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I have confirmed this in both tekkit SMP and tekkit SSP.

About 220,000 Eu passing through an uninsulated HV cable in a single tick will kill a person in full quantum armor (all 4 pieces) instantly. This does NOT drain the energy from the armor. It just kills the person.

Apparently, quantum armor does not protect 100% of damage. It has some sort of cap on how much it can protect at around that number.

If you were to supply that amount of electricity directly, it would take about a bit less than 8 stacks of HV solar arrays all hooked to the same MFSU through one wire.

HOWEVER, other devices are able to put out even more EUs per tick than HV solars, and cost much much less. For example, HV transformers can supply 2048 EU/t, have an internal buffer of 2048 which they can drain instantly, and they only cost a little over 1 diamond each (so it would take about 2 stacks of these.)

I still plan on doing a lot more experimenting to figure out the CHEAPEST machine to do this, in a way that would be very affordable on a server without EE. But at least we know now it is possible, and somewhere within the realm of reason.

Also, wires damage in a 1 block radius, including diagonals, meaning a wire can be hidden in a corner in a narrow 2x1 hallway, otu of sight, and still kill. So this can easily be made into a simple and effective trap that WILL catch people in full quantum and allow you to take their stuff, etc. if you're clever.


have you experimented with the possibility of using the wires to make a cage? I am not sure but it seems like if the wire passes by your target multiple times the target would get shocked multiple times. if so, that might reduce your power requirements.


I was playing around with high amounts of energy and electrocuted myself with a tesla coil. Only odd thing about it though, is that I had op mode and god mode on lol. wonder if your setup can also kill ops in god mode?


It's possible that it has something to do with bukkit. Like, OP and quantum armor are in fact programmed to stop 100% of damage, but above 220,000 EU/tick, the amount of damage is so high that bukkit gets overwhelmed and a sufficient number of events don't get distributed to the plugins? Or something like that.

I dunno, andrew, you should see if it kills you as op, since it's on our server.


It's possible that it has something to do with bukkit. Like, OP and quantum armor are in fact programmed to stop 100% of damage, but above 220,000 EU/tick, the amount of damage is so high that bukkit gets overwhelmed and a sufficient number of events don't get distributed to the plugins? Or something like that.

I dunno, andrew, you should see if it kills you as op, since it's on our server.

Can't, no essentials, no god mode.

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