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Technic Launcher: Agelian is the Jesus of Technic


  • Forum Administrators


This forum is for all things related to the new Technic Launcher, issues, problems, criticisms, everything.

So I finally managed to create an .app launcher for Mac. There's one thing though, changing memory settings inside launcher won't work. (it is set to 2048M :P) Aaand... the launcher defaults to 64 bit java (should also work on 32 bit java).

Here is the download link: http://dl.thenumb.eu/TechnicLauncher.zip

I'd appreciate any feedback.

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  • 0

I love the new launcher... Personally, I like the idea of the different mods being selected to run from the start. I am a very recent Minecraft player and instantly fell addicted to the technic/tekkit packs. I have had only one real issue where I try to run the jar file directly because I can play it at work during my lunch break, but I get the technic splash screen and does not move any further. Is this related to the issue of needing internet?

I am running Vista 64 bit home premium with 4gb ram

Also, Thanks for the hard work you guys put into this.. YOU ROCK!

  • 0

Hello folks. I have an issue and couldn't find any info about that. Somebody, please help! :'(

I runned the TechnicLauncher.exe (v. 0.2), it seemed to successfully download the technic-launcher.jar and place it in the right folder. But when I try to launch the .jar, nothing happens, only a round "loading" screen appears for the fraction of second. It doesn't even write any logs so I can't provide with more details.

I have Windows 7 x64 and the latest JRE installed.

  • 0

Hello folks. I have an issue and couldn't find any info about that. Somebody, please help! :'(

I runned the TechnicLauncher.exe (v. 0.2), it seemed to successfully download the technic-launcher.jar and place it in the right folder. But when I try to launch the .jar, nothing happens, only a round "loading" screen appears for the fraction of second. It doesn't even write any logs so I can't provide with more details.

I have Windows 7 x64 and the latest JRE installed.

Don't run the jar, just run the .exe you downloaded.
  • 0

Don't run the jar, just run the .exe you downloaded.

Same thing, the .exe checks the launcher version, than the same small loading screen flashes and that's all.

  • 0

look at the common problems thread and read the bit right at the top about posting the log files to pastebin. If you do that then I will have something more concrete to look at rather than just it doesn't work.. That is the only real way I can help if I cant reproduce the problem on my end

  • 0

is there actually an installer for 1.1 or just this retarded launcher thats completly seperate from minecraft

No, there's no installer. The "retarded" launcher is much better.

  • 0
  • Forum Administrators

is there actually an installer for 1.1 or just this retarded launcher thats completly seperate from minecraft

No, there will never be an installer ever again. Shit is whack yo, the launcher is the new hotness.

  • 0

Sorry, but I wrote in the very first message that there aren't any logs, the only file in the .techniclauncher folder is the .jar itself.

You may be having a common problem. The solution is posted in several places, but just go ahead and run that .jar and tell us what happens. See if it works for you. If it does, just make a shortcut to the jar and use that instead of the .exe.

is there actually an installer for 1.1 or just this retarded launcher thats completly seperate from minecraft

You say that like being separate from minecraft is a bad thing?

  • 0

Seems that full describing of user actions and their results is mandatory, as long as nobody reads it :(

I tried to launch the .jar and told about what happened in my first post. It shows "Loading" screen for a split second and does nothing more. The only difference for .exe is that it checks the launcher version first. And no logs are written.

  • 0

Seems that full describing of user actions and their results is mandatory, as long as nobody reads it :(

I tried to launch the .jar and told about what happened in my first post. It shows "Loading" screen for a split second and does nothing more. The only difference for .exe is that it checks the launcher version first. And no logs are written.

Interesting. Sorry I just popped in and didn't see your previous post. My bad. If you're not even getting to the point with logs, it tells me that there might be something wrong with your computers settings which is preventing the launcher from even getting going. Try two things for me in this order. First, check if your OS is 64 bit, and then check if your version of java matches your OS. "64 bit or 32 bit". If they don't, update java. If they do, delete your .techniclauncher file and the .exe and redownload. If that doesn't work, delete it again and try downloading the mac version and running that (it's just the jar. Want to check)

If that all fails, come back and start a new thread with all your info in it and that I said to start it, and we'll help you further.

