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for all server owners wanting to ban items and blocks:

blacklist in worldguard works with bukkit forge 149 ,tekkit 0.5.5. (/server/plugins/worldguard/worlds, copy your finished blacklist to all worlds)

this is my list:








































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for all server owners wanting to ban items and blocks:

blacklist in worldguard works with bukkit forge 149 ,tekkit 0.5.5. (/server/plugins/worldguard/worlds, copy your finished blacklist to all worlds)

this is my list:








































Thank you so much!

I have needed something like this for so long. I lost so many buildings to the mining laser. Seriously, thank you!


Ok, unfortunately, we support *any* perms plugin but PEX.

If you use PEX you can use http://pex2gm.cgw.me/ to convert your permissions file to GroupManager (if you want to use it) and this to replace ModifyWorld. We recommend GroupManager over any other (PermissionsEx in particular) permissions plugins. For a list of reasons why, please read http://bit.ly/QBTtcQ.

Any questions, come onto irc.esper.net, #bukkitforge and ask me.


Is there a simple chest lock plugin that currently works? I see that Lockette and LWC doesnt work.

I also tested SecureChests and that doesn't work.

Not looking for anything fancy, just something that locks chests, iron chests etc.

edit: I got Lockette to work on Wooden Chests - but errors on Iron, Gold chests etc.


Ok, unfortunately, we support *any* perms plugin but PEX.

If you use PEX you can use http://pex2gm.cgw.me/ to convert your permissions file to GroupManager (if you want to use it) and this to replace ModifyWorld. We recommend GroupManager over any other (PermissionsEx in particular) permissions plugins. For a list of reasons why, please read http://bit.ly/QBTtcQ.

Any questions, come onto irc.esper.net, #bukkitforge and ask me.

It is cool


I need help. I want to get my Tekkit Lite Server up on friday but I have one bizarre problem.If I want to teleport (/spawn, /warp or with the WorldEdit compass) there is a nether portal where i was before the teleportation. I also tried to remove all plugins but it's also the same. So it's not because of the plugins. What could it be and how can I fix it? (Sorry for bad english, i'm german :D)


I need help. I want to get my Tekkit Lite Server up on friday but I have one bizarre problem.If I want to teleport (/spawn, /warp or with the WorldEdit compass) there is a nether portal where i was before the teleportation. I also tried to remove all plugins but it's also the same. So it's not because of the plugins. What could it be and how can I fix it? (Sorry for bad english, i'm german :D)

Plz tell us wich verison you use for next things:

plugins, tekkit, java, bukkitforge


I need help. I want to get my Tekkit Lite Server up on friday but I have one bizarre problem.If I want to teleport (/spawn, /warp or with the WorldEdit compass) there is a nether portal where i was before the teleportation. I also tried to remove all plugins but it's also the same. So it's not because of the plugins. What could it be and how can I fix it? (Sorry for bad english, i'm german :D)

Should be fixed in build 175


Nobody can help me with my Problems?

Using TekkitLite 0.5.2 with BukkitForge Build 149 !

Having 4 Problems: First Problem is that no Multi World Plugin i know works....have testet MultiVers and MultiWorld nothings works(want to create a second Mining World)? Have some Idea? With Multivers i can create i World but cant teleport there...

Second Problem: Where i can find the Folders for the Nether and the End?When Multivers dont work i can create a Mining World in the Nether(with the Mod NetherOres) but when i have farm enough in the Nether i will delete the World and create a new one....but i dont find any Folder or Structure for the Nether.Where can i find them?

Third Problem: In the Database Minecraft calls my World "Overworld"....but iam sure i named it Tanaris(its in the Server.properties). There is a Folder with Name Tanaris but in the Database the Name will called Overworld(see it with Multiworld and Commandbook).Maybe this is the Reason why MultiVers dont work?

Problem 4 and last Problem: Does TekkitLite with BukkitForge dont know LevelTypes? When i create a new World and write into server.properties LevelType: FLATMAP it creats a normal world....also with LARGEBIOMES....normal or a bug?


Nobody can help me with my Problems?

Using TekkitLite 0.5.2 with BukkitForge Build 149 !

Having 4 Problems: First Problem is that no Multi World Plugin i know works....have testet MultiVers and MultiWorld nothings works(want to create a second Mining World)? Have some Idea? With Multivers i can create i World but cant teleport there...

Second Problem: Where i can find the Folders for the Nether and the End?When Multivers dont work i can create a Mining World in the Nether(with the Mod NetherOres) but when i have farm enough in the Nether i will delete the World and create a new one....but i dont find any Folder or Structure for the Nether.Where can i find them?

