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Energy Link Issues


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I'm trying to get a setup done on a Tekkit server (no care for efficiency, I'm just messing around on creative). I'm trying to have solar panels supplying power to a quarry or other things that require mechanical power. I'm also trying to figure out power teleporters but am running into issues.

Here's my setup: 3 HV Solar Panels > HV cable > MFSU > HV Cable > Energy Link

This is where I get my problem. When I attach a wooden conductive pipe to the energy link, there is no energy flow through the pipe. I tested this by placing a redstone engine at the end of the pipe, among a few things. No power is running through. If I put the items right next to the Energy Link, though, they power up just fine.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or if this is glitched somehow (most likely the former). Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: Just tried the same setup in single player and it worked flawlessly. Is there anything I can do to get it to work in the server? (I own it and run it myself)

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You may need to convert the evergy to LV.

Have it as:

3 HV Solar Panels > Fiber optic cable > MFSU > Fiber optic > MV transformer (Make it go into the side with 3 pins and come out of the one with 1) > fiber optic cable > LV transformer (Make it go into the side with 3 pins and come out of the one with 1)> fiber optic cable > energy link.

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First, the energy link doesn't care what voltage it gets, high voltage is fine.

Second, as lothos said, you need a gold or stone conductive pipe after the wooden one to power stuff.

Teleporters, you have to have an mfsu(or technically a mfe, but that ammount of power probably wont get you far) directly touching, and facing, the sending teleporter. The receiving teleporter dosn't need power.

Hope that helps.

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Yeah, from the energy link, I have Wooden Conductive Pipe > Golden Conductive Pipe > Power Teleporter Pipe

But the power is not flowing through. I'm convinced that it's a bug in multiplayer because I started it from scratch again last night, same exact setup, and it worked like a charm. After I restarted the server, though, it doesn't want to work again, even starting fresh.

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like I said earlier. you DONT use a wooden pipe to output from the energy link. you should only need to use the wood pipe to output from an engine.

You DO need a wooden transport pipe (like engines).

I've had issues with power teleporter pipes. Test with an energy link > Wooden Conductive Pipe > Golden Conductive Pipe > BC machine (i.e. quarry).

Also are the teleport pipes set to receive?

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You do need a wooden conductive pipe, then either cobble or gold conductive pipe. And if I read that correctly you said it goes to a teleport pipe? Do you have the second teleport pipe, the one that is receiving, set to be able to receive? To do this right click it and it will have a box that says either True of False. Set it to True. And make sure they are both on the same frequency and owned by you.

EDIT: lol Air, I was typing while you were.

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Yes, I have it set to receive. Everything is set up properly, I'm almost 100% sure, as I got it to work fine earlier and on single player with the exact same setup. Frequencies match and the receiving one is set to receive. My problem is, though, that there's no power flow to the wooden and golden/stone conductive pipes (no blue line or power if I set up something directly instead of through the teleporter).

This is NOT an issue with the teleporter, it's an issue with the Energy Link and conductive pipes not working properly together.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there. If your wanting to use conductive pipes from a link to a quarry then the best setup is wood pipe from the link, then stone or gold pipe followed by wood pipe into quarry. I've done a how to on my channel on quarry's and energy links if its at all helpful. Youtube /the1mados

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