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First, I'm a German Guy and I'm sorry if I make mistakes.

I "replaced" my OS (Operated System) because my Pc got slow (I'm now using Ubuntu) ,
I saved my .technic Folder because I wanted to keep my Minecraft modpacks .

But I got 2 problems:

1.I can't change the folder of my modpacks (my technic launcher just don't want to use another directory than C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\.technic)
-  a problem because the Minecraft Launcher from Mojang uses another location on Linux and I just want organization .

2.And now the real problem: I cant import my modpacks ! I replaced the cache and the modpacks folder (because of the first problem) but if I want to start a modpack, the launcher just closes (you can see in the videos I made)


Why is there no modpack importing function or something?

Thanks for Support




Edited by DrTarncapeU
I needed to add Tags Right?

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