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Just a random thread but just wanted to ask does anyone want a mod which makes it so you can upgrade Quantium Armour? i can get pictures and its not overpowered its EXTREMELY exspensive

i believe you need 18 stacks of iridium to make :P

if anyone requests i will post pictures and download link.

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Nope. I did the link for ya. :D

Munaus, if you have removed EE which conflicts with the fly code, you can fly on EU, recharge your tools just like a lappack and use this as a super battery that charges and discharges in an MFSU within 25 seconds. It can store 10m EU.

the EE only conflics its you attempt to fly then you crash i've tested this but it might be different for other people and i though i posted the link for it :P thanks.

Quantum was THE ultimate armor (except for the inferno), how is this one better?

Its an addon which give quantum another use the difference is that you can create a better lappack which can hold 10million EU and drains enewrgy from mfsu quickly so don't have to wait long

able to fly but not with Equivalent Exchange

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If that happens, the whole upgrade could cost more iridium than the Quantumsuit itself. 10 Iridium for the whole suit and the upgrade for the Gravichestplate already costs like 20 I guess.

The whole upgrade would be more then 20 iridium, it could probably be world 20/25 iridium plates i don't know havn't exactly counted them.

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