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Technic Pack 7.2.7 and Forestry


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I want to install Forestry, More Bees, and Vis Bees to my copy of Technic Pack 7.2.7, but I don't know how and no one seems to want to answer me every where else I've asked. Could someone please tell me which versions of the above mods are compatible with 7.2.7 and how to install them?

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Well, double posting is generally a bad idea, and these questions have been answered many times before. I'd assume the latest, non-beta versions of Forestry and just the latest version of Extra Bees and Vis Bees.

Except only Extra Bees is ever recognized by the program. On the title screen it has, among other things, the number of mods being used. Even after adding all three mods only one is ever counted. Do you just dump the files in the mod folder or do you have to do other stuff first?

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Well, it's generally a good idea to read the installation instructions on the mod and just replace "minecraft.jar" with "modpack.jar", instead.

And if they don't have instructions? And where is minecraft.jar and modpack.jar?

By the way, the Vis Bees file is already a .jar file. Vis Bees won't work...how can I make it work?

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We're nice people who like helping the confused?

Except I see threads like this all the time, constantly shitting up the forum*. "I want to do a thing with a mod whose creator decided to specifically fuck with the end user in the worst ways possible, halp plz?" Why the hell should we give a damn beyond telling people that Forestry is no longer supported and that they're free to exercise their Google-Fu.

By the way: Is the version of Forestry for the same version of Minecraft that your Technic install is running on? Yes? Good. Install that shit and go play. If you run into issues with subsidiary mods or Forestry itself, stop asking for help here, please. The people to ask for support for these mods are the creators, not the Technic forums. If they refuse to help, well, time to use the ol' noggin and figure it out yourself.

*I do realize that since we essentially attract mostly 12 year old sperglords that expecting quality is unrealistic and complaining about people shitting up Cafe Lame of all places is like whining about how /b/ used to be good. (and don't fucking quote Rules 1 & 2 at me, those only apply on raids - and since /b/ never does anything except writhe about in a pit of self-masturbatory reposts these days...)

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Last I heard about this is ally need to do is put the forestry zip file in the mods folder and rename it to start with a z to force it to load last. You do not even need to worry about block ids as all the ones it needs should be free still.

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