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[TC][3.1.2] Parsonage [LPVP][50 Slot][Open][Residence][Mcmmo][NO EE][NO BALKONS][TeamSpeak]

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the server should be back up and running for you guys now. applogies. until I get a certain system running properly we will get the occasional crash. and usualy there is people online to restart. This is just one of those fluke times when none of us were on


  "soulgriever said:
I will put it right for you guys to understand the way that Parsonage works. What good is putting no-pvp and no-griefing in a server description when most have that, and what happens on most of those servers. you get griefed and killed anyway even though its against the rules. most servers dont have plugins setup properly or protection plugins at all. on parsonage I put it in the hands of the player. There is a plugin called residence its a plugin that players can use to select and buy land once they buy that land they control what happens on it. what i mean is you can make it where no1 else can grief on ur land no one can kill on your land or no one even go on your land. its all at the hands of the player and what they decide. I mean I wish i could say its a non pvp server and non grief server but in parsonage Im not going to waste time hunting down a griefer that probly only logged on once because someone didnt set up their protection right. see where im coming from?



hey guys so i just ordered SSD upgrade for the server however due to my browser being so lovely to change the settings for me the server is currently going through a location move to a diffrent state YAY so the server will be down for approx 8 hours or so being the time it takes to transfer over and back I sincerly applogize for any inconvienece this may be to you


Ok so we were able to interupt the transfer an stay on our machine without HOURS of downtime. however since we added the SSD their may be some downtime here an there configuring it properly


Looks like something got caught in an infinite loop somehow. Reminds me of how BuildCraft power pipes (used to?) make the server blow up when you connect them in a loop, but this seems to be RedPower, or at least redstone, related.

Any additional info on what happened before the crash?

Not sure of the state of the server or the map, but if you have any idea of what might be causing it, you might want to back up the map and iteratively use e.g. MCEdit to replace certain blocks with air and see if the problem still persists. When the problem block type have been identified, see what you can do to minimize the impact when applying a fix on the backup map.


ok so after having a nice trip to the doctor today and all that fancy jaz. Our server was attacked through a security leak in you guessed it COMPUTER CRAFT anyways I removed the measure that they used to hack the cc and the server should be running properly now.


hey guys just thought id let you kno ahead of time. my host sent me this "InterNAP notified us that the new crossconnects are in place to support our upgrade to a 10GE feed in Atlanta. In response, we shipped a new router to Atlanta for delivery on Thursday and we are scheduling work to occur between 2am and 4am EDT on Friday, August 17, in order to install that router and then switch over to the new configuration. With the upgrade to 10,000 Mbps of capacity at this location, and the new router, we will be much better able to respond to large DDoS attacks.

During the maintenance window, you should see a period of connectivity loss, lasting between 5 and 30 minutes -- we are doing as much testing as we can ahead of this, in order to try to keep it to a minimum. During the downtime, your service will continue running, but it will be disconnected from the internet, and you won't be able to manipulate it through your control panel."


  "Telamonian_Empire said:
This server made me have even less hope. I hate PvP AND Griefing, just makes for HORRIBLE servers in my opinion. I'm just saying, would be nice to have at least ONE server without PvP and Griefing nonsense.

Seriouslly?? I have no hope for servers because of people like you! The only reason I like servers is to compete against other people and blow stuff up.


I've been playing on this server for over a week now, and it's been largely positive.

I'm not a huge fan of PvP, but spawn is a PvP free area, and the residence mod will allow you to turn PvP off on your property, so if you prefer to mine and build without being harassed, that's completely doable.

Equivalent Exchange is disabled, which makes the materials you gather a lot more valuable, and players have shops in spawn for trading them. They're currently trying to convert the economy to use Industrial Credits, so prices are still a bit wonky, but I expect that to get better in the future.


Hi all,

Great server I have really enjoyed playing tekkit on your server.

I would like to request that the feature list on your initial post be updated please. It is frustrating trying to figure out how to use a mod such as mobcatcher when its either not installed or enabled.




  "Melaqua said:
Hi all,

Great server I have really enjoyed playing tekkit on your server.

I would like to request that the feature list on your initial post be updated please. It is frustrating trying to figure out how to use a mod such as mobcatcher when its either not installed or enabled.



Thankyou I really appreciate this Ill fix it right now


Hey everyone I regret to inform you that on Sunday Aug 26 2012 The server will be having a world reset. This includes all worlds (overworld, nether, end), All mcmmo levels, All balances, All inventories. This has been a much heated debate between me and my admins the reasons for the reset remain anonymous, just believe us when we say it has to be done. I apologize ahead of time I know it sucks but think of it not that your losing your work but try to think of it as a new start. I will be starting again just like you guys. Please note if you have purchased a package you will receive it again so you did not donate for nothing. I again applogize and hope that you guys will stick around on our server and hopefully once again stay a strong community threw these hardships.


  "ReservoirDogg said:
Sweet, ill wait till the restart.

well I figured id let you know that the map was actualy reset a few hours after that post was made. as players didnt want to wait for basicly everything they made to be destroyed which I can respect, So we decided to just reset the map then an there. The spawn is still being built however as we want to be able to say it was built legitly. so all the resources are being gatherd and the spawn has made great progress already thanks to spunkiethefirst.


  "soulgriever said:
I will put it right for you guys to understand the way that Parsonage works. What good is putting no-pvp and no-griefing in a server description when most have that, and what happens on most of those servers. you get griefed and killed anyway even though its against the rules. most servers dont have plugins setup properly or protection plugins at all. on parsonage I put it in the hands of the player. There is a plugin called residence its a plugin that players can use to select and buy land once they buy that land they control what happens on it. what i mean is you can make it where no1 else can grief on ur land no one can kill on your land or no one even go on your land. its all at the hands of the player and what they decide. I mean I wish i could say its a non pvp server and non grief server but in parsonage Im not going to waste time hunting down a griefer that probly only logged on once because someone didnt set up their protection right. see where im coming from?

ok ur right no matter what u do u will have players come on and grief.but u can trun off pvp all together sould look in to it.


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