  • 0

:( :(


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00c4fcba, pid=2840, tid=1472


# JRE version: 6.0_29-b11

# Java VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (20.4-b02 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )

# Problematic frame:

# j java.util.ServiceLoader.<init>(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V+22


# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp


--------------- T H R E A D ---------------

Current thread (0x009c0c00): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_Java, id=1472, stack(0x00b10000,0x00b60000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x24c45be4


EAX=0x229e3e18, EBX=0x0200000c, ECX=0x22c45bd8, EDX=0x00000000

ESP=0x00b5f764, EBP=0x00b5f784, ESI=0x36bebade, EDI=0x00b5f794

EIP=0x00c4fcba, EFLAGS=0x00010206

Top of Stack: (sp=0x00b5f764)

0x00b5f764: 00b5f764 36bebade 00b5f794 37740500

0x00b5f774: 00000000 377400b0 00000000 00b5f78c

0x00b5f784: 00b5f7bc 00c42e21 229e3e18 37a0dc08

0x00b5f794: 22c45bd8 22c45bd8 00b5f79c 36bebc86

0x00b5f7a4: 00b5f7c8 37740500 00000000 37740a60

0x00b5f7b4: 00b5f78c 00b5f7c4 00b5f7ec 00c42f87

0x00b5f7c4: 229e3e18 37a0dc08 00b5f7cc 36bec2d6

0x00b5f7d4: 00b5f7fc 37740500 00000000 37740d80

Instructions: (pc=0x00c4fcba)

0x00c4fc9a: 03 0f 85 0c 00 00 00 58 59 3b 01 89 04 19 e9 cd

0x00c4fcaa: 00 00 00 83 f8 07 0f 85 17 00 00 00 58 59 3b 01

0x00c4fcba: 89 04 19 c1 e9 09 c6 04 0d 00 b2 ba 02 00 e9 ad

0x00c4fcca: 00 00 00 83 f8 01 0f 85 0d 00 00 00 58 59 3b 01

Register to memory mapping:

EAX=0x229e3e18 is an oop


- klass: 'sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader'

EBX=0x0200000c is an unknown value


[error occurred during error reporting (printing register info), id 0xc0000005]

Stack: [0x00b10000,0x00b60000], sp=0x00b5f764, free space=317k

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)

j java.util.ServiceLoader.<init>(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V+22

j java.util.ServiceLoader.load(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljava/util/ServiceLoader;+6

j java.util.ServiceLoader.loadInstalled(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/ServiceLoader;+22

j sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool$1.run()Ljava/lang/Object;+4

v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

V [jvm.dll+0xfac3b]

V [jvm.dll+0x18c391]

V [jvm.dll+0xfacbd]

V [jvm.dll+0xbb654]

C [java.dll+0x1047] Java_java_security_AccessController_doPrivileged__Ljava_security_PrivilegedExceptionAction_2+0x15

j sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool.<init>(Ljava/lang/Class;)V+45

j sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool.getPool(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lsun/util/LocaleServiceProviderPool;+22

j java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/DecimalFormatSymbols;+3

j java.util.Formatter.setZero()V+24

j java.util.Formatter.init(Ljava/lang/Appendable;Ljava/util/Locale;)V+11

j java.util.Formatter.<init>()V+21

j java.lang.String.format(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;+4

j org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main.reboot(Ljava/lang/String;)V+194

j org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+167

v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

V [jvm.dll+0xfac3b]

V [jvm.dll+0x18c391]

V [jvm.dll+0xfacbd]

V [jvm.dll+0x95776]

V [jvm.dll+0x9d5b3]

C [javaw.exe+0x2155]

C [javaw.exe+0x8614]

C [kernel32.dll+0xb50b] GetModuleFileNameA+0x1b4

--------------- P R O C E S S ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )

0x034b3c00 JavaThread "D3D Screen Updater" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1260, stack(0x03620000,0x03670000)]

0x034ad400 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=2896, stack(0x035d0000,0x03620000)]

0x00ab9c00 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3656, stack(0x03580000,0x035d0000)]

0x00aa4400 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=516, stack(0x03210000,0x03260000)]

0x00aa3400 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=1128, stack(0x031c0000,0x03210000)]

0x00aa1400 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1244, stack(0x03170000,0x031c0000)]

