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[3.2.1]Superior Minecraft[No Pvp][60 Slots][Open][Anti-Grief & Steal]


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Then just stop commenting and find another server? Is that too hard for you to do?

When you get this, the worlds are lagging like crazy and the only thing not being slowed down is the numbers of daily players you had. I suggest fixing soon. The lag seems to be something to do with chunk loading and overall server wised. I've always run-ed about 60-70fps and now I'm at 30 and seem to be getting 1. This lag is caused by the server. That's all the info I've gathered, best of luck.

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May I post a request for a plugin:http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-admn-openinv-1-8-7-open-anyones-inventory-as-a-chest-real-time-1-2-5-1-3-1.15379/

This plugin will allow anyone you give perm to, to be able to open anyone's inventory and take out everything from items to armor with the player logged in or out of the server. This can greatly reduce griefing without any "logger's" problem. (used it for myself when I had my own server up, works efficient and it's very useful)

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The strange thing is the lag started at exactly 6:00 PM GMT... It might be some kind of DoS attack or something. Might we change IP's some time to test this, if possible.

Also, I have removed numerous griefers again today, as well as people just generally breaking rules big time. SPawn is thrashed... again... and overall things don't look too good at all.

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The strange thing is the lag started at exactly 6:00 PM GMT... It might be some kind of DoS attack or something. Might we change IP's some time to test this, if possible.

Also, I have removed numerous griefers again today, as well as people just generally breaking rules big time. SPawn is thrashed... again... and overall things don't look too good at all.

Second paragraph should be the current description... *sigh*...

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Hey bud. Lag is ridiculous again. Either your exposed to some serious DDoS or your service provider is stuffing around big time or, and I doubt this, their is something on the server that is lagging up bad. But as I mentioned, I highly doubt that, as last night we had 40+ people on with no lag.

Just a heads up, but something really ain't right.

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now i know you have had a few requests for white list, but i believe it is starting to become necessary or at the very least change whatever protection plugins you are using. my home, buildings has being griefed again, frankly it is starting to become a chore to log into this server expecting and most of time needing to spend a hour or so reparing damage

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