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Technic 2.0 on USB?


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Most of the people /taking/ our 'Applied ICT' classes knew more then the teacher, and the network dudes had no clue (they obviously just managed to reserch enough to set up some pre-packaged solution and look like they know something. no actual ability required since the rest of the staff were more incpetent then the students.)

This was a while back mind you.

By the way, make sure you don't call your sysadmin incompetent. Once upon a time I called ours incompetent and she almost killed me.

Never did write the apology though.

That is Network admins for you, got their MCSE (or whatever the heck the right one is) certification then turned cynical and tired (and maybe lazy) from dealing with "stupid" people. Stupid in quotes because it is in comparison to what they know.

Someone a little mad after having to deal with a BOFH?


They probably nuke the drive when the user logs off and they'd also have to pre package the software with it which comes with other implications, such as people playing it in their spare time as opposed to when it is part of the lesson and also setting up user accounts.

Technic Pack is too fun for class room activity though.

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Doesn't it have to authenticate to Mojang servers when you login? Maybe there's a cracked work-around, but I doubt you'll find help here if that's the only solution. I think your machine has to have internet to do this legitimately.

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