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[3.1.2]Roadwolf's Server[PvE-RP Friendly][20 Slot]Dedicated Dell Server

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Greetings all, I will hopefully be able to process a few more applications soon. Priority is being given to those over 18, but being under doesn't exclude you. Also, based on the amount of time people put into their applications and if they emailed them or not. It also takes me a while to actually add someone to the server, as I will place them at their town site before they even log in. In most cases their spawn will already be set to their bed at their town, as new towns will be further and further away from the default spawn.

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  • Your Minecraft username. SKGlish
  • Your age. 22
  • Your general location in the world (Earth). California
  • Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? I like beaches, they are where I typically set up shop. I don't really have a desired resource, they are all equally needed.
  • A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I spend a lot of my time just mining, I make semi automated crafting machines, and I mine while they make stuff.


  • Minecraft Username: TheConker
  • Age:17
  • General Location in the World: Tennessee
  • Ideal starting biome: Jungle/Beach. really anywhere except snow or desert is fine.
  • A General description of your ideal playstyle and any other info: I would love to just find a semi secluded area where i can learn more about tekkit as at this point i have only done maybe one tenth of everything in tekkit. Hopefully when I am done, i can have a large complex with designated areas for the various mods.


We have some interesting challenge spots available. Survival / Stranded starting locations, located in the middle of the ocean, are available to applicable interested parties. As well as a tree house, and a nice resort island cove.


Greetings all,

Good news and bad news... Good news is, I am now on a static business class IP of ... bad news? I am still working on configuring the server, and worst yet, is that upon loading up again, it seems one of the mods is causing the server to crash. So I will likely roll back to my last backup, which was just before the server went offline during the IP switch. If that doesn't work I will need to reinstall tekkit, But I will copy the world file over to the new install.


Username: planetguy

Age: 16

Location: California

Ideal starting biome: Swamp, for the sticky resin and wood

Ideal starting resource: Cobblestone, because wood tools are miserable to use

Play style: I dig up piles of resources and then build with them in my function-over-form style. I enjoy the community aspect of SMP and am happy to help people with builds, especially with RedPower or ComputerCraft. I don't like Buildcraft much, for simple tasks it works but I found it needed constant babysitting when I built a solar panel factory.


  1. Your Minecraft username. Major_Creepist
  2. Your age. 15
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth). Used to be in Buffalo, but now I live in Canada.
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Small Island with some trees on it, maybe even a forest. Resource would be Rubber Trees, and Oil.
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I like to start off with a little IC2 factory. I then get a little bit into EE to make my life a little easier. More mining for more ores let's me upgrade my machines, and making a quarry to mine for more ores is usually my setup. Later on, I like to make airships controlled by RP2 computers. Just generally messing around with frames and stuff near endgame. And usually also a flying mining machine, put in place in the ocean to keep the land preserved and not have holes and pipes coming out of it. Computercraft is also great to mess around with, and having turtles mine for me as soon as I can make them is heaven. Also, lots of factories and stuff, can make a solar panel factory that produces one every second, and can then go to a frame ship and place them.

Your Minecraft username: bluebuterflyef

Your age: 17

Your general location in the world: Arizona, USA

Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource: Forest/Jungle and I really like Birch and Jungle Wood

A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you: I'm often engrossed with my building and laid back in general, and I don't mind people visiting and exploring my creations as long as they treat it with respect. I'm joining this server so that my friend, IzahShados, can teach me more about Tekkit, so it would be appreciated if I could be spawned near her.


  1. Your Minecraft username. LakotaDav
  2. Your age. 46
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth). Dallas, TX (US)
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? I tend to hideout in jungles. I like to build mostly underground...I'm a cave dweller at heart.
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I play around 2-3 hrs a day. I will never destroy or steal anything that is not mine. I will not enter into anyone's home even without asking permission. I like to try a little of everything Tekkit has to offer. Looking to a mature, leisurely Tekkit experience with not many mod restrictions.

1. CaptainSexy11

2. 15

3. Connecticut

4. I like mountains. A lot. But not jungle. If there are mountains surrounded by awesome stuff like forests or plains that's great. But just not jungle, okay? My most desired resource is probably electricity. Well, the resources that make the electricity.

5. Well, I like to make a home into a mountain. That way, I can be underground without digging down, you know? I usually have my house partly outside too, because of dat mountain view. Also, I want to build with IzahShados, a player already on your server.


