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Question: See the mining arm? It extends down at the top of the ship, and it moves 1 block from side to side at the bottom. After 3 or 4 chunks mined, the 6 or so battery boxes at the bottom lose power and it takes a long time for blutricity to flow from the battery boxes at the top all the way to the bottom (the arm has both a jacketed bluewire and a jacketed bundled cable), so I have to pause it for a few minutes and let it recharge. Is there any way to make blutricity flow faster? When this happens, the ones at the top are relatively full, plus there are 2 solar panels and even one external ferry system using ender chests that makes sure there's always a fresh battery inside one of the battery boxes. Problem is energy only flows to the other boxes from the solar panels, but not from the battery charging system, which is gay since I'd have to cut off part of the ship to add more solar panels (1k block limit).

tl;dr version: How do I make blutricity "even out" between several battery boxes when at least one of them is full and all the other ones (the ones that need a lot of power to power one frame motor) are empty?

Thanks in advance! :3


If you can spend all those diamond block covers on a frame ship, then do you really need to mine in the first place? :P

By the time I ran out of diamonds it was already about 75% chromed so I used half my UU matter reserve to finish it. It didn't seem like much when I designed the ship in single player creative, but I used around 7 stacks of diamond blocks in the actual build. Most of it in jacketed cables that aren't even visible when the ship isn't mining. Big mistake. XD

(Btw, no EE in server. That makes it just that much cooler.)

Maybe try more solar panels

That's what I'll do unless some genius comes up with something I haven't heard off. RP2 solars are painfully slow though...


Try making battery boxes connecting the top and the bottom. Just a line of them where the cable was should work.

That's possible, but you see, the long arm extends down. When the arm retracts, all the batboxes are destroyed and put inside a deployer for future extension. The energy inside them will be wasted. But, will it be worth it? Will energy transfer faster that way?


That's possible, but you see, the long arm extends down. When the arm retracts, all the batboxes are destroyed and put inside a deployer for future extension. The energy inside them will be wasted. But, will it be worth it? Will energy transfer faster that way?

Why do you have frame motors down the bottom anyway, why can't you have them all up the top?


Why do you have frame motors down the bottom anyway, why can't you have them all up the top?

The bottom of the arm has to move from side to side to get all the blocks under it. I could have the entire ship do that motion instead, problem is when I designed the ship, I was expecting it to crash my client every now and then since that has been my experience with frames, so I wanted to only have to move the top of the ship when it's not mining. She doesn't crash at all thankfully, but meh. Guess I'll make another one. XD

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