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Galacticraft: Features and appeal?


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Hey guys,

After scouring through the Galacticraft wiki and its minecraftforum.net entry, several posts in this forum and watching a bit of the YogLabs episodes, I wondered: What is the core appeal of going to the Moon? (Except the vague advertisements: "Explore the moon" / "New dungeons!" / ...) Where lie the advantages of me construction a space station? I am asking this, because it seems to be the new iconic mod to the Tekkit pack and I am unsure, what makes this mod a great addition.

To sum up my concerns: While the content seems innovative and fun, the actual usefulness of it remains doubtful to me. Is someone able to dispell these concerns through examples of what I can do once on the moon or is it simply another some-sort-of age? What are advantages of going there, except content (more resources / faster resources / better tools / ...)?

Sorry for my highly practical approach to Galacticraft enthusiasts.

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  • Forum Administrators

Are you asking why we included something "innovative and fun" (your words) in Tekkit?

Seriously think about that for a second.

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OP, think in the long run. It will be updated with many items and we will use futuristic machinery and go to more than the moon like you saw in the yogs cast. In which i remember they had more than just the moon there that they could of went to. But you can always stick to your Cobblestone Box.

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Dont get me wrong, I am a Tekkit fan ever since it consisted of just about only IC2 and BC. At the moment, I just see this seemingly major mod (main image of Tekkit, first mod in the modlist and stuff) and it feels like just another Mystcraft age without benefits^^ Hence I was simply wondering, if I am hopefully wrong.

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