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[1.4.7]EaveeCraft[150 slot][PVE][24/7][Thaumcraft][Forestry][Lagfree][>100 other mods]

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IGN: Adenti123

Age: 16

I would like to join a good server with no lags and a lot of people; Your server looks even nicer, as it has custom mods that i like

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Everyone pending acceptance has now been whitelisted. In addition, if you are crashing trying to access the server please see the original post for instructions on how to resolve the problem.


Hey, my ign's kuru15 and I was hoping to maybe join you guys! My sisters and I have been looking for a tekkit lite server to play together on and this seems like a nice place for it. We all have good track records rest assured, and we never start any trouble :P

Also, just noticed people are posting ages.

Age: 17


IGN: Scarlet12

Age: I'd rather not specify

I'd like to join this server for a few reasons:

1. My brother plays (kuru15)

2. I've always wanted to play on a server with the Mo' Creatures mod

3. Last but not least, I'd really like to play with some people on a Tekkit server, it sounds fun :)


ign: pinkadink

age: 14

I'd like to join the server because I'm new to this game and this server sounds like it's pretty cool. Also, I'm the sister of Skarlette12 and Kuru15.


  "Skarlette12 said:
IGN: Scarlet12

Age: I'd rather not specify

I'd like to join this server for a few reasons:

1. My brother plays (kuru15)

2. I've always wanted to play on a server with the Mo' Creatures mod

3. Last but not least, I'd really like to play with some people on a Tekkit server, it sounds fun :)

Really?.. you wont say your age.. it's not like we will rape you through the internet...


Alias: Coldhart

Age: 23

Played original tekkit when it was first released. It has been some time since I've played and theres been a lot of changes. I'd like to try out Tekkit but in conjunction with some of the mods that you've added to your server. (I like having Mo' Creatures)


Hey, wazzup! I'm making a whitelist request for me and my buddy, ('cause he doesn't have a technic forums account)


His IGN: ryanthegreat123

My age: 14

His age: 13

Why I want to join: Because I want to joiun a nice small community, and also I LOVE Mo creatures and when I saw your server had it, I nearly fainted *NERDGASM*

Why he wants to join: He likes small communities too and he loves chainmail armor but theres no way to get it in survival besides killing fire ogres in mo creatures. XP


could i be whitelisted please?

minecraft name HM_Silverbane

age? over 21

reason for wanting to join?

mainly mo'creatures but also i would like a place that hasnt got PvP, and has someplace for me to farm quietly. would also like someplace where i wont get grief'd, stolen from or faction'd and where i could actualy be part of a community. im a builder of buildings and houses mainly, so if anyone wants a lava bottom'd pool, or a fancy bar building, im your minecrafter.

(have registerd at site now)


Can you add me please? My minecraft name is TheFamousNoob

I wanna join because it's white listed, probably a good community and for all the other mods like thaumcraft.


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