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So, in this thread, I will start sharing our known issues, and fixes, for stuff that corrupt chunks, crashes servers, and crashes clients.

Ive seen way to many threads, where maps are resetted, people cant log onto servers, lag of death, admins not shure on howto fix certain stuff, etc. Alot of these issues can be easly resolved, fixed and/or prevented.

In this "series", I will try to expain stuff like howto locate a bug, what tools will be needed, and what admins need to do in order to sort it. During our time as a Tekkitserver, we have experienced alot of bugs (most of it is due to us not using whitelist), and with some basic pluginknowledge all issues can be fixed, I mean all issues.

In this post, ill also touch some issues, like trusting players, getting more staff to your server aswell, and if time (or if i cba), add info on howto set up some permissions for more advanced levels of staff.

Im fully aware, that I dont set up posts, so that they look awesome and stuff, but I dont care, thats not important at all.

Basic plugins this thread will cover, and will be needed in order to follow the "series":


Modifyworld (a part of PEX)


Towny Advanced


(Yeah, thats all u really need to sort all of the current issues that might be on Tekkit, u wont ever need to reset ur map, EVER AGAIN!. Our map is from early february, and we have had most issues that other server resets theyre maps of. Well, its not needed, its just owners/admins slacking ...)

This post wont be updated every day, its more like a post made every 2-4++++ days. Its not that I dont have content to fill it with, oh man ... I got lotsa content I will add.


So everyone knows, landprotection is pretty important on all SMP servers. You want players to be able to be in charge of theyre own lands, dictate bacis permission, allow how can build, destroy etc etc in that area. I will NOT cover the usage of Towny as i allready linked to the plugin and all command and nodes can be found there. But in this section Ill cover some important configsettings that might not suit SMP at all.

So Towny is installed, with basic configs and alll that nice stuff. First off when Towny is installed, there should be some configs that you want to look into:

Line 302 in plugins/Towny/settings


This setting basicly can be used to dupe items. Default here is always set to true, to stop the reverting when people use the /town unclaim command, set this to false.

This feature is also covered alot better within towny: http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/HowTownyWorks#Plot_Regeneration_&_Unclaimed_Plots

So you set those stuff to whatever suits ur server, and what you feel best. Lets now include Tekkit with Towny. This WILL NOT allow Tekkitmods etc to work inside of a town, this is just for limiting abuses, uses etc within a town that players dont belong to (outsider).

First off, find line 452. Here you can see the basic towny interactions. At this setting you should add all the ID that u DONT want outsiders to be able to use inside a town they dont belong to. A good example is the electrical wrench (ID 30140). Just add it at the end of line 460 following the allready generated format.

Now, prob the most important line you want to edit, line 476, the switch ID. At this line you can add items like tanks, enderchests, macerators, iron furnace and all other items in Tekkit that has interaction (like a furnace/chest). This will dissable outsiders to enter and steal from stuff like the IC2 machines, entering and changing RP settings on timers etc and much much more. This line will prob look long as hell when your done, but trust me, its worth it and defo needed!

And those are the BASIC steps with Towny. But quarrys, miners etc arent working still inside of towns you say? Well, that part is NOT covered by towny itselfe, for that we will need to use another plugin, PEX (with modifyworld) and do some changes to the mods themselfe. That will be covered at a later stage. For now, thats the basic Townysettings you might want to have a look into

(im in abit of a rush atm, ill add a few not that important stuff to this when i get time again)


So, you have ppl just saying: IM CRASHING HELP!!!!! ... and you have no idea to get them to listen etc? Well, most serverowners by now are getting good at reading clientsided issues, but often, the players really dont know howto speed up the prosess, so we made this video to help on the basics, locationg the chunk:


So you were just doing your thing when suddenly you created something horrible that made your client crash. No worries! Here's how to help fix the problem by finding the correct chunk.

When you have the coords of the correct chunk, post on the forums so an admin can come and help fix it in as a non-destructive manner as possible

Clientsided post is still merely basics, and will be added more into soon!

Stay tuned ... (sharing IS caring)

Endgoal is to actually bring a package, that owners can DL, use this post, and set up theyre servers as they feel like. With that i mean, ill include the listed mods, with the basic setiups for configs as far as the plugincreators will allow me to

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I have disabled the items i don't want in EE in the mod_ee file. Added these perms to the pex system:

- modifyworld.*

  - -modifyworld.items.use.29952

  - -modifyworld.items.use.237

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27274

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27277

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27318

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27328

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27337

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27327

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27271

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27279

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27274

  - -modifyworld.items.use.27275

This is the modifyworld configs

enable: true

informPlayers: true

itemRestrictions: true

whitelist: false


 prohibitedItem: You have prohibited item "%s".

 whitelist: Staff is doing some Maint. We will be back shortly!

 permissionDenied: Sorry, you don't have enough permissions

use-material-names: fakse

check-metadata: false

drop-restricted-item: false

item-use-check: true

People are still able to make/use the items I tried to disable. Any help would be wonderful! Thanks again Sp0nge.



This is the modifyworld configs

enable: true

informPlayers: true

itemRestrictions: true

whitelist: false


prohibitedItem: You have prohibited item "%s".

whitelist: Staff is doing some Maint. We will be back shortly!

permissionDenied: Sorry, you don't have enough permissions

use-material-names: fakse (Should probably be "False")

check-metadata: false

drop-restricted-item: false

item-use-check: true

People are still able to make/use the items I tried to disable. Any help would be wonderful! Thanks again Sp0nge.

If that's copy pasted from your config files, I think you missed the above (bold).

