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[3.1.2]Mulle's Tekkit server[PvP][20 slots][Whitelisted][No plugins][All enabled]


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mick_jagger_151, you are on a trial, please watch your spelling while on the server :)

toadrocks619, you are on, please watch your grammar and/or spelling on the server tho.

Xpro, you are on.

vragiovan, you are on.

MxRacer100, you are on.

blue_sky_900, you are on.

Sorry for no whitelisting and/or server downtime recently, i had alot to do, and recently got sick, still am.

But to say sorry, there will be extra uptime today, due to me having tostay home due to some fever.

-The Admin

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Minecraft name: The_sadist1

Preffered mod: hhmmm its a hard one... but it is EE (sadly this is the only server with it I coudt find)

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? one I got kicked for making a blaze rod farm, but there was no rules about that on the forum/spawn.

Age: im 15.

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Dialiss, you are on.

benheat1, you are on.

Wofles. you are on, is your name without or with ''.''

Zackman, you need to provide me with your username, not email.

Stix258, you are on.

Varulv777, you are on.

inventor314, you are on, as well as your brother.

Super7Mario, you are on.

maxman980, you are on.

mooy26, you are on.

Sorry, i dont check this thread very often.

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Minecraft name:SammyMan09

Preffered mod:EE or IC3(Bit of a tie)

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before?Yes(3)(1.)Griefing(Tried it,felt bad,haven't griefed sense)(2.)False griefing,Somone thought I griefed when I was building(3.)Raging,Raged when I died :P

Age:10(11 in 11(Ironic huh?)days from 11/23/2012)

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I got some bad news all :(

Well, basicly i found out that, some people have done something that wasnt supposed to happen, and now, the area they live in is a crash zone.

I have had to explain it to them, and ban them for safety reasons. (I know them IRL)

Also, more bad news, the server will probably be shutting down. I know, i know, but, here are my reasons(Listed in imprtance order):

-The computer cant handle the server. This is due to the amont of players, due to the (suprising) amount of popularity this server has gotten (Thank you all so much!), it seems to actually damage the computer, and the laptop just doesnt have enough power to handle this.

-Crashes and Bugs. This is mostly due to something bug happening, and the server being unable to proccess it, the same thing happened as what i now call the ''MC-6 Incident'', which is an unsolved case of what is either:

A nuclear reactor meltdown


Quarry overload.

No matter, the chunk cant be entered without the server crashing.

-Im sort of busy :(. I am 2 grades ahead in school, and my classmates are behind (Im 6th grade and they are 8th grade (Well i am 8th grade now too i guess...)), out teacher is pushing us alot, and we get loads of paper and homework, this kind of stresses me, and that is the cause of: Me being lazy

-Lazyness. I dont know why this is happening, but i just done feel like running this server anymore, since it was planning to just be a one week server, i am suprised it got this far, but, i guess i am not the guy to run big public servers :(

But in the end! I thank you all, i have had a AWESOME time running this server, and its all thanks all of you! I am sorry to say goodbye but this is just how it has to be.

Maybe, you can contact me over skype (thesvensonguy) and get a chance to play privately with me and my friends (If you really liked playing here of course)

Also i thank Soer553b, for being my stealth moderator, and helping me on my way in the actual server (We lived in the same house)

So thank you all, its been a great ride!

-The admin

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