Third Problem: In the Database Minecraft calls my World "Overworld"....but iam sure i named it Tanaris(its in the Server.properties). There is a Folder with Name Tanaris but in the Database the Name will called Overworld(see it with Multiworld and Commandbook).Maybe this is the Reason why MultiVers dont work?

Problem 4 and last Problem: Does TekkitLite with BukkitForge dont know LevelTypes? When i create a new World and write into server.properties LevelType: FLATMAP it creats a normal world....also with LARGEBIOMES....normal or a bug?

1, you need multiverse portals for players to hop in and out of your worlds, if not they need to use the command /mv tp name world

2, the nether and end map is called world_the_end and world_nether and is located in the first folder of your server, next to mods/plugins/world etc

3, Overworld is the default name of a regular world overworld, nether, the end, flatmap etc

4, Bukkitforge is in a very buggy state atm, create your world without bukkitforge then add it afterwards, you will just have to wait til he fixes these issues with bukkitforge and it gets several updates everyday so it shouldnt be too long


1: I have MultiVers Core + Portals....i can create a World but i cant TP to her( DOH! Doenst look like you can get to overworld from where you are...) no with command and i CANT create a portal to my new created world(i renember there is NO new Folder with my world)!!!!

2: Believe me there is no other folder....i only have config/coremods/lib/mods/plugins/world ! Thats all...but i can join the Nether!? So where he saves the Nether World? I have some Experience with Bukkit Servers....and i know how to set up a Server. But here i go crazy :-)

3: Yeah i know BUT i called my World Tanaris and Multivers + CommandBook + Database call my World OverWorld ! I think he alltime reset the config or so?

4: I will try to create a Server without Plugins still hes stable and then install BukkitForge and then i will see whats happen !

I you want my Server for testing or see what i mean send me an PM !

EDIT: Have createt a TekkitLite Server (0.5.2) WITHOUT BukkitForge and there are the same Problems(No Nether Folder/ End Folder )

Maybe its possible that its a Problem from TekkitLite?


could you take a picture of your server folder layout and upload it somewhere and post the link here?

also a pastebin of your forgeloader log would be nice


Just a note that McMMO keeps being listed as 'not working' - I'd say 'half works' as stats and features work up to taming, fishing and repair... other features work OK. Just saying this as some people may be happy with only those parts working... I have had serrated strike backfire on a counter attack... not sure if this is normal or a bug.

There are some listed that half work... I'd add lockette (signs work but can't edit them) and Residence to a half works category.


Telanis i couldnt find the problem with the server folder you provided, i removed all coremods mods and plugins configs and it still wouldnt create the nether so it must be a jar problem


that is my current modded server setup, just replace all configs and mods / coremods with the one you want to use and hopefully it should work


Telanis i couldnt find the problem with the server folder you provided, i removed all coremods mods and plugins configs and it still wouldnt create the nether so it must be a jar problem


that is my current modded server setup, just replace all configs and mods / coremods with the one you want to use and hopefully it should work


I start your Server and he also dont create a Nether World or a End World....the same "Error"

On my Server i use the Orginal TekkitLite from: http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit-lite/

Maybe the Mistake is i dont use the MCPC.jar from http://build.technicpack.net/job/MCPC-Plus/ ?

I use the orginal TekkitLite.jar

Or its my Java the makes the Error.....i try to install it new.....


Is there another bukkit forge download? 1.4.7 does not work on my server, and I can't seem to find another one. :/

Edit: This is what shows up when I download the link you provided and install it in the coremods.


What Server do you use? Tekkit ? Tekkit Classik TekkitLite? What Version from the Server? What Mods / CoreMods / Plugins

Multiverse DOES NOT WORK. Nor do any other multiworld plugins. Cross-world TP'ing works in the latest builds.

Forge and bukkit have very different multiworld implementations. Bukkit has a separate world folder for each world, whereas forge stores them in <worldname>/DIM<number> - DIM0 for overworld, DIM-1 for nether and DIM1 for end. Along with that, each of those dimensions have the same name, meaning that on BukkitForge, worlds are named via their provider's name - overworld, the_nether and the_end. if you want mining ages, use mystcraft for now.


but i have read that mystcraft take a lot of cpu power and is not very stable......it is true? have read that many users have problems with mystcraft on her servers....so i delete it.....

and with mystcraft you can create a unlimited nummbers of worlds ? and there you have all the ores vom ICS2(like tin and uranium and sapphire ect.)???

What Server do you use? Tekkit ? Tekkit Classik TekkitLite? What Version from the Server? What Mods / CoreMods / Plugins

i mean for Le_Christina to help her^^

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