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[3.1.2]Mulle's Tekkit server[PvP][20 slots][Whitelisted][No plugins][All enabled]


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jensi00 you wont be getting on, you have horrible grammar.

Shadow_Born you wont be getting on, you actually sent me a private message telling me to look at your app when you havent posted one yet.....

Asteroids, you are on

Danallen117 you are on

Theoretix you are on

ROFLcondor you are on

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jensi00 you wont be getting on, you have horrible grammar.

Shadow_Born you wont be getting on, you actually sent me a private message telling me to look at your app when you havent posted one yet.....

Asteroids, you are on

Danallen117 you are on

Theoretix you are on

ROFLcondor you are on

I did post :( Cmon not fair

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Minecraft name: MrPigglez

Preffered mod: EE, IC2, BC, and a bit of CC

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? Once for no reason, the admin just banned me because he thought it was funny.

Age: 14

I like the look of this server since it's quiet. My old tekkit server shutdown so I would like to join this server. This is the only server i can find that is quiet and has no banned items.

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Minecraft name:nick2160

Preffered mod: EE IC2 and Balkons

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? nope

Age: 15

(by the way, if it's alright with you im going to be recording a tekkit series on this server as well, and call me Romon)

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Hey. My friends also would like to join the server. I'm just applying for them.

Minecraft name: billbill361996

Preferred mod: Industrial Craft

Have you ever been kicked or banned before?: Never

Age: 16

Minecraft name: Number1Zombie

Preferred mod: EE

Have you ever been kicked or banned before?: Never

Age: 15

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Minecraft name: Dafunkt

Preferred mod: Pref IC2

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? i feel i should come clean yes i was banned from a server only due to the fact the admin was bullying one of his client-ell about his view on religion it got allot deeper then that but i told the admin where to put his thoughts basically said if nothing nice to say don't say it. then received the ban hammer to the face forget the reason but it was funny none the less. Hence why i seek refuge in your utopia of a server i need a place to set up operations (Pond Scum Mining CO) i hope this doesn't damage my chances of joining

Age: 20

This server seems to good to be true. Regards Dafunkt

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Minecraft name: Miahthy

Preffered mod: My favorite is Railcraft. I'm also pretty good with IC2, EE2, BC, and RP2.

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? Nope. I quit the previous server I played on due to people griefing.


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MrPigglez you are on

Romon you are on

theman123yo you wont be getting on, smart moving and other stuff? Very specific i see, also, you i cant takke the grammar fail in ''can A admin be''. Even if it is a typo it prooves a lack of effort in your app.

I cannot even express how rude you are. You're talking about his own error, while you had just as much mistake in your response. You didn't even quote him correctly. I wanted to join this server until I read that. Just knowing how rude you are as an admin though, I absolutely refuse. You show a lack of effort.

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Minecraft name: Zstar121

Preffered mod: Buildcraft, EE and IC

Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? Yes, because someone griefed my house so i blew up there house (cause owner didn't do anything about it). but never been banned on a tekkit server :) .

Age: 14

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Dafunkt, you are on.

toadrocks, you are on a test run, i will have a short fuse with you ok?

Miahthy, you are on.

siaurys, you are on.

ohitsonlyyou, you are on.

I cannot even express how rude you are. You're talking about his own error, while you had just as much mistake in your response. You didn't even quote him correctly. I wanted to join this server until I read that. Just knowing how rude you are as an admin though, I absolutely refuse. You show a lack of effort.

*sigh* I try really hard to keep this server clean michael, i have some stealth griefer already in here, and i am trying so hard to keep griefers away. Ok so maybe its a little rude, but you have to admit, you cant just come and whitelist and then not even do a grammar/spelling check! A whitelist is there to keep the playerbase down to thoose who would actually lift a finger before joining a server and having fun, whitelists are good because griefers and little kids dont want to use their time on an application.

Zstar121, you are on.

BOB_200, you are on.

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