tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 Hi all, im posting here as i cant seem to find a red power 2 forum of any sort so im asking for your help. basically im having a problem where my sorting machine blocks the pipe feeding it when rubber wood or rubber (balls) try to be sorted. I have got around it for now using a restiction pipe and feeding them off manually but im interested why the sorting machine wont work with rubber. I have tested this on SSP and it works ok so i can only assume its a server side issue but not sure where start to look to resolve it. (yes im the server owner hosted on a linux box) Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help Regards Tradari Quote
TheBard Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 Do you have a valid destination set for the rubber wood/rubber? Is that destination full? Quote
tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Author Posted September 12, 2012 Yes im using pink for the output and that feeds a pink pipe just before a gold chest the chest is less than half full i will add i have 4 other items going through the sorting machine and there all working fine Quote
gavjenks Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 If it works when you do anything in the same machine other than rubber... then it's obviously just a bug. Post it in the bugs, and maybe try posting it on the redpower minecraft forum thread that eloraam reads occasionally. My off-the-cuff guess is that since Redpower also has its own rubber trees, there is some sort of naming conflict or something. If she used words instead of ID values in the code somewhere, then it might get confused and think you are trying to sort redpower rubber tree wood, when in fact you have IC2 rubber wood in the machine, and so it will never work. You could verify this theory yourself, by the way, by attempting to send a piece of redpower2 rubber wood through the machine, and see if it DOES sort into your chest. Quote
Viktor_Berg Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 Hmm... Could you post a setup? There might be something you are missing that is not obvious at a glance. Quote
tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Author Posted September 12, 2012 there are 2 rubber types yes the type that it in the large rubber tress 3x3 ones works fine but the other does not, but if it was a bug i would expect it to show in ssp too which it does not and works fine on that. Ill add it to the red power minecraft forums and see what happens. Thanks for your help Quote
tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Author Posted September 12, 2012 give me a few mins and ill add a url with some pics Quote
tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Author Posted September 12, 2012 here you can see the red and pink tubes into chests here you can see the items in the machine and there colours. as i said they all work except the rubber wood which blocks the input tube to the sorting machine. this is the inout, so a timer operating a transposer feeding the sorting machine to the right is the output, the left is a restricion pipe which feeds a chest this prevents the pipe blocking. Quote
Jusupov Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 You could set the sorter to output unid'd items to that chest after it by giving it a color too. Also the sorter doesn't need a redstone signal. Also use a filter to feed the sorter as a transposer will only do single items. Quote
tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Author Posted September 12, 2012 Im not feeding the sorted with redstone just the transposer, and im using a transposer as a filler will only move full stacks, i prefer to move single items for now. the left hand chest is a temp fix for the rubber wood to goto to prevent the sorting machine input pipe blocking up. im not sure what you means by unid'd ? Quote
tradari Posted September 12, 2012 Author Posted September 12, 2012 ok i have been able to replicate it in ssp. basically everything was working fine but it failed once i switched the sortig machine colours ie pink - stone orange - rubber while running switch over the colours so pink = rubber orange = stone this then fails and to fix it you have to brake the sorter and replace it will remain failed even if you swopped the colours back Quote
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