0x00a44800 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3892, stack(0x030c0000,0x03110000)]

0x00a3ec00 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3192, stack(0x03070000,0x030c0000)]

0x00a3d400 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3640, stack(0x03020000,0x03070000)]

0x00a3c000 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=696, stack(0x02fd0000,0x03020000)]

0x00a35000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4012, stack(0x02f80000,0x02fd0000)]

0x00a33800 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1048, stack(0x02f30000,0x02f80000)]

=>0x009c0c00 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_Java, id=1472, stack(0x00b10000,0x00b60000)]

Other Threads:

0x009f7800 VMThread [stack: 0x02ee0000,0x02f30000] [id=3748]

0x00a4fc00 WatcherThread [stack: 0x03110000,0x03160000] [id=3652]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None


def new generation total 4928K, used 2635K [0x229c0000, 0x22f10000, 0x27f10000)

eden space 4416K, 59% used [0x229c0000, 0x22c52ec0, 0x22e10000)

from space 512K, 0% used [0x22e10000, 0x22e10000, 0x22e90000)

to space 512K, 0% used [0x22e90000, 0x22e90000, 0x22f10000)

tenured generation total 10944K, used 0K [0x27f10000, 0x289c0000, 0x329c0000)

the space 10944K, 0% used [0x27f10000, 0x27f10000, 0x27f10200, 0x289c0000)

compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 641K [0x329c0000, 0x335c0000, 0x369c0000)

the space 12288K, 5% used [0x329c0000, 0x32a604f0, 0x32a60600, 0x335c0000)

ro space 10240K, 51% used [0x369c0000, 0x36eed0b8, 0x36eed200, 0x373c0000)

rw space 12288K, 54% used [0x373c0000, 0x37a59570, 0x37a59600, 0x37fc0000)

Code Cache [0x00c40000, 0x00ce0000, 0x02c40000)

total_blobs=263 nmethods=63 adapters=136 free_code_cache=32914944 largest_free_block=0

Dynamic libraries:

0x00400000 - 0x00424000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe

0x7c910000 - 0x7c9c6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll

0x7c800000 - 0x7c901000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

0x77da0000 - 0x77e4c000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll

0x77e50000 - 0x77ee1000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll

0x77d10000 - 0x77da0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll

0x77ef0000 - 0x77f36000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll

0x7c340000 - 0x7c396000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\msvcr71.dll

0x6d7f0000 - 0x6da9f000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll

0x76b00000 - 0x76b2e000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll

0x6d700000 - 0x6d723000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\splashscreen.dll

0x5b150000 - 0x5b188000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll

0x77be0000 - 0x77c38000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll

0x6d7a0000 - 0x6d7ac000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\verify.dll

0x6d320000 - 0x6d33f000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\java.dll

0x746b0000 - 0x746fb000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll

0x6d7e0000 - 0x6d7ef000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\zip.dll

0x6d000000 - 0x6d14c000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\awt.dll

0x72f80000 - 0x72fa6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV

0x76340000 - 0x7635d000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll

0x774b0000 - 0x775ec000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll

0x773a0000 - 0x774a2000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9\COMCTL32.dll

0x77f40000 - 0x77fb6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll

0x6d230000 - 0x6d27f000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\fontmanager.dll

0x4fd10000 - 0x4feb6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll

0x6dea0000 - 0x6dea6000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8thk.dll

0x77bd0000 - 0x77bd8000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll

0x7c9d0000 - 0x7d1ee000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll

0x6d550000 - 0x6d559000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\management.dll

0x6d600000 - 0x6d613000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\net.dll

0x71a30000 - 0x71a47000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll

0x71a20000 - 0x71a28000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll

0x6d620000 - 0x6d629000 C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\bin\nio.dll

0x76bb0000 - 0x76bbb000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL

VM Arguments:

java_command: C:\Documents and Settings\Principal\Datos de programa\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar

Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:

PATH=C:\Archivos de programa\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Archivos de programa\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\Ahead\Lib\;C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\Ahead\Lib\



PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3, AuthenticAMD

--------------- S Y S T E M ---------------

OS: Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 2

CPU:total 4 (4 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 16 model 4 stepping 3, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, popcnt, mmxext, 3dnow, 3dnowext, lzcnt, sse4a

