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[3.1.2]Play-BG[no PvP][32 slots][Whitelist][GriefPrevention,LWC,Essentials,LogBlock][EE Enabled]

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Tekkit Experience:none

Reason for joining:to learn to play

Have you read the rules:yes

How long have you played tekkit:30 mins then got super lost

What you feel you can contribute:i can help with what ppl ask

Time you can contribute to the server:3+ hrs

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IGN: Sgaile

Age: 24


Tekkit Experience:not much still new to the game

Reason for joining:wanting a place to have fun and play with others in a server where i dont have to worry about my stuff being stolen or destroyed

Have you read the rules:yes

How long have you played tekkit:ive spent about 5 hours playing so far

What you feel you can contribute:im socal and like to help others when i can as well as being on everyday

Time you can contribute to the server:about 3 hours a day sometimes more


Member App:

IGN: mipen


Country/Timezone: Auckland, New Zealand // GMT +12

Tekkit Experience: A couple of weeks of gameplay, however I have played a lot in those two weeks, know quite a bit of what is going on

Reason for joining: Wishing to find a friendly server with a nice community to play with

Have you read the rules: Yes

How long have you played tekkit: A couple of weeks

What you feel you can contribute: I am a friendly player and like to help out others

Time you can contribute to the server: A couple of hours a day, sometimes more depending on the day




  "Salarindo said:
Um I'm trying to log on but it says that I'm not on the whitelist

You said your In Game Name is: Salarindo? Correct?!

  "Jamkill said:


  "Sgaile said:
IGN: Sgaile


  "Matthew Hait said:
Hay logged out when i was in the nether. Cant logg on without crashing, can you change my spwan point?

I'll see what I can do.

  "mipen said:
IGN: mipen



Member App:

IGN: goldenleader01

Age: 14

Country/Timezone: USA, Eastern

Tekkit Experience: I am great with machines but am not so good at EE

Reason for joining: I am looking for a server where no PVPers will kill you all the time

Have you read the rules: Yes

How long have you played tekkit: 4 months

What you feel you can contribute: I can contribute my time and expierience to the server.

Time you can contribute to the server: Pretty much the same as that ^


IGN: xX_SuperAlex_Xx

Age: 14

Country/Timezone: Australia

Tekkit Experience: ??? Alot

Reason for joining: I need a good tekkit server to play on. I used to play on one but that got shut up So please accept me!

Have you read the rules: Yes

How long have you played tekkit: 6 months

What you feel you can contribute: I can help others with their tekkit axperiances and if I everreceive staff i will be able to help them Even More!!!

Time you can contribute to the server: 3-6 Hours a day


IGN: bobar123

Age: 13


Tekkit Experience:I am good with Buildcraft and Industrialcraft.

Reason for joining:I want to play in a server wich haven't lags and it isn't premium.

Have you read the rules: Of course.

How long have you played tekkit: 5 months.

What you feel you can contribute: I'll be good player.

Time you can contribute to the server: 1-2 hours.




Country/Timezone:USA eastern

Tekkit Experience:understand alot i guess

Reason for joining:want a nice server

Have you read the rules:yes

How long have you played tekkit: 6 months (minecraft since before infdev)

What you feel you can contribute:Good structures and if needed conversation

Time you can contribute to the server:4 hours a day or more depends


Member App:

IGN: ToClassy


Country: Canada

Tekkit Experience: 2 Years

Reason for joining: Wan't to join a friendly tekkit server with little item bans

Have you read the rules: Yes

How long have you played tekkit: 2 years

What you feel you can contribute: I can help players understand and work with tekkit

Time you can contribute to the server: Couple of hours a day due to work


IGN: JonnyUK1

Age: 18

Country/Timezone: United Kingdom / GMT

Tekkit Experience: 1-2 years

Reason for joining: I've been looking for a server that I can play for maybe 6-10 hours a day.. I think/hope that this is the one

Have you read the rules: Yes

How long have you played tekkit: Around 1 / 2 years

What you feel you can contribute: I could help out other players that are not as good with tekkit, and also help to build things.

Time you can contribute to the server: maybe 6-10 hours per day


IGN: fredehs

Age: 16

Country/Timezone: Denmark UTC +1

Tekkit Experience: I have played alot, and know alot about around IC2, Buildcraft, EE and i'm learning the other complicatet mods.

Reason for joining: I love playing tekkit, but it gets lonley playing alone so i want to join a multiplayer server, and this looks like it's a good one.

Have you read the rules: Yes i have, and they are good!

How long have you played tekkit: I don't know specific, but it's about 7 months

What you feel you can contribute: I know how to do alot of tekkit stuff and know some of the more complicated mods, and i can help others if they have any problems.

Time you can contribute to the server: a few hours a day.


IGN: Ghstly

Age: 17

Country/Timezone: USA

Tekkit Experience: Had server with a couple friends, and I watch some Yogscast.

Reason for joining: Multi-player is much more fun.

Have you read the rules: Yes

How long have you played tekkit: 3-4 months

What you feel you can contribute: I can be helpful and talkative.

Time you can contribute to the server: 1-2 hours a day


  "goldenleader01 said:
IGN: goldenleader01


  "SuperAlex said:
IGN: xX_SuperAlex_Xx


  "bobar123 said:
IGN: bobar123


  "Shahzar said:


  "ToClassy said:
IGN: ToClassy



Hey Bro

Please sign me in!

IGN: BigSugar

Age: 26

Country/Timezone: Switzerland

Tekkit Experience: Fooling around since 2 months

Reason for joining: I love you

Have you read the rules: yes sir

How long have you played tekkit: 2 months

What you feel you can contribute: A good mood and jokes

Time you can contribute to the server: Weekends: 2-3 hours Weekdays: 1-2 hour/day





Tekkit Experience:I have a pretty good knowledge of most of the mods. Also I am very good at computercraft programming.

Reason for joining:I am looking for a server to play with friendly community and staff.

Have you read the rules:Yes

How long have you played tekkit:2 years

What you feel you can contribute:As I mentioned I am very good at computercraft so maybe I can be helpful with that. I also know how to use most of the other mods and I am very good at using them.

Time you can contribute to the server: Weekends - 1-8 hours (Depending on how much fun I am having) Weekdays - 1-5 hours (Again more fun more play time:D)


IGN: ParabolPaulo

Age: 20

Country/Timezone: England/GMT

Tekkit Experience: Fairly experienced

Reason for joining: Got bored of holding my own server (users were difficult) so found one to join

Have you read the rules: Most definitely

How long have you played tekkit: Around a year

What you feel you can contribute: Assistance and English humour :P

Time you can contribute to the server: Varies from 30 mins a day to hours :D


Country/Timezone: eastern U.S.A

Tekkit Experience: tons my best is Industrailcraft

Reason for joining: Im looking for a server to play on with my freinds where I will not be greifed, stolen from or killed

Have you read the rules: yes

How long have you played tekkit: about 1 month but I have read the wiki way before I started playing

What you feel you can contribute: a genral know hoew of tekkit

Time you can contribute to the server: Im to a vary consintint playayer at times I could be on for hours or I could be ofline for awhile a good avarge would be 1 hour a day

sorry about the spelling errors


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