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Hello  and thank you for taking time to read this post, this is something that has been eating at my tech skills for a minute. I've built and designed many custom modpacks in the past for launchers and recently I put together one called 13 Cups of Coffee. Everything was doing fine i'd replace and update it in the dropbox and i'd update my players client side.

However recently in the last few weeks all of the windows users even with fresh installs and correct java (so you can rule out common issues) using the technic Launcher look up my modpack and install it, what happens is that it'll continuely inform them that it needs to update the modpack and the crazy thing is it downloads the latest version and doesn't unpack all the files in it. I've gone in and checked the caches zip file it downloads and its the correct one however, it doesn't extract all the files from it.Another wierd aspect it'll remeber which files were removed but new ones added and updated are not unpacked. Same thing happens in the config section. The 2 Mac users I have wierdly enough can download and update this modpack without any issues so I know its not dropbox giving issues. I'd like to get back to just updating my dropbox and moving forward please help. Oh, I've even tried building a new modpack link and linking it to it and still the same thing. Is there a file that maybe is in the modpack that might be filtering absent mindedly?

Next thing I'm trying is rebuilding the modpack from scratch and seeing if that fixes it.

Thanks for you time

Edited by Coffee_Nutz
  • Discord Moderator

Always provide the API URL or a link to the pack details page when requesting custom modpack assistance.

Please provide (in a pastebin service) log date for the systems which are failing the pack update process.

  • Discord Moderator

Sorry, that was a typo. I meant to type "log data". Basically, if the modpack archive is failing to extract there should be an error in your Launcher log.

  1. Make sure the Launcher is closed.
  2. Delete the contents of %APPDATA%\.technic\logs\
  3. Start the Launcher and attempt to install the modpack.
  4. When the installation fails, close the Launcher.
  5. Provide a link to the contents of the techniclauncher*.log which was created using a pastebin service like http://pastebin.com

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