Memory: 4k page, physical 3407084k(2721212k free), swap 5335380k(4744336k free)

vm_info: Java HotSpot Client VM (20.4-b02) for windows-x86 JRE (1.6.0_29-b11), built on Oct 3 2011 01:01:08 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 7.1 (VS2003)

time: Sun Feb 19 01:15:57 2012

elapsed time: 0 seconds

That appears when i luanch the .jar cuase the .exe dosent work

  • 0

According to the internet, the error there is an unhandled EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. Looking into it a bit more, though it sounds like it might be a buffer overflow or some't or possibly a file access thing. Are you admin on the computer?

EDIT: It looks like it is trying to write to a memory location that either doesn't exist, or it doesn't have write permission to. A lot of things I've read about this is to do with GUI stuff.

Try updating your Java.

  • 0

I am having a big problem. It always says %download failed please help me.

My computer:

Intel core i5

Nvidia geforce gt430m or something like that

3gb RAM

and java 7 x64 update 2

My launcher_0.log

[19:39:09] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[19:39:09] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[19:39:09] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[19:39:09] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[19:39:10] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[19:39:10] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:11] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file7264626836051811559.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[19:39:11] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[19:39:11] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpacks.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/modpacks.yml'.

[19:39:13] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/vanilla/resources/logo.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:13] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/technicssp/resources/favicon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:13] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/logo.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:13] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/icon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:13] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/icon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:13] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/vanilla/resources/favicon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3933115358834581877.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file6331781095201637493.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file2120265708616205926.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file73430529434386371.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file6329920255370188678.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png

[19:39:14] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png

[19:39:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3764917607323311707.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png

[19:39:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png

[19:39:15] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'libraries.yml' from 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/libraries.yml'.

[19:39:15] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modlibrary.yml' from 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/modlibrary.yml'.

[19:39:21] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/modpack.yml'.

[19:39:23] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/minecraft.yml'.

[19:39:45] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:40:52] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/modpack.yml'.

[19:40:52] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[19:40:55] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:41:49] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher

[19:42:02] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[19:42:02] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[19:42:02] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[19:42:02] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[19:42:03] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[19:42:04] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:42:04] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file271536170469686245.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[19:42:04] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[19:42:04] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\vanilla\modpack.yml' has md5 of '97568448f62e502702feb7abe82f8a60' instead of '8cd30cffc366b9e9217b1a8f45bff44e'

[19:42:05] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/modpack.yml'.

[19:42:05] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[19:42:15] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:43:26] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'abd963738f633416ba1d8728a7bf0c07' instead of '0dfb8a16638712433234ec9ff4163887'

[19:43:27] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/technicssp/modpack.yml'.

[19:43:32] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:43:36] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:43:40] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:43:47] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:44:21] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher

  • 0

the launcher seems to login to the website itself and not like the launcher wich causes me to have to keep typing in my e-mail (because it only remembers the username) instead of my username cause my account is converted to mojang and not minecraft only but my minecraft.exe still works with my username

hope this is usefull and that it will be fixed

  • 0

Cheap Shot, thanks for your support! The problem had been fixed when I reinstalled Windows (not due to errors, just bought a new HDD). Still don't know what it could be caused by, because I had the latest JRE and launcher (Mac version too) and tried to reinstall both of them few times. Nevermind. Unfortunately now I'm experiencing some other fun glitches, but they aren't related to the Launcher, so I'd better move into an another topic :)

  • 0

Mmk, I'm having a similar problem to a few of the others here in that when I try to launch the launcher, it will pop up with the logo then nothing else will happen. I've tried updating my java as mentioned before, and I've checked to see everything is getting through my firewall. Plus the only way of closing it is via finding "java" in task managers "processes" section and terminating it.

Oddly enough It was working just fine only a few hours ago, now its just suddenly acting up like this. Hell I've even tried using my back-up version of the .technicpack folder (its an older version of the launcher too) and it still came up like this.

I'm running Windows 7 32bit with the latest service pack installed, and my technicpack folder is unmodded (apart from your mods of course).

Any further help would be appreciated thanks.

Edit: Disregard this post, problem resolved itself when I used the "technic launcher" executable I originally downloaded to run the game instead of the executable JAR file in the .technic folder.

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