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Dear Server Owners/Operators


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Dear Server Owners/Operators,

I have a few questions and you are the best source of information so here it goes.

1. What are your system specs?

2. How many player slots does your server hold and after how many people do you notice lag?

3. What mods do you disable because of lag/crashes/exploits?

4. What mods/items do you disable/manage because of their destructive power, ease of exploiting or just overpowered?

5. Pipes, do they cause problems? If so which kind? Are any pipes better than the rest?

6. Explosives - TNT, dynamite, industrial TNT, nukes, reactor meltdowns. How bad are they really for server performance, not in regards to griefing.

7. Tweak/Fix plugins - I've seen a lot of plugins claiming to optimize server chunk management and lag reduction. What have you used and what do you think?

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Dear Server Owners/Operators,

I have a few questions and you are the best source of information so here it goes.

1. What are your system specs?

2. How many player slots does your server hold and after how many people do you notice lag?

3. What mods do you disable because of lag/crashes/exploits?

4. What mods/items do you disable/manage because of their destructive power, ease of exploiting or just overpowered?

5. Pipes, do they cause problems? If so which kind? Are any pipes better than the rest?

6. Explosives - TNT, dynamite, industrial TNT, nukes, reactor meltdowns. How bad are they really for server performance, not in regards to griefing.

7. Tweak/Fix plugins - I've seen a lot of plugins claiming to optimize server chunk management and lag reduction. What have you used and what do you think?

1) 6 GB ram, I5 processor.

2)I have 2 and it runs smoothly, never tried more.




6)No diffrence at all (only done reactor meltdowns)


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Just started a survival server for the first time last week.

1. i7920 OC's to 3.2, 6GBs RAM Windows 7 64-bit

2. Only 4 slots, with 3 on at a time. I've noticed no lag at all.

3. None (Playing with friends, so the only thing we aren't using is TMI)

4. None

5. I'm still learning pipes, but no series issues. Teleport pipes seem to work well.

6. No idea, but creepers are friggen dangerous!

7. None

Hope this helps!

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1. What are your system specs?

i7 980x currently at 3.33, X58 board from EVGA, 12Gb of RAM (2Gb x 6) at 1600Mhz with 8-8-8-24 timings, Radeon 5870 Vapor-X. I also play on this machine while the server is running. RAM Allocation: 2Gb starting, 7-8Gb limit to server; 2-4Gb allocated to the client.

2. How many player slots does your server hold and after how many people do you notice lag?

I have only run with up to 5 player slots with no lag whatsoever unless the server is running unstable (very, very rare).

3. What mods do you disable because of lag/crashes/exploits?

None, although I have not used computercraft because I've heard that it causes memory and threading issues. I also personally control the placement of chunk loading blocks within the world, just in case, but have over 30 chunks currently loaded with it without too much RAM and memory usage.

Some mods I run have the potential to cause lag if they're put in a certain way but I currently have about 8-12 5/17 EE flowers and 150 1/5 flowers without noticeable lag (ton of IC2 machinery too).

4. What mods/items do you disable/manage because of their destructive power, ease of exploiting or just overpowered?

None. My server population doesn't really need much micro-management and the server is not run 24/7. If my server would run 24/7, I would probably have to limit the building of some end-game items and possible even a level of EE collectors or two to limit EMC production (I produce over 5-10 diamonds per second on average across all flowers although that's being phased out to create a self-replenishing warehouse facility).

5. Pipes, do they cause problems? If so which kind? Are any pipes better than the rest?

I have not noticed any problems with pipes but, at present, my work with BC is minimal and only beginning. On prior testing, I've noticed no problems. I heard tubes are better than pipes for lag but I haven't tested this. I can't wait for Krapht's Logistic Pipes and BC3 to be SMP and in Tekkit because it'll decrease the complexity of pipe systems, eliminate pipes, and make my life a lot easier.

6. Explosives - TNT, dynamite, industrial TNT, nukes, reactor meltdowns. How bad are they really for server performance, not in regards to griefing.

A nuke has caused some lag when I was only running with 6Gb or RAM. Haven't tested after. TNT, Dynomite, Creepers, etc don't cause any lag.

Edit: Mind you, I believe the nuke going off was client-side lag because no one else on the server felt a thing unless they were near it.

7. Tweak/Fix plugins - I've seen a lot of plugins claiming to optimize server chunk management and lag reduction. What have you used and what do you think?

None. Plugins are the bane of my existence because I can't get them to work right.

Hope that helps ;D

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1) Atm at 4x2.5 Ghz CPU, 8 gig mem (memory is overrated as long as u manage ur stuff correctly), 1+ TB connection, 100 gig SSD disks

2) 64 players, lag is relevant to what items are being used, placed etc (its Tekkit, u cant compare it to vanilla)

3 and 4) EE, CC, Forestry and parts of BC and actually vanillaitems are dissabled/nerfed due to what we consider balanceissues, and related to servercrashes (we also did some stuff towards clientcrashingissues, as players are just as important as a server)

5) Buildcraft, really, those pipes are just issues. It will kinda depend on what protectionplugin ur running, but basic of them are that theyre bad, both for protection bypass, and for serverlag. RP ir REALLY prefered!

6) Depends on your plugin and theyre configs

7) Most lagissues are due to Tekkitrelated machines, and some VB issues provided in the Tekkit build. We use a custom mobplugin, since mobs = lag if not controlled. Also, in regard of lag, as i guess most servers have them, is basicly getting down to how plugins are managed, and DO NOT OVERDO the plugins u add. If u all of a sudden lag, there is a reason. Ofc, many machines, or other tekkitrelated stuff will create clientbased lag, those are easy to fix by browsing the bugsection of the forums.

As a summary, I would say: Be carefull on what plugins u add, and make shure u are aware how how they work. Most bugs are fixable, all we found so far is atleast. A server DONT need to reset the map if the owner is just aware enough (serverlogs is the main source). Doing a 100% clean Tekkit server wont live long (if going public).

Edit: We have a nonewhitelistserver, atm with 37 players online. Without whitelist, we often get ppl on, just trying to crash the server

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