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[3.1.2]Equestria Alliance [24/7]45 Slot][PVP/PVE][Whitelist][Essentials][NoDisabled]


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IGN: imCandy

Have you ever been banned from a server: as i remember no

What will you do on the server: make a factory of cookies and cakes :D

What do are admins going to look for when you join: a friendly player

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: to have fun, to build awseome buildings

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IGN: AbyssRain

Have you ever been banned from a server: Nope :)

What will you do on the server: Play Tekkit, build an underground house and overland structures and just hang in the server

What do are admins going to look for when you join: A guy who just likes doing his things and talking with others :D

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: Looking for a good place to play tekkit and hang out with fellow crafters. I'm also still a bit of a newbie to Tekkit so just learn as I go with people to help me :D

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Have you ever been banned from a server:No

What will you do on the server:Build machines and other tekkit stuff

What do are admins going to look for when you join:A helpful player getting on with tekkit

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server:I am looking for a server that I can build on and leave my stuff without getting greifed

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  • 2 weeks later...


Have you ever been banned : no

What will u do on the server : tekkit stuff and be online for way too long

What do our admins going to look for when u join : a nice helpful minecrafter

Why should u join : I'm looking for a good server without griefing

P.s. I'm slow at typing

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Have you ever been banned from a server: Yes, MKXK, that was my only one

What will you do on the server:Follow the rules

What do are admins going to look for when you join: No Griefing

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: I want to test Tekkit and craft Tekkit stuff out!

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Have you ever been baned:No

What do are admins going to look for when you join: I'm gonna try and keep where I live neat and most of my machines underground in case of explosions.

Why Should you join Equestria's minecraft server: I'm looking for a server exactly like you are hosting.

I hope you consider me!

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IGN: Falkaga

Have you ever been banned from a server: Twice, first time I click on a sign I wasn't supposed to (I was unaware of that fact) and got banned. Second time, a sever mod tried to grief me, I went to the owner, the mod banned me.

What will you do on the server: create a large factory that will most likely produce raw materials, tools, and cookies.

What are our admins going to look for when you join: A large facility most likely above ground a few (3-6) stories tall.

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: Well I'm experienced with tekkit, I can bring a few tricks to the table and I'm clever with my machines.

P.S. I am a brony.

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IGN: heroflygon

Have you ever been banned from a server: no

What will you do on the server: start becoming a full mage

What do are admins going to look for when you join: well, im always going to make a white tower when I have the resources. but until then idk :P

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: because every server that I have found so far dos not have the things Im searching for, namely, PvP, full and unrestricted EE, and the ability to form a team with other people.

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Ign: BuildingBoss1997

I have never been banned by a server

I plan on enjoying my self with a tekkit adventure

Admins will see that i am a leader and a friend and am worth listening too

I should be able to join your server because i am an admin in 3 normal minecraft servers and i will keep this server on tip top shape. Also im a great builder and have a lot to contribute to your tekkit community

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Have you ever been banned from a server:i was banned from one because me and the owner didnt see eye to eye

What will you do on the server:tekkit stuff

What do are admins going to look for when you join:an amazing player that knows everything and can help anyone with whatever they are doing. also i am a good builder and can and will build anything that is requested

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server:i stoped playing tekkit for a little bit and ended up getting back into it and would like to have a place to do all of tekkiting stuff in again

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  • 1 month later...


Have you ever been banned from a server: nope

What will you do on the server: little village with factory =3

What do are admins going to look for when you join: friendly and pretty good tekkit player!

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: I have been looking for a good tekkit server LONG time and now i think i find it.

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Have you ever been banned from a server:no

What will you do on the server:A server thats not laggy (im in canada so thats kinda hard)

What do are admins going to look for when you join:someone who will ask lots of questions about the rules (i like to know were the line is for instance i hate to not know what the admins consider griefing for instance (destroying)(placing)(both) i will ask many of these questions to know how to secure my home

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: looking for a server with Equivalent exchange (if you don't just say)

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  • 1 month later...

IGN: MrDexter

Have you ever been banned from a server: Nope

What will you do on the server: I will make new friends, trade and chat. My plan is to make an awesome fabric!

