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How do i add more ram to my tekkit Launcher.


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Hello this is me artrick and i am wondering on how i am able to add more ram as when i do it only goes up to 1536mb and i find it is not enough for me. I currently have 8gb's of ram in my desktop and i would like to add 4 gigs but it will not go any higher then 1536 MB and i am starter to get lag on a server and had a crash due to not enough ram and would just like to know on how i am able to add 4 gigs.

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First, don't say your name in the post, I can turn my head 1 inch to look at your name. I don't know if this breaks the sign your posts rule, but its pretty close. Second, this isn't the forums problem. You need to go on the internet and google search on how to add more ram on your computer. If you don't want to do that, just call your computer manufacturer and ask them to do it. We cover the tekkit software, not computers.

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You do realize that he was asking how to add more RAM to his tekkit launcher and not his computer right? I doubt you read his post properly, which is something you should do before going all agro-mode.

Back on-topic, I'd love to know as well, as we used to be able to select up to 4GB memory usage, which isn't the case anymore for some reason.

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Maybe if he wrote "How I allocate more ram to my Tekkit launcher" and accually paid attention to the rules of English, I would write a correct response.

Anyway, sorry about the confusion, If what they suggested above doesn't work, you should try reinstalling Tekkit too. That might help Tekkit move to 64 bit java after you install it.

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Maybe if he wrote "How I allocate more ram to my Tekkit launcher" and accually paid attention to the rules of English, I would write a correct response.

Anyway, sorry about the confusion, If what they suggested above doesn't work, you should try reinstalling Tekkit too. That might help Tekkit move to 64 bit java after you install it.

Psst: When complaining about another persons grammar and spelling, you should check yours.

Anyways: I just checked a quick single player world I have and it says it has nearly 3 gigs available to it. ( I have Tekkit set for 4 gigs in the launcher, though it probably starts at like 2 and increases up to a max of that. ) However, in the quick check I never got above an actual used RAM of 650MB, so I can't confirm right off hand that it actually using the full amount.

OP: Would you happen to have a video card with 512MB of video RAM? That is indeed a very round number ( for computers ) suggesting you are only running 32-bit. In fact, just to be sure, your OS is 64-bit correct?

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Hi, Sorry I didn't read any of the answers below your post.

First, I'm assuming you're running a 64 Bit OS (So you can see all 8GB of ram) in your system settings.

Second, You're running 64 bit of JAVA 7 JDK.

If those are both true.. to simply add more ram to your java launcher do the following.

  1. Open your minecraft folder
  2. Right click on launch.bat
  3. Cick 'edit' (Use notepad) I suggest installing notepad++ for all dev work on your server (http://download.tuxfamily.org/notepadplus/6.1.7/npp.6.1.7.Installer.exe)
  4. Change those settings to the following:
  5. java -Xmx7G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui
  6. Yes you can copy paste the bold above.
  7. Xmx7 is allowing minecraft to use 7 GB of ram. Xms is telling minecraft that 2G is the minimum to use (its ok to have that value low).
  8. Leave 1 GM AT LEAST (More I suggest) to your operating system / network connections.

java -Xmx7G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui


java -Xmx7168M -Xms2048M -jar Tekkit.jar nogui

The difference between these two is G/M (Gigabyte / Megabyte) they do the same thing you're asking.

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I am assuming, artrick, that you do not have your windows explorer to show file extensions, like most beginning users of windows, or non-technical users. You need to open your Tools\Folder Options... menu (Pressing the Alt key while in windows explorer should bring up the menu bar (I can't remember off hand, I have not setup a new Windows computer in a while, and personally I Linux on my boxes)).

In Folder Options... click on the View Tab and click the radio button Show hidden files, folders, and drives , Also tick the box Always show menus , and untick the box Hide extensions for known file types.

Now, I am relatively new to Tekkit and the Techniclauncher, but with the newest launcher, the only way I see to change the RAM allocation is in the folder


And the file you want to edit is launcher.properties . So right click on that file, select edit (You may have to select notepad as the program to use, don't ask me the details on that part, but if you can't figure it out just google it, not too hard). Now change the line

memory: 1024


memory: 6144

Or better yet

memory: 5120

As that will give you plenty of RAM for tekkit and plenty for Windows 7 64bit to run without swapping. Remember, you NEVER want to swap, it will slow down your game and make life sad. (That's why I like Linux, my desktop machine runs under 1G Easily (usually start at < 512M) and my server (hardware/OS not minecraft) starts always under 512M (plenty of room for play there, as it is a 64GB machine))

Hope that helps. You also may NOT want to share your skype username on a publicly accessible and indexed forum as people Love scraping skype usernames to spam/annoy/grief/hack/etc. Also, begging for skype help Never gets you help.

Good Luck

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