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The GreenWolf Report: Report 7: Minecraft Update 1.4.2


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The GreenWolf Report: Main Thread can be found here.

Hello, and welcome the the seventh GreenWolf Report. Today we will be covering the 1.4.2 update to Minecraft that was released today.

(Note: This list is a summary of the list on the Minecraft Wiki. For the full change log, go to http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history#1.4.2

Some new features include:

•New sounds

•A new boss

•Several new mobs

•Several new foods

•Changes in breeding

•Changes to several items, including Maps, TNT, Buttons, Repeaters, and more

•Several new items, including Wooden Buttons, Item Frames, Flower Pots, Cobblestone Walls, Beacons, Command Blocks, Anvils, and more

•New potions

•New commands

•Fire spread is affected by difficulty

•Changes to mob AI

•Improved gameplay, including changes to Nether Portals, Inventory controls, and Multiplayer

•Improved UI, including changes to F3 screen, settings menu, and server menu

This is a very heavily condensed list. The full change log takes up several pages, and goes into greater detail about the changes. Probably the biggest thing added by this update, and something that many people probably won't appreciate is the Command Block. There are so many possible uses of this block that I'll be exploring it in greater detail in a future Report.

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I think the point was that he has gone through and pulled out the things that will interest more casual users.

That's exactly it. It's also why I linked the full change log, so that people wanting more details can go check it out. I'm also gonna go over command blocks next week, as they deserve a Report of their own.

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That's not what I meant. All you did was post a (condensed) changelog, and nothing else. No comments or opinions on anything, etc.

You want commentary...on a change log? What on earth would I say other than "I think that this feature is pointless/a waste of time" or "I think this feature is awesome/a good use of time". If you really want my opinion, here it is. i don't really care too much about the update one way or the other. While I think Mojang should start working on the Mod API (like they promised they would) instead of wasting time with a bunch of aesthetic features, although some of the new features are very interesting, like the command block.

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So are you saying all your "reports" are useless, then? They can all be distilled into "I like/dislike X" in the same fashion you describe, so what's the difference then?


I like the greenwolf reports because they are interesting, not because they repost easily acquired information. If you are going to put this kind of crap into every report from now on, no way in hell I am going to read them anymore. And for the record, that wasn't a threat, I am not trying to be all "IF YOU DO THIS I WILL TAKE ONE OF YOUR PRECIOUS VIEWS AWAY!" I am more just trying to explain that I won't read them anymore if you just post things like this, you could have just randomly pulled quotes for your forge article, but you didn't, so that's why it's good.

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Hate to break it to you OP but redstonehelper already manages this on the MC reddit.


That's also just a copy-paste. At least greenwolf was a little selective.

Also green, to avoid negative feedback the next report, I'd recommend you try not to make reports quite as light in information. This one does feel like it doesn't tell much, compared to your other ones. Do know that I still support you in this project.

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I realize that this report may have been lacking in information and content. I promise that future reports will be much more in-depth and detailed. I probably wont be doing another report on a new update again, or if I do, I will go into much more depth and detail. Monday's report on Command Blocks will be much better, I promise.

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