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[3.1.2] Verve [PvE][20 Slots][Whitelist] The 24/7 Vanilla Tekkit server you have been waiting for...


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Your In Game Name:RaptorReaper964

Your Age:14 ( I am quite young, but don't mistake that for a mindset of being childish)

How often are you planning on playing: Several days a week with 3-4 hours a day

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: My most proud build achievement is stricture built within a mountain, running all throughout it. It connects and utilizes cave systems built throughout it with living quarters built by me to accommodate it. This mountain is part of a custom map and stretches from the top (256 blocks) to the bottom( bedrock) of the map.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I hope to be able to build in a mature anvironment, figure out Tekkit's more complex areas and make some new friends while I'm at it.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: Minecraft has kinda gone through spurts with me. I used to play Minecraft alot back in 1.7.3., but after a few updates, I kinda got bored of SP, and went into MP. Vanilla MP kinda got a wee bit boring, so a went over to mods and found Tekkit. After Playing on several different kinds of servers, I have come to the conclusion that no matter where you build, griefers are always sure to find you. So, I've set out to find servers that have the 'mature behavior' mindset, and trying my luck out. I know a fair bit about Classic Tekkit, its the one I've always used. I hope to be able to build without the worry of griefers and trolls, and maybe make some new friends while I'm at it.

Additional Comments: I am more fondly know as RaptorChu, but In Minecraft I am know as RaptorReaper964.



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Your In Game Name: d0min8r3

Your Age: 15

How often are you planning on playing: Considering I have nothing going on, probably 5-10 hours a day

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: I built a fully functioning turtle butler linked to a touchscreen computer.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I was hoping to show that not all "kiddos" under the age of 18 are not very mature.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I was hoping to help build the community and have the experience of playing with almost total freedom.

Additional Comments: I hope that my age doesn't affect my chances on being accepted or my horribly written application.

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Your In Game Name: larrycito

Your Age: 15 (but i deem myself mature even though i like to joke around)

How often are you planning on playing: Everyday for about three hours but, on weekends as long as possible.

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: My massive wizards tower on my previous server that was sadly taken down.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I am hoping to explore as much of the map as possible to find an ideal spot for my next build

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I thinks this is the server for me because it isn't too big and I'd love to be able to get to know everyone on the server.

Additional Comments: I have never been banned from any server and I'm looking forward to your response.

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  • 3 months later...

Your In Game Name: DragonFlame001

Your Age:15

How often are you planning on playing:Everyday(well till my school starts at january then maybe i'll play it after school and every weekends)

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:the statue of the players itself

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:to climb my to the top and earn a spot to become one of the best staff if possible

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you:because i know that this server will give me the time of my life and i will meet people around the world and learn from them

Additional Comments:i hope i will get whitelisted asap :D and see you guys soon

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Your In Game Name: DragonFlame001

Your Age:15

How often are you planning on playing:Everyday(well till my school starts at january then maybe i'll play it after school and every weekends)

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:the statue of the players itself

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:to climb my to the top and earn a spot to become one of the best staff if possible

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you:because i know that this server will give me the time of my life and i will meet people around the world and learn from them

Additional Comments:i hope i will get whitelisted asap :D and see you guys soon

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In game name:KillersmileXD


How often are you planning on playing: 2 to 3 hours a day

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:All my pixel art + the eye of sauron (from the lord of the rings)

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you:the tekkie server I played on closed down and i hope to make this my new tekkit server of choice + I'm not much for PvP

Additional Comments:I'll Be waiting ⌚ for a reply

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Your In Game Name: headroxx

Your Age: 26

How often are you planning on playing: about 3-7 hours a day

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: HV solar panel factory

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: Im looking for a smaller server with some mature people to chat with, Also a server not raped of all its resources XD

Additional Comments: Email me if needed [email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your In Game Name: Insan3Lik3s

Your Age:19

How often are you planning on playing: About 4-5 hours per day

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: I never once build a massive structure in tekkit but I am incredibly good at building in normal minecraft, Ive once built a massive realistic structure for a server once when and on other servers too.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I am a little bit new to tekkit and hoping to make some new friends, learning and building new things!