What do are admins going to look for when you join: They can look for an funny, mature and nice guy with cookie monster skin

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: I've been looking for an good server on Tekkit for a long time now. When i waltzed upon this i might have found it. It looks like an good community. I like thre rules, they fit me good!

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Ign sasorixmakiko

i have never been banned

what i plan to do: hopefully make friends love and tolerate people and make cool epic thingies.

what will you see in me: some one who can take a joke love *ADORES* Mlp and is mature.

why should you even accept: Ive been meaning to find a nice white-listed server to get away from all the haters and griefing. One with a nice community and diverse society where i can build make allys and do crazy fun things. hope you find me acceptable and maybe see you soon bye <3 .

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IGN: enemypotato

Have you ever been banned from a server: no never. i am always a helpful and active member of the community.

What will you do on the server: i choose to make friends on servers i play on and build a community around that. i love tekkit and all of its features and thats why i look for servers with no banned items. i will help and support players around me while still aiming to reach the 'endgame' so i can build a small town with the basics to help a new player of my choice (i always do this, i like to leave my mark on a server) ( postive mark (: )

What do are admins going to look for when you join: I've been known to help people in need. I've become an Admin/Moderator in a few minor servers due to my willingness to help new players. However, ignorant , pre-pubescent players that scream in the chat really get on my nerves. I choose to ignore them

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: i love tekkit servers and i aim to find servers with a white list as i am not fond of overpopulated servers where it is donate to become the most powerful. i like to challenge myself and build,explore and discover to become a powerful player with all the latest and greatest items and armour.

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  • 1 month later...


Have you ever been banned from a server:no

What will you do on the server:explore,meet players

What do are admins going to look for when you join:i don't know

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server:like servers, like meeting know players, the map look nice

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IGN: purerage372

Have you ever been banned from a server: No i dont play in servers all that much

What will you do on the server: build, have fun, and make friends

What do are admins going to look for when you join: Co-operation

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: To help build this server to become a power house of tekkit servers

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IGN: Descend

Have you ever been banned from a server:No

What will you do on the server:A lot,A shop,a magetower,a factory

What do are admins going to look for when you join:Well,i think i need respect

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server:Because I love tekkit servers and i will not grief.I promise!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Have you ever been banned from a server:Once, But I wasn't the cause of the ban, I was living right nexto the griefed house and was passing by when the admin tpd, And I got the blame without even getting to react x(

What will you do on the server:Meet some good people, Possibly make a public shop? Get the endgame gear, help beginners x)

What do are admins going to look for when you join:Don't really understand this question much, but when I join, I guess I'd be heading out to find a nice spot and get set up?

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server:Because it sounds like a really fun server and has a pretty nicely sized community and hopefully will have no lag problems =D

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IGN: NerdasaurasRex

have you ever been banned from a server: Nope (why not check?)

what will you do on the server: I'm looking for a server to call home, and whitelist servers are always more friendly, not to mention that 99% of the mod pack isn't banned. I plan on building a mage tower for ee2 and I want to learn more about redpower.

What are admins going to look for when you join: A friendly and enthusiastic player.

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: because it sounds like a server that fits the description of a server that i can call home.

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IGN: markaskins10

I have never been banned.

I will build machinery and will not cheat/dupe most whitelisted servers are friendly so i hope this one is and also wish for people who accolade.

A very kind responcible player wishing not to cheat/dupe and not to break the rules.

I think i should join because i am a avant-garde and have many itdeas for new things like diamond creating machines and stuff to create quantum suits.

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IGN: mushroom_7

Have you ever been banned from a server: nope

What will you do on the server: i have a few project ideas but think i'm gonna build a mansion first

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: i try to be a mature, responsible & helpful player, but pother than that i'm completely random and come up with insane, but awesome ideas!

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  • 3 weeks later...

IGN: charlie638 and burtonrjd

Have you ever been banned from a server: nope neither of us

What will you do on the server: help people if needed and build with others

What do are admins going to look for when you join: no we wont be a problem

Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: because we are experienced minecraft players and tekkit as well and we are looking for a good tekkit classic server to play on with others

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