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.0_04.zip)

    mod_IC2AdvancedMachines : Pre-initialized (AdvancedMachines_4.0_client.zip)

    mod_BuildCraftCore : Pre-initialized (buildcraft-client-A-core-2.2.14.zip)

    mod_BuildCraftBuilders : Pre-initialized (buildcraft-client-B-builders-2.2.14.zip)

    mod_BuildCraftEnergy : Pre-initialized (buildcraft-client-B-energy-2.2.14.zip)

    mod_BuildCraftFactory : Pre-initialized (buildcraft-client-B-factory-2.2.14.zip)

    mod_BuildCraftTransport : Pre-initialized (buildcraft-client-B-transport-2.2.14.zip)

    mod_AdditionalPipes : Pre-initialized (buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-2.1.3.zip)

    mod_CCTurtle : Pre-initialized (ComputerCraft)

    mod_ComputerCraft : Pre-initialized (ComputerCraft)

    mod_CraftingTableIII : Pre-initialized (CraftingTableIIIB1.8.zip)

    mod_EE : Loaded (EE2ClientV1.4.5.1.jar)

    mod_EnderStorage : Loaded (EnderStorage-Client 1.1.1.zip)

    mod_IC2NuclearControl : Loaded (IC2NuclearControl_client_v1.1.6.zip)

    mod_ImmibisCore : Loaded (immibis-core_48.2.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

    mod_IC2 : Loaded (industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b.jar)

    mod_InvTweaks : Loaded (InvTweaks-1.41b-1.2.4.zip)

    mod_MAtmos_forModLoader : Loaded (MAtmos_packaged.zip)

    mod_IC2_ChargingBench : Loaded (mod_chargingbench-client-1.95b-1.2.5-r1.zip)

    mod_CompactSolars : Loaded (mod_compactsolars-client-

    mod_IronChest : Loaded (mod_ironchests-client-

    mod_NetherOres : Loaded (NetherOres_Client_1.2.1.zip)

    mod_PowerConverters : Loaded (PowerConverters_Client_1.3.4.zip)

    mod_Railcraft : Loaded (Railcraft_Client_5.2.4.zip)

    mod_RedPowerControl : Loaded (RedPowerControl-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_RedPowerCore : Loaded (RedPowerCore-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_RedPowerLighting : Loaded (RedPowerLighting-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_RedPowerLogic : Loaded (RedPowerLogic-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_RedPowerMachine : Loaded (RedPowerMachine-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_RedPowerWiring : Loaded (RedPowerWiring-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_RedPowerWorld : Loaded (RedPowerWorld-2.0pr5b2.zip)

    mod_TubeStuff : Loaded (tubestuff_48.2.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

    mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons : Loaded (WR-CBE Addons-Client 1.2.1.zip)

    mod_WirelessRedstoneCore : Loaded (WR-CBE Core-Client 1.2.1.zip)

    mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower : Loaded (WR-CBE RedPower-Client



      Minecraft has crashed!     



Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.





--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT cf64655e --------

Generated 6/19/12 4:08 AM


Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5

OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1

Java: 1.7.0_03, Oracle Corporation

VM: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series version 4.2.11631 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.


cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NullPointerException

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer.preInit(ModLoaderModContainer.java:114)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.preModInit(Loader.java:235)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:593)

    at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.onPreLoad(FMLClientHandler.java:193)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:383)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:735)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

    at forge.MinecraftForgeClient.registerSoundHandler(MinecraftForgeClient.java:77)

    at mod_EE.<init>(mod_EE.java:180)

    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer.preInit(ModLoaderModContainer.java:107)

    ... 6 more

--- END ERROR REPORT 9004ee56 ----------

I searched and found nothing. If anyone could help with this it would be great.


Well, for one you need Optifine C3 because it is the only one compatible with Forge #138. Also, Forge in Tekkit is a much earlier version and I believe heavily modified. Under no circumstance should you need to update Forge for any reason.

You could try installing Forge and then the new optifine (has to be in that order). Optifine and Forge don't like each other very well, and C3 was just released which adds "compatibility" with the newest version of forge.

Personally, I would just wait. The newest version of EE requires the newest version of forge so you can bet when they update Tekkit they'll update Forge.


ExtraBiomesXL won't work anyway... There is no Bukkit port yet and Bukkit doesn't run vanilla server mods right off the bat. Other than that, don't ever try to change core mods like Forge. It's asking for troubles. Much troubles. It's like updating the Windows 95 kernel to the Windows 7 version, that just doesn't work. (Extreme example, I know. I like to emphasize it a bit. ;)) If you want it so badly, try to setup a vanilla server with that mod.


Bumping this because I got the tekkit client to work with a past version of forge ( Now that I've got that installed, extra biomes runs fine in single player. Updating the server to the same version of forge is proving to be a different matter entirely though. If anyone has any insight on how forge server works, that would be great. I realize that its still a shot in the dark, but i haven't given up hope yet.

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