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I find this server friendly and always carrying for each other, this is the exactly the kind of server I was looking for.

Additional Comments:I hope you take your time on reading this, I'm looking forward on testing/building new things and talking to you all!

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Your In Game Name: Rhianaerawynn

Your Age: 27

How often are you planning on playing: as much as possible - a few hours a day usually

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: Usually cute wooden houses, countryside farms and many other projects, but my favorite was a Playboy mansion.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I would just like a fair plot of land to build pretty things and maybe some basic machinery.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I like to see other peoples creations, and join in community projects. I would also like to do a bit of PvP at some point. But I would like the PvP to be set away from my pretty house... ;)

Additional Comments: I am studying to become a games dev/comics creator. This is one of my favorite procrastination hobbies.

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Your In Game Name: Matrix345

Your Age: 12

How often are you planning on playing: 5 hours on weekdays (Each day, with exceptions), more at the weekend.

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: A 1000x1000 city with large apartment buildings, all fully furnished.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I hope to build a city (Not as large as my proudest structure) for people to live in for free. I would also like to build a few factories and sell/give what I make.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I like how we are not limited, and can request for use of the banned items if needed. I like the look of your map, and I am very interested to look around.

Additional Comments:I understand if you do not accept me, as of my age. However I am very mature, and can converse intelligently. Thank-you for reading.

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Your In Game Name: Dklordreaper

Your Age: 33

How often are you planning on playing: Probably daily at various times

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: I've built a full Power Flower for generating items. I've made a very effective blaze rod generator. I've also made several very nice structures to live in.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: Much of the same thing with the hopes of a stable and lasting server.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I like to help with projects if asked. I like to make a unique mark on my part of the landscape.

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Your In Game Name: H1ddenBlade95

Your Age: 18

How often are you planning on playing: I plan on playing pretty much whenever I don't have school, or work. So probably 3-5 hours a day.

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: Probably my first castle. I was new when I started to build it and was experimenting with all of the different parts of minecraft. And by the time I finished it I felt so comfortable I just never stopped improving how it looked and what was in it.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I am hoping to build an factory that surpasses anything and everything else that I have built on any of my solo worlds.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: When I read the description I honestly really loved the idea of a server where people aren't constantly sabotaging one another(aside from a few minor pranks) and how mature it sounded.

Additional Comments: I would love to join and get to know the community.

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I don't know where I'm supposed to agree to the rules so I'll just say it here: I agree to the rules.

Your In Game Name: slushee1999

Your Age: 14 (mature)

How often are you planning on playing: I'll probably join the server a couple times a week. I have a few other servers that I play on so unfortunately I can't fully commit to this one.

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: N/A

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I'd like to work my way up to starting a virtual business that factory produces something tekkity like refined oil, automatic farm, etc. and sell stuff to other players who need these resources for their own operations.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I don't really have a tekkit server that I'm officially committed too and am whitelisted on and I wanted to have something I could be more serious about.

Additional Comments: Although I'm 14 I am mature enough to become a member of your server. I will not break the rules and I understand them. I would really like to be a part of this server.

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Your In Game Name: Minecraftwizard7

Your Age: 16

How often are you planning on playing: I play almost every evening unless i have too much work to do for about 1-3 hours.

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: a large hv solar array factory that produced one every 5 seconds.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: To build an epic factory and have fun with other players.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I really like having no pvp as you can build and craft without being disturbed.I also like having very few banned items as it gives us freedom.

Additional Comments: I hope that you accept my application as i cannot wait to join the server


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Your In Game Name DieCreepers1223

Your Age:15

How often are you planning on playing:1 hour every day Monday through Friday sometimes night but not often

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: In tekkit, a nuclear power system that supplies 10000 Jules a minute

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I think that this server has everything I look for in a server and I hope you let me play with what I think is a great server

Additional Comments: I hope you guys decide I'm fit for the cut and my building skills are utilized by your great sounding team.