  1. Your Minecraft username. X3RedFox3X
  2. Your age. 18
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth). Slightly north and to the left (Southern Ontario)
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Something with Snow
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I like to build stuff. Horde Resources. Stay to myself mostly. Not much else more than that I guess, I'm willing to help people and participate in builds where possible. Looking forward to playing.

  1. Your Minecraft username. jimmyboi92
  2. Your age. 20
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth). Perth, Australia
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? large flat plain with a nearby volcano, for the basalt of course.
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I generally build myself a mage tower and fortress, i usually play based on magic, ive never been banned and im willing to help others.
  6. jimmyboi28192@gmail.com

  • Your Minecraft username. cory012
  • Your age. 19
  • Your general location in the world (Earth). Ohio, USA
  • Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? I'd like to start at a fair distance away from other (not because I'm antisocial but, because I'm still fairly new to the mod and don't want to harm someone else's land if I make a mistake.) As for resources, I'll make do with whatever is lying around.
  • A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. Since I am still newish to the mod, I like to build things I haven't built before and would love the chance to learn from a community with abit more experience than I. Also I'm very fond of the RedPower side of tekkit.


  1. Your Minecraft username: The__Arcadian
  2. Your age: 17
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth): Notinghamshire, UK
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource?: Any Biome is good, most desired resource is Uranium
  5. A general description of your ideal play-style and any other information about you: my ideal play-style is a relaxed supportive atmosphere where i can build my power station :)

1.minecarft name:exdude122

2.your age:11

3.general lococation on earth:new york city

4.ideal resource and starting biome:jungle/desert with cactis,melons,pumpkins,and oil to have around for looks.Also maybe some animals around and some mushrooms and some rubber trees every one needs them

5.general description of ideal playstyle:having a nice tent to start in with tekkit basic and resources and some basic starting machines that ill hook up and nice supplies to start off with nothing to over powerd

thanks for your time to look over this


  • Your Minecraft username. : MjolnirBlade
  • Your age. 18(Finally lol)
  • Your general location in the world (Earth). USA, NJ (Restore the Shore)
  • Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Umm I'm not entirely sure, probably a snow biome just because rain is annoying and loud and snow is so much nicer especially because I love the whole "Cabin in the snowy woods look" for my home. i would probably want a lot of trees nearby and Iron in the ground. anything else I can find or make(hopefully).
  • A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I love to combine RP, EE, and IC2 into factories to make things to eventually sell. I basically own my last server's economy because of my three factories: HV Solar Arrays, MFSU's, and Mass Fabricators all being mass produced and sold via safe chest shops. That and I sold all the lesser parts as well. Relatively cheap so no one else could really compete, but they really didn't want to so it was great xD


  1. Your Minecraft username: chibits
  2. Your age: 20
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth): United States
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource?: I would prefer to be able to build in a swamp. I like swamps for their flat terrain.
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you: I like to start of by making a EMC factory. From there I usually start to build a giant home. When I play I usually keep to myself and try to answer questions people ask in chat when I can.

Greetings All,

I plan on processing the 3rd round of applications tonight. There will be some minor changes to the rules regarding land ownership. Basically, you will be able to form a collective city hub, which would be a partnership between you and everyone else working there. Political positions will become open, and those who win them, will be able to rule over decisions happening within their town. Those leaders will also be expected to develop their home biomes which are connected to their town, by providing roads and connections to neighbouring towns.

The leaders will not have op powers, however they may eventually run for a regional leadership 'election' which will grant said leaders op powers in order to manage their regional district. however that will only be granted if I believe you are an honest, mature and dedicated player.



  • Your Minecraft username.Somark28
  • Your age.18
  • Your general location in the world (Earth). St.Louis, Missouri (this is in the states
  • Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? A flat island with few trees, and the resource I want most is iron/redstone
  • A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I am a nice funny guy, though i do get nosy sometimes. I sometimes need someone to chat with, but usually I stay to myself. I am not going to lie and say: I have been banned before *GASP!* I am fairly sure they were misunderstandings, but I have been banned.


  1. Your Minecraft username. Devene
  2. Your age. 17
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth). England
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Flat planes with tree's.
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I play on my own and like to make secret factorys and underground systems and create large bases. I also plan on making factories and automatic systems using all of the tekkit mods.

  1. Your Minecraft username. Undeadiablo
  2. Your age. 16
  3. Your general location in the world (Earth). Estonia
  4. Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Mostly deserts, getting into plains now and most desired resource is ruby, i can't live without it.
  5. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. Uhh, I'm new into tekkit, haven't played with it much yet so i'm probably going to progress slowly and stuff, hopefully the server can help me get better and yeah:)


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