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А если решение о разводе принято – максимально облегчить эту процедуру в эмоциональном плане помогает определенность в том, что даст конкретно вам этот развод, к чему он приведет лично вас, и что вас ждет после, когда брак будет расторгнут. Как лично вы будете жить, чем заниматься, как структурировать время, какое место займете в своей новой социальной матрице (не исключено, что место будет и гораздо лучше, если не цепляться за прошлое со страхом "Да я лучше потерплю, только бы ничего не менять"). Новую жизнь вряд ли удастся построить на старых принципах, но многое можно улучшить с учетом опыта, приобретенного на прошлых ошибках. На базе этого опыта можно намного эффективнее научиться самостоятельно разбираться в себе и людях, строить новые отношения на более конструктивной основе, поняв, где и как прежняя база "подвела". Это тот самый опыт, который, как известно, "сын ошибок трудных"; но который при необходимом осознании помогает стать в жизни самостоятельнее и устойчивее.


If the divorce is accepted - as facilitate this emotionally helps certainty that will give you exactly this divorce, to which it will lead to you personally, and that you will later, when the marriage is dissolved. In person you will live, what to do, how to structure your time, which will be replaced in its new social matrix (it is possible that the site will be much better if you do not cling to the past with fear, "I'd rather put up with, but would not change anything "). New life is unlikely to be built on old principles, but a lot can be improved based on the experience gained from past experience. On the basis of this experience can be much more effective to learn how to understand yourself and the people who build a new relationship on a more constructive basis, understanding where and how the old base "let down." It is that experience, which is known to be the "son of errors difficult," but that, with the necessary awareness helps to become more independent in life and sustainability. Jesus Kotov


If the divorce is accepted - as facilitate this emotionally helps certainty that will give you exactly this divorce, to which it will lead to you personally, and that you will later, when the marriage is dissolved. In person you will live, what to do, how to structure your time, which will be replaced in its new social matrix (it is possible that the site will be much better if you do not cling to the past with fear, "I'd rather put up with, but would not change anything "). New life is unlikely to be built on old principles, but a lot can be improved based on the experience gained from past experience. On the basis of this experience can be much more effective to learn how to understand yourself and the people who build a new relationship on a more constructive basis, understanding where and how the old base "let down." It is that experience, which is known to be the "son of errors difficult," but that, with the necessary awareness helps to become more independent in life and sustainability. Jesus Kotov

Yep... That is what I got as well. I'm not sure what they are selling though.


SHIT! They found me!

I lost them in Damascus, how the hell did they track me here?!?

Damn KGBA is way too persistent, why can't they be lazy spooky thugs like their predecessors?


SHIT! They found me!

I lost them in Damascus, how the hell did they track me here?!?

Damn KGBA is way too persistent, why can't they be lazy spooky thugs like their predecessors?

I think Simpl. Gay may be a sleeper agent for them!

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