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Your In Game Name: TheArchonicGamer

Your Age: 19

How often are you planning on playing: Probably as often as possible, a few hours a day, after 5pm EST

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: I made a Mage's Tower on my last Tekkit world, and I'm really proud of it

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I'm hoping to help support the server and help it grow

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I think Verve is the server for me because I enjoy playing with people my own age, not little kids, and I enjoy tekkit a lot, and there aren't that many good servers out there.

Additional Comments: I'd just like to say that I would love to play on this server, I enjoy helping other people and I get along really well with people, please consider adding me! :)

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Your In Game Name: SteampunkGiraffe

Your Age: 15 years of age (assured maturity)

How often are you planning on playing:

Depends on my schedule. On most days I spend a few hours (due to the fact that I run a server of my own), but I expect to be playing more soon because I am getting a new computer.

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:

I intend to achieve what has been my goal on many other servers, yet none achieved yet: a large haven of technology for me (and maybe a few others) to factorize the unfactorizable. Maybe build a small community around this haven where employees and tourists can share a hot-dog at a local cafe with WiFi. I am more appreciative of the smaller, more fun things in Tekkit than swimming in gobs of red matter.

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you:

There is a plethora of things why I agree with this server, but above all I strongly agree that you recognize the importance of all mods enabled. Most server owners are always,

"lol y u wanna enable industralcraft ppl will use 2 grief othrs", while having plugins like CoreProtect and GriefPrevention installed. I understand some items and mods are disabled for the protection of the server as modpacks by their nature are buggier than an ant hill, but having 42 banned items on a server marked [FEW BANNED ITEMS] is just plain ridiculous. And sometimes a nuclear reactor is essential for making cake and implied eating of it.

I also appreciate the promotion of a friendly community without the fear of having your door knocked down in the middle of the night and wailed in the chest with a mining laser. PvP is nice and realistic and all, but on servers with those enabled, you find more children whom spend their days on the streets assaulting the common folk passing by. I, on the other hand, enjoy the presence of other players around and not constantly out to stab them with a fork. A PvP arena is very nice for a server like this because instead of having utter bloodspill in the wild, rival factions can settle disputes there, or simply meet and enjoy a leg of mutton to gladiatorial combat.

Lastly I appreciate the community built on nice quaint structures (as many servers make giant block shacks for spawn or buildings built entirely out of gems, yuck). Though in my opinion the spawn picture in the main post could use a bit of work (maybe a bit of variety for the walls instead of one material?). I would also be pumped to join a world where exploration is ready.

So consider my application and hopefully I can share the wonders of Verve with everyone else!


Additional Comments:

I hope you enjoyed my Whitelist dissertation, all of my applications are essays so sorry if there's too much information. On many servers I hold the record for "Least Prepared for Night Attacks by Mobs and Wildlife" and "Most Deaths", so efficiency is not my strong point.

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I use to run this server with Frequenter, but it has long been shut down. I don't know who resurrected this post or why, but stop posting here. My new server is here, and Frequenter is on here with me.


STOP POSTING HERE - NEW SERVER IS HERE http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-1-2-d2x-tekkit-classic-24-7-pve-whitelist-mature-small-community-few-banned-items.54044/

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Your In Game Name:Tommo69

Your Age:15

How often are you planning on playing: few hours a day, not every day though

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: i helped build a spawn in a different server, and a statue of myself, that was made of lights, also, a automatic nanosuit factory

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: it seems like a community build place, with no idiots that mess things up, greif or steal

Additional Comments:all i really want for christmas, is a large flat dirt area, in the middle of nowhere

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Your In Game Name: Getafix

Your Age: 21

How often are you planning on playing: everyday

For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: automated machines

For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: i am hoping to implement automated machines and mining

For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: i like the idea that there is only mature people online.

Additional Comments: hope to hear from you soon. im a tekkit fan. ever since ive started playing it i cant get enough

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