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20 inches eh? *takes notes* Not bad, not bad. It would take a nuclear warhead *assembles nuclear warhead* to get through one of those.

You want to start cold war 2.0? *Makes dirty bomb* Be my guest :twisted:

edit: craaahp, my evil face turned into a cute face

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You want this: :twisted:

aha, :twisted:, thank you... :twisted: *mwahahaha-MWAHAHA*. I'm sure Lazdude will like my surprise waiting outside his front door. (It's got to do with bombs, cake and pain :twisted:)

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I started this pissing contest in the first place. But seriously. Let's re-derail.

So, them United States elections, eh? Obama back in for 4 more years. Can't say he was my preference, but meh. What can one do? :/

Are you trying to make me look back in time? I suck at history :D

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No, (well technically yes), just yesterday. The elections were yesterday, and Obama beat Romney with a good margin.

Aha... Right, Obama beat Romney. Elections.. Let's talk about hacker creepers, I've started to develop an interest for them.. How long can they breathe underwater?

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But honestly - I lose more faith on our generation every day. Seeing kids my younger brother's age (8) walking around with iPhones, Androids, and the like seriously makes me question weather those kids will be able to cope in real life. In an age where young children are able to download apps at will, spending their parent's money willy-nilly, surf the web for information, and overplay video games like Call Of Duty (shoot shoot kill kill - hoorah...), how are they expected to learn the value of hard work? Because they are so used to being able to do things so easily, through apps and the internet, and have parents that obey their every command - buying whatever they want, do you think they will be able to complete basic work without cutting corners because they are used to an easy life?

Just a thought - wouldn't this be sad?


Just something I threw together.

My GOD! You read my mind! I am 14 and I have no social networking sites! I don't even have a phone yet! And still I see all these 9 year-olds walking around watching **** on their phones and swearing every 2 sentences.

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ON TOPIC: Becuase all hackers have quantumsuits, I think a hacker creeper could stay underwater for *tests quantumsuit on live creeper* approx.

3 months before it starts to take suffocation damage.

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My GOD! You read my mind! I am 14 and I have no social networking sites! I don't even have a phone yet! And still I see all these 9 year-olds walking around watching **** on their phones and swearing every 2 sentences.

Same here! Social networking kinda annoys me for some reason... Maybe because it's flooded with kids? Well, anyway, when the day comes that people have floating like buttons over their heads, will you leave Earth with me and start a grammatically correct and social network free colony on the moon?

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The only social networking I use with any regularity is Facebook and it's only to keep up with my family. No twitter, myspace, tumblr or anything else. Social networking allows the best and worst of us to come out because everyone is safely behind a screen.

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Same here! Social networking kinda annoys me for some reason... Maybe because it's flooded with kids? Well, anyway, when the day comes that people have floating like buttons over their heads, will you leave Earth with me and start a grammatically correct and social network free colony on the moon?

Sure buddy...Sure thing.

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  • 8 months later...

I personally think threads are like monorails. Slow moving and boring until they get derailed. Then is the load of fun falling and screaming.


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Hushful gone. Because of Kitty jail

Bride gone. Because of Kitty jail

Greenwolf gone. Because of himself

Viking.... ? Around, but not as often as you might wish.

Pulse95? unknown...probably moved on.

By resurrecting this thread, you effectively shown everyone how much "less" fun we are having now.

Kinda like digging up my grandmother and showing her rotting corpse around- " HEY guys look! This relative of mine was funny once!".

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