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This forum is terrible. Fuck Everyone.

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16 answers to this question

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Do you expect people to reply to your messages within a day?

just look at how long other posts took to get commented on!

Looking at your problem I would advise to either try a different version of the modpack or just be patient and wait for a better reply!

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Problem: I don't like this forum

Solution: Don't come here

Works for everyone

You are clearly upset because this topic


Hasn't been answered, and it's about 15 hours old

Learn to be patience please

EDIT: Notice how this topic has received almost instant response? That is because we have something to contribute, would you like me to post sarcastic and useless comments on your other topic or would you like someone to post something that could actually help you

I have a lot of sarcasm and very little help regarding your other issue

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its not all because of my post, browsing other posts i just found many arrogant people just basically making fun of people for not knowing how to do stuff and that id the whole reason people post in here

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  "Tubz56 said:
its not all because of my post, browsing other posts i just found many arrogant people just basically making fun of people for not knowing how to do stuff and that id the whole reason people post in here

We don't make fun of other people for not knowing how to do things, we make fun of people who prove that they cannot learn how to do things themselves. If you come with a legitimate issue, and present it in a legitimate way, then someone will help you, no matter how stupid the issue. If you don't, then you are mercilessly ridiculed because it's more fun that way.

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Okay, we'll all accommodate you now. We see that we were really terribly cruel. I would like to assure you as a representative of tech inc that your assistance in this matter is appreciated.

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Any way why did this guy post the same issue report 3 times any way

surely that has to be breaking some rule

for those who are incapable of finding these posts themselves:




And then he claims he is only upset because of this:

  "Tubz56 said:
its not all because of my post, browsing other posts i just found many arrogant people just basically making fun of people for not knowing how to do stuff and that id the whole reason people post in here


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it was only 1 post... the second "post" was a comment on my initial post including a picture to help someone that would know what they are doing. sometimes a visual aid helps out, the next "post" was just an angry comment because I am an impatient teenager with anger issues

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And to end my time with this site I will add one last note. The fact that I was never warned, banned, or anything punishable happened to me, for making this stupid post just goes to show how terrible your forum is, nobody wants to see this bullshit that I posted

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  "Tubz56 said:
And to end my time with this site I will add one last note. The fact that I was never warned, banned, or anything punishable happened to me, for making this stupid post just goes to show how terrible your forum is, nobody wants to see this bullshit that I posted

Actually, if you take a look around, we LOVE watching trainwrecks. We have a special place that we put the good ones.

Yours was only mediocre. You should try harder next time.

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  "Tubz56 said:
And to end my time with this site I will add one last note. The fact that I was never warned, banned, or anything punishable happened to me, for making this stupid post just goes to show how terrible your forum is, nobody wants to see this bullshit that I posted

You will find that you have no in fact broken any of the rules of this forum, therefore had you been warned, banned or in any other way punished then we would be on par with anything on the internet run by a ban happy admin, here at Technic we are not ban happy, infact most of the bans dealt out that I have seen have been asked for by the OP because they have posted themselves into a deep hole of shame and ridicule and, by being banned, can now claim to have been unfairly treated while being unable to defend themselves

But still, the moderators have spoken, you have not yet lowered yourself to such depths and as such this topic has been found unworthy

  "Tubz56 said:
I am an impatient teenager with anger issues

I'm an impatient 23 year old man with anger issues, but I have outlets for my impatience, Tekkit Lite for example

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