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Please post in the proper section. Since you are having problems with updating, it is probably best to post in "Technic Launcher Bugs/Problems".

In your new post (in the correct section)

  1. Please provide more information on what is happening that is not working and what you tried to get it working.
  2. Use a better title, such as "Problems updating to tekkit 1.3.3"
  3. Put the whole problem in the first post instead of giving a short description in the first post and adding more detail in a post directly after (without somebody replying).
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'Scuse me Mr ProLow... Before you enter that bomb shelter, could you give me the shelter tax?


***Jonjon drinks a cup of hot tea***

SIR! The right hornable Lord Dr. Jonjon MD MP! We have to evacuate the city! A man cannot update Tekkit!

*** At this point Jonjon stands, points at his city affairs clerk and bellows***

We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields... And in the streets! We shall fight in the hills! And in the Technic Pack forums! WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!

***At this point, a giant flock of pigeons flock into the room as the TF2 Meet-The-Medic theme plays***


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