Otherwise, keep it going, I think we could always use a few more guides to help get people to run servers and get used to certain plugins (I, for one, get lost in all the plugin stuff).


i set up a server, and I can connect (from the same pc) but my friend cant, getting a message saying can't resolve hostname", i am using hamachi. plz help!


i set up a server, and I can connect (from the same pc) but my friend cant, getting a message saying can't resolve hostname", i am using hamachi. plz help!

make sure to open port 25565.


Oh, i didnt see that this got pinned, and i tbh totally forgot about it. But GxR and i talk alot, so allready covered some parts of what i had plan to some day write down :).

And yeah, this post will be about mods provided with Tekkit, and not the baseline of installing and getting a server up and running.

Hello I'm a major 'nooby' :)

I have created this topic:


Its related to what you have suggested here. - I followed it and cannot disable the rings.. they still shoot fire.

You can try:

- -modifyworld.item.use.insertidoftheringhere.on.block.*

Its impossible to limit using keys that activates EE stuff, but that line will dissable rightclicking with it (the basic is that it dissable rightclicking on any blocks and air is also considered a block. Also add modifyworld.blocks.interact.<blockid>.

If you have dissabled the ring in the EE config, and want the rings to be removed from your map, do:

- -modifyworld.items.have.[iD]

That will remove the item as players are logging on, and trying to use the item


Oh, i didnt see that this got pinned, and i tbh totally forgot about it. But GxR and i talk alot, so allready covered some parts of what i had plan to some day write down :).

And yeah, this post will be about mods provided with Tekkit, and not the baseline of installing and getting a server up and running.

You can try:

- -modifyworld.item.use.insertidoftheringhere.on.block.*

Its impossible to limit using keys that activates EE stuff, but that line will dissable rightclicking with it (the basic is that it dissable rightclicking on any blocks and air is also considered a block. Also add modifyworld.blocks.interact.<blockid>.

If you have dissabled the ring in the EE config, and want the rings to be removed from your map, do:

- -modifyworld.items.have.[iD]

That will remove the item as players are logging on, and trying to use the item

Any chance of getting a copy of your permissions file in regards to the EE mods?


Any chance of getting a copy of your permissions file in regards to the EE mods?

No sorry, but I will cover enough basics so that ppl can create theyre own PEX-file in regards of what they want dissabled and not. Ill also include this tutorial with Towny Advanced (playercontrolled landprotectiontool) and LWC (locking of items to others cant enter it)


I feel its time to start to get more active on this, so im starting by adding links to the plugins that this "series" will cover.

I will at all time just edit the first post with info, and leaving a reply to say ive added stuff. And for those thats wondering, ill cover almost everything from bypassing landprotection, dupebugs, clientcrashingissues, servercrashing events, and howto fix them if they happend. Not all we be covered straight away (i have my own server to attend and RL tried to take some time aswell).

Since I am a real fan of "communitywork", I hope to sometime replace them uglylooking links with clickable pictures (yeah, i need the pictures as im crap with that stuff).

I also hope that ppl wont just ask questions like "X is making issues, fix please!!!#!!#¤¤!" Thats not the idea of this thread.

Having a Tekkitserver should be looked on as being given a tool for basic, where a owner/admin set ut theyre server in regards of what suits them best. We have a pretty large server (40+ players during weekdays) and we belive that rules arent needed, its just up to the server to set theyre shit ur correctly!


Is it possible for some moderator/admin to make 6-7 post under the OP, that i can use as chapters for this series?

I should have made a few when i created it, and just labeled them reserved, but i didnt ...


Added a section about Towny, and basic settings. As i need to run, ill edit it later on, and make it look better and add some more unimportant stuff when i get time.

If anyone want to improve the look of it, just post it under here, and ill just copy the code and add it :)


I have set up a tekkit server useing Multicraft. And for some reason, no matter what i try and do, The server runs great for a bit till my players get into more adv tekkit items. Sooner or later the server gets some crazy errors and crahses and will not load. I have to restart 100% everythime this happens :( I really need some help in figureing out why some gliches just desotry my server. I just happened again last night and i had to ban the player that was in the chunk with the gliches item/land.


This tut goes abit slow, i tbh prefer to serverhop to open server, and give a few tips right there and then. Ill eventually cover howto find errors, and reverting it, so mapresets arent needed!


This may not just be tekkit but my server log keeps saying'

[Warning] **** failed to bind to port

[Warning] The exeption was: java.net.Bindexeption: address already in use: JUM_bind

[warning] perhaps another server is running on that port?

there is a bit more after it with

[severe]'s where the warning's where before. There is no ohter server sunning.


Did you change the server ip in the config file to your hamachi server ip?

when ever i put in the hamachi address it give me an exception when the srever starts up

unknownhostexception: <hamachi address>


Later today ill cover the following subjects: Figuring out what errors make a server/client crash, and how to fix it WITHOUT resetting the map, or deleting entire areas for resetting them. Ill also include a list of known issues that creates servercrashes and clientcrashes (there arent that many, dont worry) with fixes. I will also include a few more plugins thats needed (there might be similar plugins ofc that does the same work, but those I list wont conflict with eachother atleast).


Did you change the server ip in the config file to your hamachi server ip?

and this is my server properties

tekkittest is the hamachi server name fyi

#Minecraft server properties

#Tue Apr 10 23:38:13 BST 2012



















I cant see all post made in this thread related to the OP, i guess there are theads that are more suited. This is more aimed for owners/admins etc on actually howto make theyre server save, limit items etc. There are several other posts about howto set up a server and similar.

And i know, i dont update when i say im to, well, its mostly becose we have our own server, that need a ton off attention so time is sometimes limited towards actually doing this post. I could have done it real simple, and just copied in our files and whatnot, but thats not the idea of the. Its to show possibilities, and guide people into how to prevent issues, fix issues and be aware of knows bugs.

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