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Stupid Fucking Nerd Train for Nerds


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  • 6 months later...


A Note on Thread Necromancy

We've been getting quite a lot of reports lately of people "necroing" old, threads, this is not actually against the forums rules.

The only time you need to report a necro is if it's particularly low effort (Responding to a thread that's long long dead with nothing but "Me too" or, "help pls" etc) since that actually violates a rule.

Understand that it is a faux pas to resurrect a very dead thread without good reason however and mods reserve the right to punish for lack of good sense.

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You can be punished for lack of good sense>_>

I consider that a slight against trains, and declare war on you and your descendants until the 1000th generation.

Of course, the rules basically say that whatever the mods don't like is wrong.

They don't like double posting.

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